Minutes 1937-07-21 13~ Arroyo Grande~ ealifornia v U~ ~ ~ 193? City Cc~uncil met i~ regular sessian v~ith B~aayor J. S. ~ibson in the ehair. Upon rbll"call Couneilmen Gibson~ Scbnyder~ ~hitlock a~ci ~ood reported preseat« ~.beent Couneilman P2~llips. B~inutes-of previ~ous meeting read and approved as read. Coma~xni.~ations read and disposed of. Ordinarzee W~8 read Pcsr the first time to be re-read at the next regtzlar me~~.ing. CTaims against the General Fund ir~ the amount of $ 731.40 and tbe Water l~ttnd i~ the amount~ of $ 3f 5.21 were audited~ approred and ordered paid. No further busineas appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourne~. . ° . ~ ~ ~ETTEST x ~ City ler~ ~ - ~ayor Krroyo Grande ~ Calif ornf~ - ~uly 21~ 1937 - City Council met in regular session with ~ayor J. S. Gibson in the c hair . Upon r.~~,l.;~ll Councilmen Gibson~ Phillips, Schnyder, ~Nhitlock a.nd iNood r~brted present. ~ibsent ATone. ~inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Communications read and disposed of. . ~ir. Easton ai~d:~ir.,~:~,e~asler of the Sazata ~aria Gas Co. appeared before the Board to explain the 1937 r^ranchise Tax Act as passed at the last se~sion of the Legislatwae! and also to ask that they be permitted to present an ~pplication for a new t~ranehise to replace exi.sting one which expires on ~ugust 32th. 193~ o~iN~vcE # 58 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING aECTION 1~ OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLEDs "~N ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TEMPORARY REA~ISSION OF PENALTIES~~ i INTERES~T AND ~OaTa UP02~ THE REDEMPTION OF PROPERTY SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES~ DE~LARING THE URGEI~?CY OF THI~ ORDINANCE AND PROVIDING THAT IT SHALL TAKE EFFEC'~I' UPO1V' FINAL ADOPTIO~" ~ PASSID AND ADOPTED 01~ THE 16th DAY OF DE~E~IBER 1936. The Ordinance was read by the Clerk~ ~nd upon motioa~ which was ' seconded and carr~ed „ was adopted by the following vote: AYESs Councilmen Gibson~ Phillips~ Schn~rder, Whitlock and Wood. NOESs None. ABSENT: None. The Ordina.nce was then and there signed by the Mayor and attested ~he Clerk of the City and ordered printed and publisheci in the Herald Recorder. Councilman iNood appointed to fill vacaneies on various committees caused by the appoi~tment of Councilman Gibson to the oPfice oP ~6ayor. ~".aved~ seconded and unanimously carried that City purch~se supply ' of ~ipe f'rom Henry Agueda. , No ftu~ther business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjo~r rned. ~ ~ ATTEST~ City Clerk Ma r