Minutes 1937-05-19 137 Arroyo Grande, Calif. , I~:ay lg, 1937 City Council met in re~ular session vvith actin~r :~~:ayor . Gibson in the chair. Upon ro1.1 call Cour~cilmen Ci?~~on, Phillips, ~chnyder and ~~Ihit- lock reported nressst. "~'inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. i4~ir. Henry Cleven~er and several rnembers of the local dance eor~:ittee appeared beFore the Board to ask permission to contin~e ttie local dance until two o' elock ~1. ~'I. :;fter so:~.e discussio~ it was explained by the Board tnat as the City Ordinance ealls for all dances to close at one o'clock and as thid ~articular dance has been continual source of annoyance the decision to close at one T~;. ~vould have to stand. ComiLunications read and dis~osed of. ~'~oved by Courcilman :~dhitlock, seconded by Councilman rhillips, that ~arl :'Jood be appointed to fill the vacant ofrice ot Councilman, caused by the death of our esteemed member '~J. A. Gonr3d ~r. Said a~pointment to run ur:til the next regular eleEtion. Fassed and adopted by the following vo~~: AYES: Councilmen, ~hillips, Schnyder and ~lhitlock. ~T~~S: i\rOT12 :~'L~w~:~~T`I' : 1~,TOriE . ~-.:oved by Coa~ci~man Scizriyc:er ~~econded by Councilman vlhit,lock, tYrat Police Cnie~ A~orton's salary be raised to ~90. per rnonth, to run from month to m.onth. Passed and adopted by the rollowin~ vote. -yYES: Councilr~~en~ Schnyder and :lhitlock. T?OES: Councilman~ i hillips. ~E3SEl~TT : None . ~ ~:~Tovea, seeonaeci ar~a carried that :arry iiart salary be raised to 50¢ per nour. ~~•~o further business appear•in~; and upon motion the meetin~ was . d d j ourned. , , yT1Eji : City Clerk Q T.~ayo . Arroyo Grande~ California ~une 2, 1937 City Council met ir~ regular session with aeting N~ayor J. S. ' Gibson in the chair. Upon roll call Councilmen~ Gibson, Schnyder and ';dhitlock re- ported present. ~~bsent Councilmen, ~'hillips and '~Yood. ~~:inutes of previous meeting read and approved as ~ead. Comr~unic3tions read and disposed of. ?'.':oved~ seconded and unanimously earried that City ,uditor i-~. A. `I'ruesdale's report fot the t'iscal year 1936-37 be accepted. i..oved, secor~aed and unanimously carried that Brisco claim for floral wreath be reduced fror~ $10.00 tb $7.50~ as a~parently we did not receive full value as compared with other floral pieces of like size and description. ~iaims against the General !~'und in the amount of ~729.08 and the ':,'at er ~ und in the amount of ~3']8.72 were audi ted ~ approved and ordered paid. I~:oved, seconded and unanimously carried th~.t Harold J. Tanis be granted permission to onerate a second hand car r~arket at 10~- 107 ~srancn St. l~?o further business appearing and upon ;~otion the meeting was - adjourned. ; i f ~ ~T~rEST: ~ City Clerl~ ~layor ~ ~ ~ ~