Minutes 1938-12-07 16~ Arroyo Crande~ California December 7, 1938 `'egular Cauncil meeting night and no members of the Board being present, the meeting was adjourned by the City Clerk to Thursday, December 8~ 1938 at ?:30 0'C1ocI~. ATTEST s • ' . Ci ty C ljerk or Arroyo Grande, California l~ December 8, 1938 ' City Council met in an adjourned regular session with ~,ayor J. S. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll call Co~ncilmen Phillips~ Sehnyder and Whitlock ' reported present. Councilman Co.nrad absent. ' ~tinutes of previous ~egul~ ~e~ting and of adjourned regular ' meeting ~ere read and ~pgro~red ~s r~e~i. CommunicatioIIS read ansi r~rc~ered p2a~ed on file. ' Statement of Robert Spehr to the City of hrroyo Grande, was re~ie.~ted upon the grounds t~at tFae;.~i~e ~~~=:i~s~a~~~~:onc~tof the ' pipe~.~it was understood that ~6r. $pehr was to furnish his own ! labor and materials to connect with the City ~iater system. He , retains possessio~ of these materials and the same sti1T belong ! to him. Moved~ seeonded and_regularly carried~ the City taxes for the ~ year 1933"34 a8air~st the property of L. J. SmiLh and being Lots ~ 3~4~5~fi~7~8~9~10~I1,13,14~17~18,19,20~21 and 22, Block 9~ Western Addition, & praperty af D. H. Summervill~ and~being ~;~1 oP Block 16 I of same Addition Por the years of i933-34 ~ 34"3~~ and property of Wm. Ho~xser and Addis Lee Houser for the year 1933"34 and being Lots 3,4,~}6~7 and Bloe~k ? of` same Additian~ be caneeled upon the gro~nds that an inquiry was made by the property owners at that time and the proper~ty r~as reported to have been ~lear. Proper book entries nevnar having been made the reeords~are canfusing as to whether or not the taxes have been paid. Claims against the ~eneral Fund in the amount of $648.~i3 and the Water Fund in the amount of $368.24 u~er~ audited~ approved and ordered paid. - No fur~t,her busines~: appearing and upon motion the meeti~l~' was ad~aurned. ~1TTEST: " i ty C lerk May or