Minutes 1937-04-07 ~ 135: Arroyo Grande ~ California ~pril 7, 1937 City Council met in regular session with 4a~ting i:~iayor > u. S. Gibson in the chair. upon roll call Councilmen Gibson, Schnyder and ~Nhitloek reported present. ~+:ayor Conrad and Councilman Phillips absent. i.,inutes of previous meeti~ read and approved as read. Communications read and disposed of. ~6CLUTIQRT 73 ~i RESOLUTIOT' APPROVING PRQJECT STATE1~iENT rROIUI STATE HIGH`JIIAY AND AUTHORI`LING SIGI~L=iTURE OF SAI4':E.BY R. B. &~IINEAU Fassed and adopted by the fo~lowing vote: , AYES: Councilmen Gibson. Schnyder and '~Jhitlock. r~OES: None ABSENT: r:ayor Conrad and Councilman Phillips. ORDIbTAIvTCE 56 !'~Id O:~DINANC'E Or THE CITY OF ARROYO Gi`~.AIv'DE ~ I1`T CALIFORI~:IA ~ PER'I'AII~?IRTG TO ~'UI~rI~ DEALEFcS ~ ~ U1VK COLLECTORS ~ AND SECOND*HAND DEALEt~~~ AS ~:~EIN DEr~Il~'ED~ ~'RO'dIDING FOR TI-~ LICEA'~ING Or ~UNK DEALERS, JL11~TK COLLEGTORS AR~ SECOND-HAl~~ DEALERS, AlVD PRESCRIBING PEA?ALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIOA~ THE~EOF. The Ordinance ~ras read by the Clerk, and upon motion~ vrhich was seconded and carried~ was adopted by the~following vote: AYES: Councilmen~ Gibson, ~chnyder anci'~Jhitloek. P;OES: rtTOne ~BSENT: Ib~ayor Conrad and Councilman Phillips. The Ordinance was then and there signed by the ~jetin~; IL:ayor and attested by the Clerk of the City and ordered printed and published in t~e Herald Recorder. Claims against the ueneral Fund in the amount of ~ 634.48 and the '~~ater Fund in the amount oF $ 4$0.10 were audited appro~red and ordered paid. _ City Clerk reported License collections for the period ending December 31~ 1936, show an inErease of ~ 122.50 over eolleetions for same period of 1934. Subjeet of insurance for ~Peuriti~es held by ~City Treasurer carried over to next meeting.as the Eank already has insuranee on Safety Deposit Boxes. I~TO £urther business appear~ing and upon motion the meet' was adjourned. . _ ~ iv,ayor ~TTEST : - ~ . " City lerk 4