Minutes 1937-05-05 13~ y c-~ ~ ~ Arroyo ~;:ranc~e, C;aliz"ornia ~~ril 21, 1937 City Courlcil met ir~ re~zlar• sessior~ ~~-~~itr~ .-:ctin~; u:a~ro~ J. S. Gi~son in the chair. L~on rol~ call Couneilrnen Gi~son, Phillips, Sc~~lyder ana _ ~~nitlock reortea ~resent. :bsent I~:ayor ~:'onrad. T,~inutes of ~revious r:~eetin~ rean anc a~provec: as read. Corr;~iunications read and ais~~osed o~ . Claims aFairlst the uer~eral ~'und in the ar~~ount of ~ 3~' .20 arid the ~~ater ~ und ir. trie amount of $16.OG ~~~ere audited a~,-.rove~ and ordered ,~aid. .~~r. i~iorr.er ap_,~~area ~efore the Board to r~~.ve certain seetior.s of Crciinance Tr ;b, a~ Ordi.r~~.nce a~'iectiRn~ junk and seeonci hand aealers, explair~ed to Y~is satisfaction. i~.:"oved s~condee and carried that l~iunici~~l iicenses ~~Tos. 16G1~ 161z~ ~ 17G~ ~ 1712 anct 1'731 be cancEle~ due to thE faet tYi<~.t tYiey ~~rer•e levieci. upon businesses ~drhich hat~ ceaseu. to o~,erate. ~~ubject oP erecting a tence at il~~:enny's ser~vice station carried ove~ unti~ ne~.t r~eeting. • :~:o fu~ ~.~el° ~;us~t~ess ar~.ear•int; anu u~.:-~r~ i~~otian t:~e s~.eetin~ .ra~ ac~,.o~arned. TI'~~T : ~ ~ - C,lty Clerk T~~.ayor Arroyo ~rande, California r~; ay 5 ~ 1937 City Council met in re~,~-ular sess~on ~w,~ith ."~ctin~ t~>ayor J. S. Gibson in the chair. !~r~orl roll call Councilmen Gibson, Phillips, :~chnyder and ':r'~zitlock reported ~~resent. ~x':ayor Conrad absent. I'inutes of previous meetin~; read and approved ~s read. Cornmunications read and di~goser~ o£. RL~CLUTION 74 R~;SOLUTI~I~T AUT~:ORIZIP~G EXECliTIO~ ~k' P::~ORAtTD~I OF ~~GR.EEr~Et~1T r~OR T?~ F~EI~~i ITU~E OF Ti~ FCR S'i.~,TE iiIC7I.NAYS t~l`?D KPYROVING S~I~E.. ~=assect and a~iopted by tYie i o~lo~~rin~~ vote: ~.YES : Councilmen~ C~ibson, Phillips, Se~~nyder ana '."1nitlock. P;Or~S z one ABSLI~TT: :~.;a;~~o~~ Conr~.d. ;:_oued C;ouncilraan achnyder~ seconded by Councilr.lan 'a'dhitlock~ rr~otion carz~iec~ unanimously, tnat the one o' clock closin~ ordinance ~overnin~ dances held in the City of Arroyo Grande ~e rigidly enforced. ~,t.is enforc en:ent to begin irr~ediately. ~~reet su~erinter~dent ir~str•ucted to r~oti~'y ~roj~erty o~vners h~v~ng v,reeds upan their prem~ises tn~.t they must be clear~ed by ~aturaay l~':ay 1~~ or sarne uvili be done by t:ne City and cost charr;ed ~gainst the l~roi erty . i."oved seeonded and carried that if I~;r. i~~:enny .rill ~~rnisYi n:aterials City ~dvill erect a Fence across entrarce leadin~.* from Valley Road to his stor~~ it Yiavir.~ been decided tt~at tne use of this entran~e as a ~:ublic thorou~hfare is a Menac~ to the sa:'ety of the motorin~ publie ~:equest of :;.rs. iurley ~or street lig~'r~t denied upon the ~roands tiiat at the pres~mt time thc l~cality is too thinly pop- ulated t;o ~Jrarr~ant the expense. . C:ityT r~roperty facin~; on Leec~ham Lane o~ ~ erea t or sale and open for bids. . Claims ~~ainst the Ueneral :una in the amourt of ~ 711.12 and the ~dater Fund in the ~noant of ~1C20.o1 ~~ver~ audited~ apj roved and orc~~red paid. ~ubject oi Insurance on '1'reasure-r's ~ecurities c~~rried over. P1o farther business a~_~eariri~ and upon motion tne meetinF~ .aa~ ad j ourned . ~ ~ ~ Ci y Clerk ~'ia~ror ~