Minutes 1939-02-01 ~ 163 Arroyo Grande~ California ~anuary, 18, 1939 City Council met in regular session with Mayor J. S. Gibson in the chair. Upon rall call Councilm8n Conrad, Phillpis, Sehnyder and '~~Vhitlock reported present. Absent none. Niinutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Commu~ications read and ordered placed on file. City Attorney M. R. Van ~~Yormer reported on appliIIation of Midland Counties ~ublie Service Corporation, for Franchise. Resolution of intention to gran~ eiectric franchise to the Midland Counties Public ~ervice Corp. passed and adopted by the following vote on roll call. AYES. Councilmen, Conrad, Gibso~ Phillips, Schnyder and '~Yhitlock. NOES. None Absent. 1~Tone There being no further business and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~ ~ ~ . ATTEST. j City Clerk ~rroyo Grande, California ~'Qbruary 1, 1939 City Council met in regul.ar session with Mayor S. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~ Schnyder and '~Nhitloek reported present. Councilman Conrad absent. Minutes of previous me~ti~g read and approve~ as read. Communications read and ordered placed on file. B~otion regularly seconded and carried to.rescind ~esolution of Intention to Grant Electric r'ranchise to ~Tidland Counties Public ~erviee Coap. which vras passed on ~an. 18~h. ~esolution of Intention to Crant Electric Franchise to Pacific Gas and Electric Company~ passed and a dopted by the following vote on roll call. A~!ES: Councilmen, Gibson, Phillips, Schnyder and Whitlock. NOES: None ABSENT: Counciiman Conrad. &iotion regula.rly seconded and carried to cancel Niunieipal License # 2420 of C. '~T. Johnson due to the fact that he was ill and in the hospital and not transacting business in the City during the period covered by this license. City T~Nater Superintendent instrueted to order 2" Mueller drilling machine and 100 meter boxes. Claims against.the General Fund in the amount or $585.43 and the 'Nater Fund in the amount of $523.24 were audite~~ approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion ;~he meeting was adjourned. r ATTEST . U ~ ~ yor City Clerk