Minutes 1937-08-04 140 ~ . Arroyo Grande, Californi$ ~ ~ugust 4, 193? ~ ~ City Coar~cil m~et in regular ae~sion wfth Mayor J. S. Gibson ia the chair. Upo~ roll call Councilmen Gibson~ Phillips, Srl~der~ Whitloek and Woo~ reparted pr~8e~t. Absent aone. ~i~'~es of pre~riou~ meetin~g read and ~pproved ~s read. `t Comm~nieat,fans regd and disposcd of. Moved~ seconclred and ttnantmnusly carrted that Water Superintendent purchas~ i(IG ~a~crete meter bo~es to replace the wooden oaes now in use. C1afm~s against the Generarl Fund in the.am~unt of $5~3•32 and ~h~ Wst rr Fund in th e am ount o~ $6~9 .91 ware au8f ted ~ spprov~d and ordered paid: ~tt~ ~i~ri~ I~ubmit~ed~:bi.d~ of::~. - E: Phoen~z, in th~:~srar~~•~a~• ~i2~Q~0~ ~~r La~.:.~nting on Leedham Lane. Upon motion whieh was regularly ~e~¢orid~d~~:and_:unanimd~CS~g~ :~arr.ied the Boar~ agrae~ to accepL the bid and refer the matter to the City ~ttorney fo~ further handlir~g. I~'o £urther b~a~iness appearing and upon motiaa the meetf~ng was adjourn~d: . _ _ M._,V { ~ ~ 4,. « . . 4 . ~ . . . b ~TTEST s ` t ~ . ' C ~~y . ~ayor . Arroyo Grande~ Califormia .~ugust~:;~18, 1937 City Council met in regular session with Mayor S. Gibson in the chair. ~ ~ Upon roll call Councilmen Gibson~ Phillips, '+Yhitlo~k and ~tood reported prea~ent. Councilman Sehnyder absent. I~inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Comr~unications read and ordered placed on file. RE50LU~rzo~ # 76 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE ~S CITY 0~17NED PROPERTY - F`RONTIN~ ON LEEDFiAA~ LANE AND DIRECTING THE ~RYOR T~ E~fE~UTE AND DELIVER DEED TO SAME. Passed and adopted by the Pollowing votes AYES: Councilmen Gibson, Phfllips, r1~lhitlock and Wood. NOES: None ~BSEI~TT: Councilman Schn~yder. Having ad~ourned as a Board of Equalizati-on~ and upon motion which was properly aeconded and una.nimously carried~ the Tax Rate for the eurrent year was set as follows: General Fund ~1.00. Sewer Box~d Fund .30¢. Bridge Bond Fvnd .2~¢. WaterX~ Fund .10~, makir~ a total rate of $1.60 on each $I~. of valuation. Claim against the '~Nater Fund in the amount of $16.1? was audited~ approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meetfng was adjourned. . , _ . ~TTEST : ~ , ~ ity Clerk &iayor