Minutes 1937-06-02 137 Arroyo Grande~ Calif. . N'iaY 1° ~ 1937 City Council r~et in regular session ~dvith actin~; r,~iayor ~ibson in the chair. ilpon roll call Councilmen Circon, Phillips, Schnyder and ~~~dhit- lock reported presa$t. ~.inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. i4~`_r. iienry Clevenger and several members of the local dance eomrr.ittee appeared before the Board to ask permission to contin~e tt~e local aance until two o' elock ~1. 1~'I. .~~fter so:ne discussio~i it was explained by the Board tn~t as the City Ordinance calls for all dances to close at one o'clock and as thid ~articular dance has been a continual source of ~nnoyance the decision to close at onE Pu.. would have to stand. Com~~unications read. and dis~osed of . :~'[oved by Cour_cilman i~hitlock, seconded by Councilman rhillips, that ~arl ',dood be appointed to fill the vacant ofz"'ice o~' Councilman, caused by the death of our esteemed member '~J. A. Conrad ~r. Said appointment to run ur.til the next regular election. Fassec3 and adopted by the follawing vo~~: AYES: Councilmen, Phillips, Se'rinyder and ~lhitlo~k. ~r0~~ s i?one BS:~P?T : None . '-:_oved by Coa~ci~man Scnnyc:er ~~econded by Councilman ~lhitlock, that Police C'riie~ ~~orton's salary be raised to ~90. ~er rnonth~ to run from month to m.onth. Passed and adopted by the rollowin~ vote. -~YES: Councilr:~en~ Schnyder and ;lhitlock. PTOES: Councilman, i hillips. AF3SENT : None . • :~?avea~ seeoncied ar~a carried that ~arry 'riart salary Le r~ised to 50¢ per hour. ~~o further business appear•in~; and upon motion the meetin~~ was ~ a d j ourned. f~ i' T 1 E S i: ~ , City Clerk Q P.~ayo . Arroyo Grande, California ~une 2, 1937 City Council met ir~ regular session with acting 1Viayor J. S. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll call Councilmen, Gibson, Schnyder and '~~Jhit,lock re- ported present. ~~bsent Councilmen~ Yhill.ips and '~Yood. ~~:inutes of previous meetin~ read and approved ?~s ~ead. Communications read and disposed of. I'.;:oved, seconded and unanimously earried that City -,uditor H. A. Truesdale's report fot the t'iscal year 1936-37 be accepted. i~..oved, secor.cted and unanimously carried that Hrisco claim for floral wreath be reduced fro^~ ~10.00 tb $7.50~ as appaz~ently we did not receive full value as compared with other floral pieces of like size and description. ~laims against the General !~'und in the amount of ~729.08 and the '.'lat er ~ und in the amount of $378 .72 were audited ~ approved and ordered paid. I'~:oved, seconded and unanimously carried th~t Harold J. Tanis be ~ranted permission to operate a second hand car r:iarket at 10~- 107 Brancn St. ~?o furtner business appearin~, and upon motion the meeting was - a~journed. , ~ ' < ~ ( ~ITrEST: ~ Ut~. City Clerk ~;ayor ~ ~ ~ ~