Minutes 1937-10-06 142 ~ ~ Arroyo Grande~ California ~'"J September 15~ 193? City Counail met in regular sess~on, with r,'ayor J. S. Gibson in th~ chair. Upon roll c~ll Couneilmen Gibson, Phillips, Schnyder~ V~hitlock and Wood reported preaent. Absent none. ~iinutes of previous me~ting read and approved as read. Communications read and plaeed or~ file. Petition of b~rs. Gertrud~ Stewart~ G. C. LaMarsno~~.lbert P. Laborid~e and ~rs. .AfSra Riehmo~di atating tha.t they would pay $2~00 per month For water, with the idea oP the City laying a new line fbr them~ was ra~d.and discussed. Superintendent ~ring iastructed to notify petitioners that they will have to furnish their own pipe line and san~e can be p~3.d for through the use of water . Said pipe line must be new pipe and subject to t~he approval of the water 9uperintendent~ if the City is eventually going to purchase same. Claim against the General Fund in the amount of $2~'.0~ was audi~.ed, approved and ordered paid. Moved~ seconded and unanimously ~arried that City Li~ena~s Nos. 1902 and 1915 be can~eled due to th~ recent Opinion of the Attorney General that they are entirely under the jurisdiction of the State Railroad Comrnis~ion and not subjeet to I~~umicipal Lieense. Cit3r Cl~rk granted twa weeks vacation beginning October 4th. No ~urther business appearing and upon motion the meeting wgEs ad j o.ia~a~~ed. . ATT~T s ~ ~ - ~ City Clerk ~Iayor Arroyo Grande, Californi3 October 6, 1937 City Council met in regular session with Pviayor J. S. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll eall, Councilmen Gibson~ Phillips~ Schfl,yder and ~Jhitlock reported present. Councilman Wood absent. Minutes of preYfous meeting read and approved as read. No communications. Street and rJater Superintendent ~ranted vacation. Claims against the General Fund in uhe amount of $~~6.16 and the ~Nater Fund in the a~ount of $1~~~.66 were audited, approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting.was adjourned. ~ ATTEST: May or _ I, 't Clerk ~ • ~ ~'VI • . I.~~a,~.~^'/