Minutes 1939-04-19 168 ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, California ~ April, 19, 1939 ~ City Councfl met in regular session with Mayor J. S. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll call~ ~puncilmen Conrad~ Phillips~ Sehnyder and Whitlock reported present. Minutes of pre~ious oeeting read and approved as read. Communications read and ordered filed. N~s. Edi.th Kaar, president of the :~rroyo Grande Wamgn's Club was present to report that no progress had been made in the negotiations with.the Grammer School Board. She also asked the Council to instal Neon signs as advertising the City and presented the Board with a check i~ the amount of $20~00 to help defray the~cost of this instalation. AFter studyfng the matter~ the Council agreed that in view of the fact that if our sidewalk project goes throughythe City will be under , an enormous expense, it would not be wise at this time to go to the expense of instaling signs, the cost of which would be in the neighborhood of $4~0.00. The Clerk was ordered to notify i~rs. Kaar to this effect and return the $20.00 eheek. ORDINANCE 62 ORDI~,TANCE GRANTING TO PACIFIC GAS AP1D ELECTRIC CONPANY, ITS j SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE FRANGHISE TO USE, FOR TRANSNfITTING AND DISTRIBUTING ELECTRI~ITY '~tITHIN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAI~~E ' ~`OR ANY ANI3 ALL PURPOSES OTHE~ THAN THOSE AUTHORIZED U~T'DER SECTION 19 OF ARTICLE X1 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS„ S,,q,ID ~ECTiON: EXISTED PRIOR TO ITS ADMENDMEi~TT ON OCTOBER 10 ~ 1911 ~ ALL POLF~ ~ tNIRES, CONDIIITS AND APPURTENAN~ES WHICH ARE NOW OR MAY HEREAFTER BE LA~iFULLY PLACED IN THE PUBLIC STREETS~ WAYS AND PLACES '~ITHIN SAID CITY, AND TO CONSTRUCT AND U~E IN SAID PUBLIC STREETS, '~~AYS AND PLACES ALL POLES, WIRES, CONDUITS AND APPURTEIVANCES I~CLUDING COMMUDTICATION CIRCUITS NECESSARY OR ,PROPER FOR SAID PURPOSES. Passed ar,d adopted by the following vote on roll call; AYESs Councilmen Conrad, Gibson~ Phillips and '~Yhitlock, NOES: Councilman Schnyder. Absent: None~: RESOLTJTION 8fi Resolution approving Bond of Pacific Gas and E]:ectric ~ompany Passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen, Conrad~ Gibson~ Phillips~ Sehnyder & VPhitlock. NOES: None ~BSENT: None. Motion reguT~arly seconded and carried to proceed with the work of widening the Ne~rsam, Valley and Huasna roads as outlined by Councilman Conrad. No further business appearing and upan motion.the meeting was adjourned. No action taken on request of ~rs. Casteel for a reduction in water bill. , ATTEST • F ity 1 .