Minutes 1938-09-21 158 ~ ~ Arroyo Grande~ CaliFornia ~ Septcmber 7, 1938 ~ ~ City Counrii a~t fa regu2a~ segsfe~n arith Mayor J. Gibso~ in the cha3r. ~ Upon roll call Couaet2mtn Cc~nr~d ~ Phillipe ~-Sc~yd~r~ ~'I~hit~o~k repmrt~d presertt. Absent none. l~inute~ c?f previ~~s nee~ing .and o!' the -~esing ~eetfng oP tht Board of Equa3izativA Mere reac~ and approv~ed as read. C~uni~atians read an~l°~ ordered placed pn Pile, CounciLs~tn Cenrad appoirrt~ed as a com~i~~e oP one to interv~.tw the County Hea~.t~-~Oftfrr reg~rz~dfng~ Cit~~ty ~ealth Contrtcts. Yr. &elly, xir. Brfggs ar~d~ ~dr. H~f'f'sm~~.,'i~f the ]~idls~nd Counties Public Serviee Csrp~xf_~ appeart~i befa~sRs tbe Beard te q~ota r~tes ~n ele~fi?rie pox~r t~rr ~op~~srtf vn o!'- tthe ~ity ~iat~.er ralls. ' Yr. ~arl Porter oP the Peerless Pwap Ceapanv ~aen]yained the diP`ferent instalations and the ~o~t thereo~~ r.-_ 8aving adjcuraed as a Bosrd ot- Equalization~ s~nd~~ upon ~oticn which ~r~s properly aeec~n~ied antl una~riisc~usly carried the tax rtte ~or the ewrra~t ye~r ~ s~t a~ f~llcnrs : General Fund .9p¢ ~ s~rer Bona F~ $ .25~, ~~~a~ $c~na ~una $ .20¢, iNater F~ $ .i5¢ atnd esepital Out?1~r Speciai ~.10¢ ~akf~g a tatal:' r$te of $I.~~ on eae~h . $200.UQ ~f. vaius~~6icn2. Clai~s aga~a~L t;~'tE ~eneral Fund in the a~ount of $ 667.41 and the W~tcr~: Fund f n the ~+ot~rr~~ c~2` ~3~~7.1I R~re audi ted ~ approved and ordered g~id. I~'o t'Lirther busfne~s app~aring and upon s~otion the aetting waa acl3 ouraed. AT~s Q. _ _ ~ . ty er Arroyo Grande ~ Cstlitarnta September 21, 1938 City Council s~et in regr~alr se~s~~on Nrfth ~6s~yor J. S. Gibson in the chair. Upcn rall rall Counr~lme~ ~billips t S~hny~er- ~nd Gibitlmck reported prt~~a~. Co~cila~rn Ccnrerd absent. Minutea oP pre~ious~ m~etin~°r~c~d and gPPirov~ed as read. ~om~uni~ati~ns rea~ ar~d ordered plzc~d on Yiie. Dr. Bfngha~ oP the County Health OPFice s~ppeared and explained the ~rorkings of a City - Ccunty Hes~lt~~ Contra~t. RESOLUTION 81 A RESOLtJ'~ION DESIGNATIAG THE BANK OF AMERIf~ ~AS THE BAN'K IN NiffiCA ~4LL CITY MOI~IES BE DEPQSITED AND ALSO S"TltT2NG THAT TI~ StJY OF ~ 10 ~ 000. ~ BE DEPOSITEI? AS AN IN~+iCTSVE ACCOUNT TO BEAR IN'PEREST ~RT THE RATE I S!'i . ~oved~ seconded and regularly carried that City Lirens~s # 2307 and 2318 be canceled as the businesses for which they ~rere fesued are na longer in operation. ~ No t'urther business appe=?ring and upmn motion the meeting Mras adj ourned. ~ , % . ATTEST:~.J7' U~ ~ ty er y0r