Minutes 1938-10-05 ~ l59 i Arroyo Grande, CaliPorni$ i oet. 5~ 1938 ' ; City Co~fl' ace~; in regr~lstr sess~on wit~ M~yar~ J. S. ' Gibson in the ~hair: ' Upon rarll ca~.l-~~?unciLnen Ca~d~ Phillips, ~~h~yder and ' i~tlock regor~ed. pre~a~nt.. Absent. ,~ane. ; ~dinutes oP pr~vfc~rtis ma~ctt~g~~re~rd ~and -appresv~ed ~~xs read. j Commursic~tf ~t~s . read and ord~ered pla~ed on fi le . ' I~@ved,, ~ec~orr~i~d ar~d re~u:tgrly carr~ed that a c~lvert be placed in f`roa~~.oF th~ Lr.a~~~t~ S~f~t propmarty an Lt Pcint ~t. ~ Y~timn by ec~ttrt~i3,m~?nr Sc~rt,gdtr:~ ~~d. by C~unci~n Phtllip8 ~ ' motion earried c~n~nimonaly that ezrtra polfc~ ~ffPirer be 3~0 l~nger ' employed at th~ S~turdgy night d~tnces. Clerk imstruct~d to vrrite Go~ternor 3~errisun ,urging the immediate ~ppsintanant aP a third meaber to~th~ State Conservation C~ffiittee. , Claims a,ga.ir~~st the Gener~~l Fund in the am~unt ~g $699.8~ and the ~ater F~a~d iri the amaunt og $~36.2~ w~rre audited~ appr~ved arid ordereci ~a.id. No f"urther business appear~.ng and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: V~'Q. cLcti ` F erk or . Arroyo Grande~ California October 19~ 1938 City Council met in regular session with Mayor J. S. Sibson in the ~hair. Upon roll call Councilmen Conrad~ Phillips, Schnyder and Whitlock reported present. Ahsent none. Minu~s of prevmous meeting read and approved as read. Communications read and ordered placed on file. 1Qr. Fessler of the Santa I~aria ~as Co. appeared to report that the broken pump head had now been repaired and the Holt engine had been vrorked over and was no~r in good condition to use as a standby engine. Also to suggest that the City instal an oil Pilter on the Buda engine~ same to be instaled on trial for a period of six months and then iF satisfactory to purchase ~ame at the price of ~103.00. Ins~alation charge to be borne by the Gas Co., jP at the end of six months it ha.s proven unsatis~actory same to be removed with no c~harge to the City. l~otion by Phillips, seconded by Conrad, motion earried unanimously, that Santa l6aria Gas Co. be allowed to instal for trial an oil filter on the Buda engine. ~otion by whitlock~ se~onded by Conrad~ motion carried mnanimously~ that delinquent City tax against the property of A. F. Silva, formerly ovmed by Lishe~ and being Lo~s 21-22 and 23 of Block ~ of the ~estern Addztion~ be canceled due to the fact that said Lishen was a veteran and City Records Pail to intelligently show that exemption: which should have beea granted had been granted. Motiog by Conrad~ seconded by Phillips, motima carried unanimously that City enter into County-City xealth contract at thr rate oP $100.00 per year. B~otion by S~hnyder, seconded by Whitlock, motion carried unanimously that ~ity Poliee Judge keep his boaks and hold his court hereafter in the City Hall. No Purther business appearing and upor~ motion the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: ~ ^ C ty Clerk c~, I~a or.