Minutes 1938-04-06 ~50. ~ Arroyo Grande~ California ~ ' -;pri1 6, 1Q38 ~ City Council met in regular session wit~~ I'.ayor S. Gibson in ~he chair. L'~on roll call Councilmen Gibson~ ~=hillips, Schflyder, ':Jhitloek and rYood reported ~resent. :`~bsent none. f T~iinutes of previous meeting re~r and approved as rea.d. t~~r- . Fre. Marsalek aipeared before the ~oard to ask th~t they go on record as f~vorin~ the observanee of Good Friday by ad- vocating that ~~.1 business houses close between the hours of 12 noon and 3~. I~~. R~~Ir. lrarsalek was assured that the movement oF observing Good ~ rid~.y ~roula receive the i~hole hearted eo- cperation of the Council. . U~loved, seconded and unar.imously c~rried that Police Judge Eldridge be granted ~ leave of ~bsence fror.? the state for a period of not to exceed sixty days frori =~pri1 2~th. ` Comr,lunic ~tions read and ordered r laced on ~"ile. ~.egular annual clean u~~ ~.Jeek set for .~pril 9th to 16th. , Police Chief Norton instructed to keep the two adc3itional deputies until next re~ular r.ieetin~. Pt~`oved, seconded and unanimousl~t carried that 'u~later Bills in the names of I~al~h Bennett $4.~0, H. G. 4?one~: $1.00~ ~N. B. Leavens $4.80 ~ Dan Smith $2 .OG ~ r. E. Benriett ~C Son ,~3.00 and r. E. Bennett $6.00, ~~d: C~~r. ~e `rhwa~its $1:00 as- p~~t~ ~~r~ u~collect-' - a~~e and part are as~umed.:to.ha~~":been paid prior to ~/3~/36. Claims .against tne General r'ufld in the amount of $611.~8 and the '1Jater Fund in the ~~mount of $2688.65 ~nzere, audited~ . ;approved and ordered paid. - • No further husiness appearin~ and upon motion the meet'~ng was .~djourned. - . y . , r ~ / /7 / ' 1 ? / ATTEST: ~~(~J • ~ ' ~ ~ Clt Clerk Iulayor. .