Minutes 1938-04-18 1~1 rroyo Grande California. -~?r'ii 1" ~ 193~5 C'ity Cour~cil r~~et in sneci~~l ses~ion ~vit~~~~ i~~`_ayor S. Cit;son i r, tne ch~ir . ~ ~1 or~ roll cal~ Councilmen c";ibson~ i'hilli~s ~ ti~chnyder ~~dhitlock ~nd '~^lood reporteci ti~r~:; ent. bsent none . `I'he nurpose o£ the ~•~ecial meetin~r b~in~ for the car!vas.: i n~r of returns~ of the Ger~eral i~:unici:,al ~lection held ~pril 12th. 1938• 'ihere beir~€; no absente~ ballots ~ a1'ter canv~ss o~' the election retur~ns, the Clerk presented the follo:rir~; reso~ution: R~'~~0' i1TI~TT # ~1 - IrT T"r:";, CO~J~TCIL 0~~' TT-~ CITY 0~' `-_~~~CYG G~.~"'U~, :~T°,TE C~ C LIrO:-ZrTIA~ ~~:SCLUTIO~`~ D~C'L~"~:~ING ~ESULT Cr ~L~'CTI01`T. ~1'r 5, ~~:~erzer-« i.:unicipal election w:-.~ ~iela in the Cit~,~ of Arroyo Grancye~ or. '1'uesda ~ April 12th. 1938 as rec~uired. by l~.w~ And ,d~~~;.~,~5 it a"pears t'ri~t notice of' said election w~s duly and leg~lly `iven, tnat uotin~ nrecincts vrere ^roperly established, that Election ol~ icers were ~lr oir~ted ~na election supr?iies furnished~ =~nd that ir. all respects aaid election ~ras held ar.ci conducted a.nd the votes , cast tnereat received anc~ canv~:s~ed, ~~nd the returns thereof m~-~de and ' declared in tirl.e ~ orm and :n ~nr.er as re~~uir~c by 1^w o:i sixth class Cities. ':^'D ~I~~~~.~5, the Co~ancil of sa_id City met ~t the Council Chamber thereat or. I~.:ond~:-r the l~th. da~;r o~' April 1~3~, to canvass th~: returns ef said election~, and install the nev~ly elected officers~ anc havir~~ c~.rvas.=ed said retur•ns, the Council finds that the nur~ber of votes cast, tne narr~es ol ~tY;e persons voted for, :a.nd other m-~tters reruire~ lavr~ to be ~s hereinafter stated, novv tYiere~ore ~ E~. IT R?:ti>GTVE~; as follo~~rs: `That said Genera~ P~~unieil~~al election ~vas held,a~d conducted in t:~e Cit~;~ of °,.rroyo Grande or_ ~i"uesd~y the 1,welfth d-zy of pril 193~, in time, ~'orm and manner as rec~uire.d by law~ that th~re vvas one votirl~ nrecinct established f•~r the pur^ose of holding sai~i Election consistin~r of a co solidation o~ the regul~r n?[a n~ election 1 recincts est~blished for theno General ;~tate and County elections <~s follo~~r~: G~nsolidatec precinct A) cor~prisir.g State and County precincts i~umber one ana tvro, and the voting place tr~~eof ~vas the City ~_all. T:'~at the whole r~umber of votes cast in said City vras 61~ that the names of the persons votec? f or ~ the ofFices for whicht~.ey vvere voted ~ thE number of vot~:s ~;iven ir_ each precinct to each o~ said persons to~ether ;Jlt,til tne ~.~rhole rnamber oi' votes ~°rhich they received in the er.tire City ~.re as ~ollovas: I`:ar:~e of peraors voted ~ or, Votes ~~seph S. Gi~son. CouncilMar~ ful~ term 48 ~ . ~ . Schnyder 56 ~ Ler~ Conrad Coancilman short term ~5 R~SOLJED therefor~, tl-iat at said General i~.,unicip=~~ election~ ~oseph S. Gi.bson ~vas electect Councilman of the City o£ :~rroyo Grande Por the full term of four vears. ;=.lso tn-~t Schnyder Uvas electer Councilman of ~aid City for the full ter~r? of four ye~.rs. Also that ~en D. Conr~.d vra~ electe~ Councilm=~n of sa.id City for ~ short term o~ two years. `~'he City Clerk shall im~rnediately make and deliver to each of such persans elected~ a certificate of elec~ion, si~rned }.y hi~ and duly authentivated: he sh=~11 also impose the constitu~ttion~l oath oi office ~nd have thern subsrribe thereto~ wr.ereux~on they shall be inducted into the respective ofiices to ~r~hich they have been elected. I~ the undersi~ned hereby certify that the foregoing l~esolution ,~vas dulv and re~~ularly introduced and adopted by trie Couneil o£ the Cit;;r ofu Arroyo Grande at sbeci ~l meeting held on the 18th. day of ' April 1938, by the followin~ vote: 7AY~:' ~oun~ilmen ~ibson, ~'hi~.lips,-'::5chnyder, ,~~hitlock ~ ''~to~~: - _ .n ~7~ES : None - , _ _ . , . . : . _ - ~ ;~;bsen#,: None. , 1~'In =~.est~mony whereof I have hea~eunto set my hand ~4nd =~ffixed the - =ofzi~ial seal ~f said City~ this l~th. d:~y of A1 ril~ 1938 _ - ~ = _ 42 l ' - ~ ity Clerk ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e f~,zr~n~r business ~e~rin T ~ _ th Pt e , . old Foai d d - - oes now adjourn. ~ v,~ a . 1~2 ~ Arroyo Grande California C'~ April 18 ~ 193~ U~on adjournment of the ola Board~ new F3oard of Trustees called to order by H. B. r,~ineau. On roll call Councilmen Conrad, Gibson~ Phillips~ Schn~der and ~Vhitloek reported present. Absent none. Upon motion by Councilman Schnyder, seconded by Councilman Phillips~ past ~~ayor ~ oseph S. Gibson was unanimously e7.ected to continue in that capacity. No further business appe~ring an d upon motion the meeting was adjourned. , ' ATTEST: , ity Clerlc ~-~Zayo~ Arroyo Grande, Cal ifornia April 20th. 1938 City Council met in regula.r session and was called to order by R. B. Mineau ~ Upor~ roll call Councilmen Conrad~ Phillips and Schnyder reported present. Ybsent Councilmen Gibson and '~hitloek. ~ioved, seconded and carried that Councilman H. R. Phillips be appointed actir~g ehairman in the absenee of 1~~layor Gibson. Minutes af previaus regular and special meetings read and approved as read. Bars Lillie English appeared to question the Board regarding the use~for rightofway purposes, of a certain strip of land Z5x11~ ft. lying adjacent to and parallel with the '~festerly line of' Lot I of Block C of the Le Poigt Tract. Said strip of land appearir~g to be privately owned~ it was the opinion of the Board that ern 3n~vestigatio be made with the thought in mind oF opening ~Tay St. ~Qr. E. H. Horner appeared to ask that the City ~dater Department inerease the minimum number oF cubic feet allowed at the present time,with the viewpoiat that it wnuld encourage property owners to plant more lawns and thereby beaut~Py the town. After ~nuch dis~uss~ion it was deEided.th3t the present bonded indebtednes+s is too great to risk any venture of the a~ove praposed nature at the present time. Communications read and ordered placed on file. ~ Comcr~nication fram Mission Trails ~ssocfation be reported on by the Clerk stating that the City would be unable to donate at the present time. Communicdtion from the Channe~ Counties League tabled without any action. Police Chief Norton instructed to retain one extra dep~,ty ' until next regular meetin,~. Claim a~ainst the '+~[ater Fund in the amount of $485.6~ ~ audited~ approved and ordered paid. No further business appearirig and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ' 1 ~iTTEST s _ ' C i t~lerk ~I~y ar . . I ' _ ~ ; ` ,.r , . \ ..~;y ^ . . ^ . . 1 ~ ~ - ? 'i ~ ~ ~ . ~ v~ ~ ~ . ~ . - \ - , . . . . ~ - . . ~ . . ,i y