Minutes 1938-09-07 158 'A ~ Arroyo Grande~ CaliPornia ~ September 1q38 U City Cc~unrii ~t fn reg~Iar ses~sft?n ~rith ~iayor J. S. GibsoA ia the ehair. • Upon roll eall Ccuaeilmen Conrad ~ Ph~lZips s~Sch~n,yd~e~*~ ~ ihit~oek reporttd presen~. Abeent none. 16inutes ot pr~vi~us nee~ing~and o~ the ~esin~ meeting cf the Board ot' EqualfzatSc~ Mer~ read and ~¢PPi'c~v~td a.s read. Cc~unicatiQas read ~rlyd~ order~d placed pn PiTe, counciL~a eonrad appofnted ~is a co~~ e of on~ to intervierr tAe County Fiea2t;~~ ~Di^tfr~r regarrdf ag Cit~'~~~~ity ~eaith Cbntra~ts . l(r. Kellq, Yr. Brfggs az~d~ ~dz-. IiufRPsm~~t, ~f the ~didland Counties Public Service Csrg~~i.~a appeared befos~s the~ Board to quote ratea ~n elee~ric po~r t+~r ~op~r~rtf an vf- ttYre Ci,ty '~ater rells. ~ Di[r. ~arl Porter of the Peerles~ Pcv~p Coapan~ e~~a.ined tbe digferent instalationa aad the ~o~rt theseo~', r. Having r~d j oura~d ss a B vard ot- Equali za ti on ~ s~nd Y upon ~oti on which ~ras praperly ae~on~ ~rnd una,ni~e~us2y carried the tax rate ~or the current ye~r rrr,~ set as f~el~oRS : General Fund ~.9m¢ ~ s~rer Bond F~ $ .25~, H~`fc~g+e Bc?nd ~'und $ .20¢, ~rater i .i5~ atnd ~~gital Outl~y Sp~cial ~.1~¢ ~akf~rg a tatai' r~te of $2.6~ on each . $200.UQ oF va3.us~~icm. Clains agaiirtst tDze ~eneral Fund in the a~ount or ~ 667.42 and the Watcr•~ Fund in t~te .~soc~rtt- ~34~ .lI Rere s~udi ted, approvad and ordercd p~id. I~o tUrther busfncss app~aring and upon ~otion the aeetir~g waa aci3 ouraed. AZ"rEST s C,~, ~ . _ , ty ~ Arrcyc Graruie, CalifArnta September 21~ 193$ City Council met in regnr~lr ses~s~-on ~rith ~tayor J. S. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll ra21 Co~rvcilm+era~ ~?~itllips ~ Sehiryder s~nd Whitlock reparted prt~~ Co~eilm~rr~ Ccnrad absent. Minutea oP preuious~ me~eti~°r~ad ~rnd aPP~aved as raad. Com~uni~ati~ns rea~ ~nd ordered plzced on PYle. Dr. Bingham oP tha County Htalth OPFict appeared ~d explained the workings oP a City -~vunty ~ealt3~~ Contraet. RESOLUTIDA # 81 ' A RESOLUTION DESIGNATIN~ TSE BANK OF AMERZt'3 ~AS THE BANK IN GiHICH ~LL CITY l[OgIES BE DEPQSITED AND ltLSO STATZNG THAT T~ SUY OF $ 10,000.00 BE DEPOSZTED AS AN IN~AACTI~ ACCOUNT TO BEAR II~~EREST AT THE RATE OB' I 56 . ~oved, seeonded stnd regularly c~.rried that Ctty Licenses # 2307 and 2318 be canceled as the busin~sses Por which they ~rere fssued sire no longer in operation. ~ N~ ~ther business appearing and npon ~otion the meeting xa.s adj ourned. ~J"l ` ~ \ , I~TTEST : ~ • tY e~' y~r