Agenda Packet 2001-03-27 CITY COUNCIL (f-tW r;/ AGENDA ~//~ Michael A. Lady Mayor Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Pro Tem Steven Adams City Manager Thomas A. Runels Council Member Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Jim Dickens Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services Sandy Lubin Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 2001 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE: AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 136 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR PAUL JONES 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Proclamation - "Month of the Child" 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6a. Moye that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waiyed. -.-.-.---.-.-.- AGENDA SUMMARY - MARCH 27, 2001 PAGE 2 7. CITIZENS'INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS: Persons in the audience may discuss business not scheduled on this agenda regarding any item of interest within the jurisdiction of the Council. The Council will listen to all communication; however, in compliance with the Brown Act, will not take any action on items that are not on the agenda. Upon completing your comments: . You may be directed to staff for assistance; . A Council Member may indicate an interest in discussing your issue with you subsequent to the Council meeting; . The Council may direct staff to research the issue and subsequently report back to the Council (generally in the form of a memorandum or staff report); or . No action is required or taken. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approye the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Approve the listing of cash disbursements for the period March 1, 2001 through March 15, 2001. 8.b. Cash Flow Analvsis/ApDroval of Interfund Advance from the Water Facility Fund (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive and file February 2001 Cash Report and approye the interfund adyance from the Water Facility Fund to coyer cash deficits in other funds at February 28, 2001. 8.c. Minutes of City Council Meeting of March 13.2001 (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approye minutes as submitted. 8.d. Acceptance of Improvements for Tract 1834. Phases 4 and 4C (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt Resolution accepting improyements, offers of dedication, and easements within Tract 1834, Phase 4; and 2) Adopt Resolution accepting improvements, offers of dedication, and easements within Tract 1834, Phase 4C. 8.e. Consultant Contract Amendment for the Brisco Road/Halcyon Road/Route 101 Proiect Study Report (PSR) (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the consultant contract amendment; and 2) Allocate an additional appropriation of $6,910 from the Transportation Facility Impact Fund for the Brisco Rd/Halcyon Rd/101 PSR. - --~~-.------- AGENDA SUMMARY - MARCH 27, 2001 PAGE 3 9.. PUBLIC HEARING: 9.a. AdoDtion of Proposed Ordinance ConsolidatinQ Provisions of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code ReGarding DeveloDment Impact Fees and Resolution Fixing Water Facilities Fees and Scecifyina Procedures for Calculating Traffic Facilities Fees (ADAMS) Recommended Action: 1 ) Adopt Ordinance repealing Articles 3 and 5 of Chapter 2, Title 3 of the Municipal Code and amending Article 6 of Chapter 2, Title 3 to consolidate proYisions regarding development impact fees; ~nd 2) Adopt Resolution establishing peak hour trips for implementation of transportation facilities fees and fixing water facilities fees. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. ReGuest to Connect to City's Sewer System for County Tentative Tract 1789 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Approye the request from the owners of County Tentatiye Tract 1789 to connect to the City sewer system; and 2) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement between the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District and the City to collect City imposed connection fees and service charges. 11.b. Discussion ReaardinG Voter ADProval of General Plan and/or Malor Land Use ChanGes (McCANTS) Recommended Action: Discuss concept of requiring yoter approyal for General Plan Amendments and major land use changes and proYide direction to staff. 11.c. ProDosed Aareement with Cal PolY City and Realonal Planning DeDartment for Assistance with the East Grand Avenue Master Plan Process (ADAMS) Recommended. Action: Approve and authorize the City Manager to enter into the Agreement. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: This item giyes the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYOR MICHAEL A. LADY: (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (2) Other AGENDA SUMMARY - MARCH 27, 2001 PAGE 4 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS (continued): (b) MAYOR PRO TEM TONY M. FERRARA: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) Long-Range Planning Committee (4) Other (c) COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) (3) Other (d) COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORT A) (2) Community Recreation Center Subcommittee (3) Economic Opportunity Commission (EOC) (4) South County Youth Coalition (5) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER SANDY LUBIN: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (3) Other 13. CITY C.OUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information. and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. (a) Reyiew of City Development Code creek dedication requirements to determine if it would be appropriate to add other federally regulated streams within the City's boundaries. (Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara) 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receiye feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. (a) Ideas regarding potential City Council retreat. (Adams) - ----_.._---------,-- AGENDA SUMMARY - MARCH 27, 2001 PAGE 5 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 17. ADJOURNMENT * * * * * * * Copies of the staff reports or other written materials relating to each item of business referred to on this agenda are on file with the Director of Administratiye Services and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If you haye questions regarding any agenda item, please contact the Director of Administratiye Services at (805) 473- 5414. * * * * * * * In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting, please contact the Director of Administratiye Services at the number listed aboye at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to ensure that reasonable arrangements can be made to proYide accessibility to the meeting. * * * * * * * Note: This agenda is subject to amendment up to 72 hours prior to the date and time set for the mee~ing. Please refer to the agenda posted at City Hall for any reYisions, or call the Director of Administratiye Services at (805) 473-5414 for more information. www.arrovogrande.org CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - ABBREVIATIONS revised 08104/00 A Agricultural Preserve AB Assembly Bill LAFCO Local Agency Fonnation Commission ADA Americans with Disabilities Act LOCC League of California Cities AG General Agriculture LLA Lot Une Adjustment AGMC Arroyo Grande Municipal Code LUE Land Use Element AGPOA Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association MER Lot Merger APN Assessor's Parcel Number MF CondominiumITownhouse APCB Air Pollution Control Board MFA Apartments APCD Air Pollution Control District MHP Mobile Home Parks ARC Architectural Review Committee 0 Office Professional ASCE American Society Civil Engineers OCSD Oceano Community Services District ASD Administrative Services Department OSCE Open Space and Conservation Element AWWA American Water Works Association PC Planning Commission BD Building Division PD Police Department CA City Attorney PF Public/Quasi Public CC City Council PPR Plot Plan Review CCC California Conservation Corps PRD Parks & Recreation Department CCCSIF Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Fund PRE-APP Pre-application CD Community Development PSHHC Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corp. CDBG Community Development Block Grant PSP Planned Sign Program CE Circulation Element PUD Planned Unit Development CEC Califomla Energy Commission PW Public Works Department CEQA California Environmental Quality Act RDA Redevelopment Agency CIP Capital Improvement Program RE Residential Estate CIWMP California Integrated Waste Management Plan RFP Request for Proposals CM City Manager's Office RFQ Request for Qualifications CMC California Men's Colony RH Hillside Residential CMP Congestion Management Plan RHNP Regional Housing Needs Plan COC Certificate of Compliance RR Rural Residential CPI Consumer Price Index RS Suburban Residential CUP Conditional Use Pennit RTA Reversion to Acreage DARE Drug Abuse Resistance Education RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board DC Development Code SAC Staff Advisory Committee CEA Drug Enforcement Administration SB Senate Bill E.C. Election Code SCAT South County Area Transit EDD Economic Development Department SEIU Service Employees International Union EDU Equivalent Dwelling Unit SF Single Family EIR Environmental Impact Report SLO San Luis Obispo EIS Environmental Impact Statement SLOCOG San Luis Obispo Council of Governments EOC Economic Opportunity Commission SLOHA San Luis Obispo Housing Authority EVC Economic Vitality Corporation SLONTF San Luis Obispo Narcotics Task Force FAU Federal Aid Urban SLORTA San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority FD Fire Division SLOWRAC San Luis Obispo County Water Resources Advisory FDAA Federal Disaster Assistance Administration Committee FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency SR Senior Housing FID Financial Services Department SSLOCOWA South San Luis Obispo County Water Association FPPC Fair Political Practices Commission SSLOCSD South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District FTA Federal Transit Administration SRRE Source Reduction & Recyding Element FY Fiscal Year SWRCD State Water Resources Control Board G.C. Government Code TPM Tentative Parcel Map GC General Commercial TT Tentative Tract Map GF General Fund TTAC Transportation Technical Advisory Committee GP General Plan TUP Temporary Use Pennit GPA General Plan Amendment UBC Unifonn Building Code HCD California Department of Housing and Community UFC Unlfonn Fire Code I Development USA Underground Service Alert HOP Home Occupancy Pennit VAR Variance HUD Housing and Urban Development Dept. VC Village Commercial I Industrial and Business Park VCB SLO County VIsitors & Conference Bureau ISTEA Intennodal Surface Transportation VSR View Shed Review JPA Joint Powers Authority ZONE 3 San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District - Zone 3 (Lopez Project) 5.a. · .... ....t=t()nprqR'l~\~r;'gql~:lrt,~~i()n ~~~b~ii~ifi~i~~W:~~.~~;F~~'i~i !\AD N11-f D~~/-m-t8:,~:~<f1t[:l.tD(....".~' .:, <~ " . -,', ',''-C> '.: '," ..,::"',: ,:, .>'.:' ":',.:' ,,:<. ::c''-(,:~:'';:::''>itt';;~~:}~,~i~;'}':'_:: -. >- >"<',:~:r::'-:"-" '<\::""::' :~':i;'~;: .':'..'..:,,' .;"," -"~),<<; -';: ):-.'~~~-:::.E~:;":. .' ,.,. WHEREAS, satu..d~;,April 7, 2001 will commemorate the 23rd annual' ~~y:;'~/th.'sc~nd" . celebration during Childnt"'s Day in the San Luis Obispo Mission Plaza. A day Wti~r. Chllct..enand families Interact with the agencies and programs providing services throughout the CountY; and . . . WHEREAS, In Sal1(~fl:',R~pc:i~unty, 61%;~f the cl1lltiren under 13 years of age have working parents and n~e~, ql.l.I,Itj,f?!~;and. ", ." ;,j::: - i~::_:':<:~.i:t~~:~:~tY:j':$;~'.:-~~~1:)?~ff:\{;-\:;(" '-': . WHEREAS, 9~~1.it.Y2,~~Ii~:~~~I~(,I1~I~nger a fringe benefit, but a necessity for working parents to be producti~..~~~:Jj~ijpy(~ii1pl()y~,'..nd local employers need to be champions In supporting the many ch..~le~g.!:f!c?'"gr.t.'.,~~ot~lng parents and families; and . .; ':';;,..::J~;;i;~~j!i~\~W):Wf:;;(M(.~'.;'it"::<,. ...".~'"."'." WHEREAS,the:plty:.Of.~rr;oyo~rande recognizes that every moment In a child's life Is an opporbJl1lty!()r't!1!~.Cf1I~~'i~ leaf1'lta,ndJhat the early years determine whether a child succeeds in schoollln~Jn liftt,al1cttl1atall"chllc:.l~en need at least one caring and loving adult in their liyes; and that quality "~utofs~~ool~pl"pgral1'ls are also essential for the older child; and WHEREAS, .theactivl~.84:)fthlsmonthwlll provide an opportunity to acknowledge quality youth and early childhood, programs, their. dedicated staff, "and to ,applaud their efforts to Improve the quality, availabilItY. and accessibility of such programs; and WHEREAS, theSal1 Lul~()i)lspoChild ,CarePlannlngC()l.In~iI, the Family Child Care Association of San Luis Oblspo.C. O"'u.. n.ty.. ,th. ..e... San Lu. Is ObisPo As.soc.. latlon for th. e E.ducatlon of Young Children, and the County Commfssl()n'.Oij'.phlldreh and Y()uth work cooperatively to coordinate the events and activities of the "DAY MID. MONTH O~ ~HE CHILD"; and WHEREAS, all citize..n,s. ." al"8 .enc.ou-.ra..... ged to do what. they... can at work, home, and within the community to a8~r:f!t..1I c~lldr8I1'Yo~, and families have the opportunity and support to thrive, and may we remember to IftS~n to ,..l'1d watch children around us and remember to have patience and allow them to.,njoythejoumey of childhood. ."-'-', "-..,','. - ,". "",,'~/. NOW, THEREFq~~;~E:n:~~S()LVED, ,that I, Michael A. ~dy, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of theCIty;gou~~'ltdohereby proclaim Aprit~OO1 as the "MONTH OF THE CHILD", and April 7, 2001 aSthtt"0.[)AYQ~"THECHIlD", and encourage all citizens who use child care services to acknowledge,andfS~()~~:'appreclatlon to their ,child care providers on this special day of recognition. " "<i'._<" , .. " IN WITNESS WHEftf;OF,lhave hereunto set myhandand caused the S Grande to be affheed this 27th day of Ma,.ch, 2001.' .. MICHAELA. LADY, MAYOR 8.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES~ BY: JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR~ SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RA TIFICA TION DATE: MARCH 27, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period March 1 - March 15, 2001. FUNDING: There is a $415,532.42 fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing ATTACHMENT 2 - February 16,2001 Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENT 3 - February 23,2001 Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENT 4 - February 23,2001 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks ATTACHMENTS - February 23,2001 Accounts Payable Pre-paid Check Register -- -~ A'IT ACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS For the Period of March 1 Through March 15, 2001 March 27, 2001 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period March 1 to March 15, 2001. . Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. March 2, 2001 Accounts Payable Cks 99526-99618 2 67,876.17 March 9, 2001 Accounts Payable Cks 99619-99732 3 78,563.31 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks 4 269,092.94 347,656.25 Two Week Total $ 415532.42 I CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGE't DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS City Government (Fund 010) Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4001 - City Council 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - Administrative Services Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Funds 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4140 - Management Information System 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant (Fd 271) 4145 - Non Departmental 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring (Fd 274) Public Safety (Fund 010) 4208 - Federal Local Law Enforcmt (FD 279) 4201 - Police Redevelopment Agency ( Fund 284) 4211 - Fire 4103 - Redevelopment Administration 4212 - Building & Safety ENTERPRISE FUNDS Public Works (Fund 010) Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4301 - Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance Water Fund (Fund 640) 4304 - Street Lighting 4710 - Water Administration 4305 - Automotive Shop 4711 - Water Production Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4712 - Water Distribution 4420 - Parks Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4421 - Recreation 4750 - Lopez Administration 4422 - General Recreation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (Fund 350) 4423 - Pre-School Program 5501-5599 - Park Projects 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 4426 - Five Cities Youth Basketball 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance Dept. Index lor Council - ------- ATTACHHENT 2 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 02/28/01 08 :44 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99526 03/02/01 000468 A T & T-L/DIST SVC. MIS DATA LINE 473-0379 010.4140.5303 33.38 33.38 99527 03/02/01 101454 ADLESON,HESS & KELLY PROF.SVCS-INSURANCE COVERAGE 010.4145.5575 16,562.07 99527 03/02/01 101454 ADLESON,HESS & KELLY PROF.SVCS-INSURANCE COVERAGE 640.4710.5575 1,290.54 99527 03/02/01 101454 ADLESON,HESS & KELLY PROF. SVCS- INSURANCE COVERAGE 612.4610.5575 449.73 99527 03/02/01 101454 ADLESON,HESS & KELLY PROF.SVCS-INSURANCE COVERAGE 220.4303.5575 1,251.44 19,553.78 99528 03/02/01 100994 ADMINISTRATIVE FIRE SER REGIS FEE-AFSS HAGLUND/FIBICH 010.4211.5501 40.00 40.00 99529 03/02/01 003120 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SUP SCRUB & BUCKET 010.4201. 5255 82.18 82.18 99530 03/02/01 102228 MARGARET APODACA REF. YOUTH B/BALL REGIS-APODACA 010.0000.4613 45.00 45.00 99531 03/02/01 006552 ARROYO MEDICAL GROUP IN PRE-EMPLOY. PHYSICAL-STEARNS 010.4201.5315 141. 00 141. 00 99532 03/02/01 101617 AUTO GLASS CENTRAL REPL.WINDSHIELD 010.4201. 5601 259.70 259.70 99533 03/02/01 102050 AVAYA, INC. SVC.AGREE-MERLIN PHONES 010.4145.5403 28.16 28.16 99534 03/02/01 100902 AVCO FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SVC 010.4211.5303 176.44 99534 03/02/01 100902 AVCO FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SVC 010.4211.5303 24.00 200.44 99535 03/02/01 102214 AYERS DISTRIBUTING CO. PLASTIC EGGS 010.4424.5252 565.00 565.00 99536 03(02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER ORAL BOARD LUNCH-P & R 010.4421. 5201 19.83 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER MEETING DINNER-VFI 284.4103.5505 91.98 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER UC EXT COURSE-HEFFERNON 010.4130.5501 240.00 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4301.5201 107.95 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER PLOTTER SUPPLIES 010.4301.5255 139.80 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER CR:OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4301. 5201 12.83- 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4211.5501 53.45 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER GIFT CERTS.FOR RSVP VOLUNT 010.4211.5504 105.00 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER LODGING-CA CHIEFS CONF 010.4211.5501 126.44 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER FRAMES-LONGS 010.4101. 5201 30.78 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 284.4103.5201 63.56 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4101. 5201 78.83 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER CALED CONF-SHEELEY 284.4103.5501 450.00 99536 03/02/01. 009008 BANKCARD CENTER UNITED AIRLINES-FERRARA 010.4001. 5501 185.50 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER LOCC HANDBOOK 284.4103.5201 15.00 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER CRA HANDBOOK 284.4103.5201 41.46 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER ICSCA CONF.REG-SHEELEY 284.4103.5501 285.00 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER CA. FARM BUREAU APP-SHEELEY 284.4103.5503 55.00 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER EDNA VALLEY VINTNERS MEM-SHEEL 284.4103.5503 125.00 99536 03/02/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER EDNA VALLEY VINTNERS MEM-SHEEL 284.4103.5503 125.00 2,326.75 99537 03/02/01 009438 BARKLOW'S FIRE TRUCK PA FIRE TRUCK PARTS 010.4211. 5601 743.97 743.97 99538 03/02/01 008000 BNI BUILDING NEWS CA. CONST . SAFETY ORDERS 220.4303.5503 110.05 110.05 99539 03/02/01 101782 BOB'S EXPRESS WASH CAR WASH 612.4610.5601 33.33 99539 03/02/01 101782 BOB'S EXPRESS WASH CAR WASH 612.4610.5603 33.33 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 02/28/01 08:44 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99539 03/02/01 101782 BOB'S EXPRESS WASH CAR WASH 640.4712.5603 33.34 99539 03/02/01 101782 BOB'S EXPRESS WASH CAR WASH 010.4201. 5601 6.00 106.00 99540 03/02/01 012168 BOXX EXPRESS UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4201. 5201 62.66 99540 03/02/01 012168 BOXX EXPRESS UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 220.4303.5255 61.48 124 . 14 99541 03/02/01 102235 C.C.DENTAL HYGIENE SOCI FORES.DENTAL CLASS-HOPKINS 010.4201.5501 60.00 60.00 99542 03/02/01 014548 CA. ASSN . HOSTAGE NEGOTIA CA.ASSOC.HOSTAGE-IANNEO 010.4201. 5503 35.00 35.00 99543 03/02/01 018330 CA. ST. DEPT. OF JUSTICE FINGERPRINTS-SIMMONS 010.4425.5315 81.00 99543 03/02/01 018330 CA. ST. DEPT. OF JUSTICE FINGERPRINTS-SIMPSON/SAUDE/DE 010.4201.5324 96.00 177.00 99544 03/02/01 018876 CA.ST.DEPT.TRANSPORTATI ELECTRICAL CHANGES 010.4304.5402 487.99 487.99 . 99545 03/02/01 014508 CALIF.APPLIED.TECHNOLOG CHECK & CALIBRATE 4 RADARS 010.4201.5603 210.00 210.00 99546 03/02/01 016146 CALIF.HWY PRODUCTS & SI EPOXY/TWO-WAY REFLECTORS 220.4303.5613 337.98 337.98 99547 03/02/01 102239 SHARON CARRON REF.WTR DEP-163.BRISCO RD #A 640.0000.2302 180.00 99547 03/02/01 102239 SHARON CARRON CLOSING BILL-163 BRISCO RD #A 640.0000.4751 29.79- 150.21 99548 03/02/01 021824 CENTRAL COAST SOD HYBRID BERMUDA 010.4430.5605 123.63 123.63 99549 03/02/01 101856 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS MONTHLY.SVC-CABLE MODEM 010.4140.5303 205.10 205.10 99550 03/02/01 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 91.75 91.75 99551 03/02/01 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS TEST SEAL FAIL ALARM 612.4610.5610 90.00 99551 03/02/01 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS REPL.HI/LOW ALARM STARTERS 612.4610.5610 540.00 630.00 99552 03/02/01 100612 CRISTANDO HOUSE, INC. REGIS-HENDRICKS/HOLT 010.4201.5501 406.00 406.00 99553 03/02/01 016302 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIO CMC LABOR-JAN 01 220.4303.5303 3,409.97 3,409.97 99554 03/02/01 029562 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY TOYS & SUPPLIES 010.4425.5255 372.30 372.30 99555 03/02/01 102229 ECO SOLUTIONS TRANS. HANDLING OF WASTE 010.4211.5303 200.00 200.00 99556 03/02/01 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN MAXIFIT COUPLINGS 010.4430.5605 203.31 99556 03/02/01 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN DI BOLT COUPLINGS 010.4430.5605 68.48 271.79 99557 03/02/01 100217 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE CO RANCHO GRANDE TITLE REPORT 350.5512.7301 360.00 360.00 99558 03/02/01 101924 J.A. FISCHER,INC. DIESEL RED CARB#2 010.0000.1202 1,559.93 1,559.93 99559 03/02/01 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL#86017 010.4002.5301 36.00 99559 03/02/01 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL#86018 010.4002.5301 45.00 99559 03/02/01 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL#86 055 010.4002.5301 33.00 114.00 99560 03/02/01 101662 FORD QUAILTY FLEET CARE CHECK SYSTEM-PD 962 010.4201. 5601 25.80 25.80 - ----.-.- ------.- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 02/28/01 08:44 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99561 03/02/01 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC REPL.KEY 612.4610.5255 4.83 99561 03/02/01 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC PAD LOCKS 640.4712.5255 61. 57 99561 03/02/01 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC DUP. KEYS & KEY TAGS 010.4420.5605 16.59 99561 03/02/01 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC LOCK 010.4420.5605 19.68 99561 03/02/01 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC LOCKS 220.4303.5255 30.78 99561 03/02/01 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC DUP. KEYS 010.4201.5601 11.13 144.58 99562 03/02/01 102233 MAGGIE GOETZ REF. CHILDREN MOTION CARD-GOETZ 010.0000.4602 5.75 5.75 99563 03/02/01 102232 GREAT WESTERN ALARM REPR.FlRE ALARM PULL SWITCH 010.4213.5604 62.51 62.51 99564 03/02/01 100913 SEAN F HAGERTY REIMB.MATERIAL-HAGERTY 010.4211. 5272 46.38 46.38 99565 03/02/01 102230 DANIEL HOLLAND REF. WATER DEP-280 SPRUCE ST 640.0000.2302 180.00 99565 03/02/01 102230 DANIEL HOLLAND CLOSING BILL-280 SPRUCE ST 640.0000.4751 23.19- 99565 03/02/01 102230 DANIEL HOLLAND PREVIOUS BALANCE-280 SPRUCE 640.0000.4751 61. 52- 95.29 99566 03/02/01 043914 JOSEPH IANNEO REIMB. FUEL 010.4201.5608 32.55 99566 03/02/01 043914 JOSEPH IANNEO REIMB.SRT BOOK-IANNEO 010.4201. 5272 35.00 67.55 99567 03/02/01 044496 INFORMATION SERVICES DP ON LlNE-JAN 010.4201. 5606 85.64 85.64 99568 03/02/01 045630 INTERSTATE SALES LUTE HEADS 220.4303.5273 81.34 99568 03/02/01 045630 INTERSTATE SALES LUTE HEADS 220.4303.5613 428.63 509.97 99569 03/02/01 101848 INVENSYS METERING SYSTE YEARLY SYSTEM SUPPORT 640.4710.5303 802.51 802.51 99570 03/02/01 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY KITCHEN SUPPLIES 010.4211.5255 32.46 32.46 99571 03/02/01 046410 J.W.ENTERPRISES TOILET RENTAL 220.4303.5552 91.70 91.70 99572 03/02/01 100892 JONES CARPET & UPHOLSTE CLEAN CARPET-FIRE DEP. 010.4213.5303 220.00 220.00 99573 03/02/01 101604 BARBIE JONES REIMB.SNACK SUPPLIES-JONES 010.4425.5259 49.65 99573 03/02/01 101604 BARBIE JONES REIMB.SUPPLIES-JONES 010.4425.5255 99.39 99573 03/02/01 101604 BARBIE JONES REIMB.TRANSPORATION-JONES 010.4425.5303 29.76 178.80 99574 03/02/01 048516 KEYLOCK SECURITY SPECIA R/R TAIL PIECE 010.4201.5604 57.35 57.35 99575 03/02/01 102241 TRINA LYON REF.PARK DEPOSIT-LYON 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 99576 03/02/01 102238 METRO TACTICAL PRODUCTS BANG POLE W/TELESCOPIC POLE 010.4201.5272 377.75 377.75 99577 03/02/01 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE BATTERY SVC/LUBE/OIL 010.4201.5601 52.29 99577 03/02/01 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE LUBE/OIL/FILTER/BRAKES/ROTORS 010.4201. 5601 139.62 191. 91 99578 03/02/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE VALVE NEEDLE 010.4201. 5603 1.59 99578 03/02/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PLUG/BREAKER/ELECT. SUPPLIES 612.4610.5610 74.86 99578 03/02/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PAINT 220.4303.5613 62.04 99578 03/02/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE RAINSUIT 010.4201.5272 26.74 99578 03/02/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BATTERY 640.4712.5255 4.27 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 02/28/01 08:44 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99578 03/02/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE DUP KEYS 010.4201.5604 4.24 173.74 99579 03/02/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211. 5201 90.74 99579 03/02/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 180.83 99579 03/02/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 3.84 99579 03/02/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 3.16 99579 03/02/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 80.46 359.03 99580 03/02/01 102242 ANGEL MORGA REF. PARK DEPOSIT-MORGA 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 99581 03/02/01 101847 NETWORK CATALYST SHIPPING-COMPUTER HUB 010.4211. 5201 44.43 44.43 99582 03/02/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 302.84 99582 03/02/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 90.93- 99582 03/02/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 12.81 99582 03/02/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 8.97 233.69 99583 03/02/01 102231 CLAUDIA OLSEN REF. MASSAGE PERM: OLSEN 010.0000.4808 62.50 62.50 99584 03/02/01 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE JOHNNY CAT-HAZMAT ABSORBANT 010.4211.5325 87.52 99584 03/02/01 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE TRASH CAN 640.4712.5604 22.46 109.98 99585 03/02/01 102071 PACE BROS.CONSTRUCTION REF:L/SCAPE BOND-196 S.ALPINE 010.0000.2210 1,200.00 1,200.00 99586 03/02/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL MIS DATA LINE 473-0379 010.4140.5303 91.88 99586 03/02/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 473-1935 640.4710.5403 33.12 99586 03/02/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 473-2041 010.4145.5403 18.16 99586 03/02/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 271-2713 010.4145.5403 295.53 99586 03/02/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 5400 010.4145.5403 1,426.15 99586 03/02/0i 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 271-7480 010.4145.5403 64.61 99586 03/02/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 267-8633 010.4145.5403 97.08 99586 03/02/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PAY PHONE 489-9867 010.4201. 5403 53.78 2,080.31 99587 03/02/01 064308 PAPER DIRECT,INC. CERT.FOLDERS/FOIL STAMP 010.4001. 5201 167.86 167.86 99588 03/02/01 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE ENGRAVED NAME PLATES-COUNCIL 010.4001.5201 16.05 99588 03/02/01 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE COMMISSION NAME PLATE 010.4130.5201 26.75 99588 03/02/01 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE COMMISSION NAME PLATE 010.4421.5201 26.75 99588 03/02/01 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE COMMISSION NAME PLATE 010.4421.5201 13 .38 99588 03/02/01 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE COMMISSION NAME PLATE 010.4130.5201 13.37 99588 03/02/01 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE CERT.PLAQUES-CITIZEN OF YEAR 010.4001.5201 64.20 160.50 99589 03/02/01 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS BUS. CARD-TYPESET 010.4102.5306 19.80 19.80 99590 03/02/01 102237 PRIMARY CARE DOG & CAT PHYSICAL/EXAM-FANNI 010.4201. 5322 30.00 30.00 99591 03/02/01 069576 RADIO SHACK PHONE RECORDERS FOR HOSTAGE 010.4201.5272 203.25 203.25 99592 03/02/01 100200 RRM DESIGN GROUP PROF.SVCS-R.G. PARK DESIGN 350.5512.7501 9,702.00 9,702.00 99593 03/02/01 099082 SAN JOSE STATE UNIV. REGIS-ROBBERY INVEST (WILLIAMS) 010.4201.5501 404.00 404.00 - VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 02/28/01 08:44 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99594 03/02/01 102240 CHRIS SANTALA REF. PARK DEPOSIT-SANTALA 010.0000.4354 100.00 100.00 99595 03/02/01 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. GASOLINE 010.4201.5608 1,344.02 1,344.02 99596 03/02/01 074490 SLO CNTY DEPT.HEALTH UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS PERM 010.4305.5303 554.00 99596 03/02/01 074490 SLO CNTY DEPT.HEALTH CROSS CONNECT-NOV/DEC 640.4710.5303 1,102.40 1,656.40 99597 03/02/01 098680 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF OCT/DEC BOOKING FEES 010.4201.5323 6,197.50 6,197.50 99598 03/02/01 102204 SMITH COMPANY SPIKE CARBIDE CUTTERS 220.4303.5603 429.75 99598 03/02/01 102204 SMITH COMPANY DRUM 220.4303.5603 499.98 99598 03/02/01 102204 SMITH COMPANY HEAT TREATED SHAFTS 220.4303.5603 102.45 1,032.18 99599 03/02/01 080496 SOLANO PRESS 3 COPIES-CEQA DESKBOOK 010.4130.5503 32.10 32.10 99600 03/02/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY FUSES & BRAKES 010.4211.5601 106.73 99600 03/02/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY SUPER TRIM & DIE CAST 010.4211.5601 42.49 99600 03/02/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY SOCKET & SCREW DRIVER 010.4211.5273 19.45 99600 03/02/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY TAIL LIGHT/STOP LIGHT 010.4211.5601 25.08 193.75 99601 03/02/01 100758 DON SPAGNOLO LOCC PW OFFICERS-SPAGNOLO 010.4301. 5501 120.00 120.00 99602 03/02/01 082134 STATEWIDE SAFETY & SIGN STREET NAME BLANKS 220.4303.5613 494.34 99602 03/02/01 082134 STATEWIDE SAFETY & SIGN STREET NAME BLANKS 220.4303.5613 488.45 99602 03/02/01 082134 STATEWIDE SAFETY & SIGN SIGNS 220.4303.5613 54.89 1,037.68 99603 03/02/01 082836 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY MESH CLOTH 640.4712.5610 23.65 23.65 99604 03/02/01 102234 TRADEWINDS DIVE & TRAVE REIMB.BL-TRADEWINDS 010.0000.4050 25.00 25.00 99605 03/02/01 086346 TROESH READY MIX ASPHALT 640.4712.5610 204.63 204.63 99606 03/02/01 102227 TWR INVESTORS REF.L/SCAPE BOND-221 TRINITY 010.0000.2210 1,200.00 1,200.00 99607 03/02/01 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. SPRINKLER PARTS 010.4420.5605 17.62 99607 03/02/01 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK, INC. VALVE BOX 010.4420.5605 16.62 99607 03/02/01 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. SPRINKLERS 010.4430.5605 71.11 105.35 99608 03/02/01 087672 UNITED RENTALS RENTAL LOG SPLITTER 220.4303.5552 52.02 52.02 99609 03/02/01 088218 UNITED STATES POSTMASTE BUSINESS REPLY PERM#37 010.4145.5201 125.00 125.00 99610 03/02/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS PD PATROL CARS CELL PHONE 010.4201. 5403 299.02 99610 03/02/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-P&R DIRECTOR 010.4421.5602 35.14 99610 03/02/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-RDA 284.4103.5403 43.36 99610 03/02/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE - CM 010.4101. 5403 31. 96 409.48 99611 03/02/01 101866 VERIZON WIRELESS MESSAG MIS TECH PAGER 010.4140.5303 138.18 138.18 99612 03/02/01 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE TWO TIRES 220.4303.5601 322.91 322.91 .. --_.~...._._"-_._- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 6 02/28/01 08:44 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99613 03/02/01 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO PAPER/CERTIFICATES 010.4102.5255 373.98 373.98 99614 03/02/01 092976 WITMER-TYSON IMPORTS MAINT.TRAINING/SUPPLIES-JAN 010.4201.5322 282.66 282.66 99615 03/02/01 093210 WORKRITE NOMEX NAVY PANTS 010.4211.5272 200.36 200.36 99616 03/02/01 093366 JAMES F. WRIGHT LASER B90 BATTERIES/CHARGER 010.4201. 5272 192.72 192.72 99617 03/02/01 102189 YMCA/FIVE CITIES YOUTH 5 CITIES YOUTH B/BALL SPONSORS 010.0000.4613 200.00 200.00 99618 03/02/01 093912 ZAP MFG, INC LETTER9/NUMBERS 220.4303.5613 747.36 747.36 TOTAL CHECKS 67,876.17 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 7 02/28/01 08:44 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 42,319.43 220 STREETS FUND 9,149.31 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 1,295.36 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 10,062.00 612 SEWER FUND 1,226.08 640 WATER FUND 3,823.99 TOTAL 67,876.17 - ATTACHMENT 3 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 03/07/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99619 03/09/01 000468 A T & T-L/DIST SVC. L/DIST-FAX LINE 010.4211.5403 23.86 23.86 99620 03/09/01 100584 AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA COR OXY/ACET.GAS 010.4305.5303 48.20 99620 03/09/01 100584 AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA COR OXY/ACET.GAS 640.4712.5610 48.19 96.39 99621 03/09/01 003042 AMERICAN EQUIPMENT SVCS DUMP BIN 010.4213.5303 1,000.00 1,000.00 99622 03/09/01 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS RHINEHART SVCS-2/17 220.4303.5303 562.56 99622 03/09/01 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS RHINEHART SVCS-2/24 220.4303.5303 562.56 1,125.12 99623 03/09/01 102246 MARY ANNESLEY CLOSING BILL-813 VALLEY RD 640.0000.4751 17.61- 99623 03/09/01 102246 MARY ANNESLEY REF 0/PMT-813 VALLEY RD 640.0000.4751 163.05 99623 03/09/01 102246 MARY ANNES LEY PREVIOUS BALANCE-813 VALLEY RD 640.0000.4751 72.72- 72.72 99624 03/09/01 006006 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER SH FLORAL ARRANGEMENT 010.4001.5504 64.20 64.20 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES-ADAMS 010.4101.5501 20.00 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMPUTER SERVER SWITCH 010.4140.5602 3.51 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GASOLINE/PARKING-LOCC 010.4101.5501 13.00 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADAPTER-PHONE SPLITTER 010.4301.5201 5.34 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FILM DEVELOPED 010.4301.5255 5.77 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO.GRANDE COLORED COPIES 010.4130.5201 8.48 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4101.5201 30.36 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4001.5504 15.26 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SUPPLIES 010.4101.5201 9.95 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECORDING FEES 010.4301.5201 19.00 99625 03/09/Ctl 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COPIES OF MAPS 010.4301. 5255 4.00 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TC MILEAGE 010.4301.5501 6.17 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES-CM 010.4101. 5501 24.05 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OFFICE SUPPLIES 010. 43(H. 5201 12.75 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PARKING 010.4301.5501 1. 00 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES-CM 010.4101.5501 8.00 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FILM DEVELOPED 010.4301.5255 5.55 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES-PW 010.4301. 5503 15.00 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE POSTAGE 010.4130.5201 16.00 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PRINT CARTRIDGE 010.4130.5201 28.34 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CHAMBER MTG 010.4120.5501 15.00 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CHAMBER MTG 010.4120.5501 15.00 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CHAMBER MTG 284.4103.5201 15.00 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4301.5201 11. 06 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES 284.4103.5505 8.01 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4001.5201 19.15 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SEWING NEEDLES 010.4211.5603 4.70 99625 03/09/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GASOLINE 010.4430.5608 20.00 359.45 99626 03/09/01 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMB.TALENT SHOW SUPPLIES-BAR 010.4424.5252 59.20 99626 03/09/01 009750 BRENDA BARROW REIMB.GAMES-BARROW 010.4422.5256 12.84 72.04 99627 03/09/01 102247 WALTER BINNS CLOSING BILL-505 BENNETT AVE 640.0000.4751 50.59- 99627 03/09/01 102247 WALTER BINNS REF-0/PMT-505 BENNETT AVE 640.0000.4751 68.90 99627 03/09/01 102247 WALTER BINNS PREVIOUS BALANCE-505 BENNETT 640.0000.4751 6.26- 12.05 -------...------- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 03/07/01 09:00 VOUCHER/ CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99628 03/09/01 102259 CHESS IE BREHM B/BALL LGE.SCORER-BREHM 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 99629 03/09/01 101074 JOY BREHM B.BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-BREHM 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 99630 03/09/01 012792 FLOYD BRIDGE IDENTIFY THEFT INVEST-BRIDGE 010.4201.5501 680.00 680.00 99631 03/09/01 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER BAGS/BATTERIES 010.4201.5255 67.10 99631 03/09/01 013026 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER GLOVES/METAL GRINDING WHEELS 220.4303.5255 19.21 86.31 99632 03/09/01 013338 BROWNELLS, INC. ARMORY MAINT.EQUIP/PARTS 010.4201.5603 674.13 674.13 99633 03/09/01 101619 ROB BURT B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-ROB BURT 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 99634 03/09/01 013834 BURTON'S FIRE APPARATUS VEHICLE PARTS 010.4211.5601 768.83 99634 03/09/01 013834 BURTON'S FIRE APPARATUS VEHICLE PARTS 010.4211.5601 163.71 99634 03/09/01 013834 BURTON'S FIRE APPARATUS CR:VEHICLE PARTS 010.4211.5601 429.82- 502.72 99635 03/09/01 019110 CA.TRUCKING ASSOCIATION DRIVER INSPECT. RPT. BOOKS 220.4303.5601 46.03 99635 03/09/01 019110 CA. TRUCKING ASSOCIATION DRIVER INSPECT. RPT . BOOKS 640.4712.5603 46.03 99635 03/09/01 019110 CA. TRUCKING ASSOCIATION DRIVER INSPECT. RPT . BOOKS 612.4610.5603 46.03 138.09 99636 03/09/01 102211 CA.USA WRESTLING,INC. WRESTLING PARTICIPANT REGIS 010.4424.5257 184.00 184.00 99637 03/09/01 016146 CALIF.HWY PRODUCTS & SI SIGN U-BRACKETS 220.4303.5613 274.77 274.77 99638 03/09/01 102256 CALIFORNIA DOWNTOWN ASS CA. DOWNTOWN ASSOC MEMBER-SHEEL 284.4103.5503 200.00 200.00 99639 03/09/01 101739 LUKE CAYWOOD B/BALL LGE.SCORER-CAYWOOD 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 99640 03/09/01 101464 CELSOC 3 SUBDIVISION MAP ACT GUIDES 010.4130.5503 278.16 278.16 99641 03/09/01 100842 CENTRAL & PACIFIC COAST DEMURRAGE CYLINDER 010.4211.5206 20.00 20.00 99642 03/09/01 102250 CENTRAL COAST BEARING BEARINGS-WATER PUMP 640.4712.5603 56.39 56.39 99643 03/09/01 021918 CENTRAL COAST SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 010.4213.5604 563.57 563.57 99644 03/09/01 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY CITRUS TREE/MULCH 010.4420.5308 63.60 99644 03/09/01 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY TREES 010.4420.5605 41.25 99644 03/09/01 023088 CHERRY LANE NURSERY IRONITE FERTILIZER 010.4420.5274 18.18 123.03 99645 03/09/01 023868 RICHARD CLEAVER DISCIPLINE-CLEAVER 010.4201.5501 40.00 40.00 99646 03/09/01 077376 SUSAN SAXE- CLIFFORD PSYCH-STEARNS 010.4201. 5315 325.00 325.00 99647 03/09/01 024102 COAST GRAPHIC SUPPLY LITH FILM 010.4102.5255 79.22 99647 03/09/01 024102 COAST GRAPHIC SUPPLY DEVELOPER/METAL PLATES/GUM 010.4102.5255 430.26 509.48 99648 03/09/01 024180 COAST NUT & BOLT FASTENERS/CLAMPS 640.4712.5255 33.64 99648 03/09/01 024180 COAST NUT & BOLT FASTENERS/CLAMPS 220.4303.5255 33.64 99648 03/09/01 024180 COAST NUT & BOLT FASTENERS/CLAMPS 010.4420.5255 33.64 " ---- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 03/07/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99648 03/09/01 024180 COAST NUT & BOLT FASTENERS/CLAMPS 010.4305.5255 33.62 134.54 99649 03/09/01 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS INSTL.WEIGHT FLOATS 612.4610.5610 1,107.24 99649 03/09/01 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS REPR.GFI BREAKER-TROUBLE SHOOT 612.4610.5610 360.00 1,467.24 99650 03/09/01 102263 MARCUS CONAWAY B/BALL LGE.SCORER-CONAWAY 010.4424.5352 45.00 45.00 99651 03/09/01 025428 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL 4 MAG BALLASTS 010.4213.5604 86.88 86.88 99652 03/09/01 026832 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO STOR.CAB-GAS/PAINT 010.4213.5604 533.93 99652 03/09/01 026832 CUESTA EQUIPMENT. CO JAW PULLER/ADJ. SCREWS/VALVE TO 010.4420.5273 19.71 553.64 99653 03/09/01 027924 D.A.R.E.AMERICA JR.HI POSTER SET/CHART 010.4201. 5504 159.44 159.44 99654 03/09/01 028548 DAYSTAR INDUSTRIES STREET SWEEPING 612.4610.5303 5,620.64 5,620.64 99655 03/09/01 101969 DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIA COPIER LEASE PAYMENT#93791 010.4421.5602 141.25 141.25 99656 03/09/01 031824 ELECTRIC MOTOR REWIND IN REPL.FAN METER 612.4610.5610 120.38 99656 03/09/01 031824 ELECTRIC MOTOR REWINDIN REPR.SEWER PUMP/MOTOR 612.4610.5610 880.90 1,001.28 99657 03/09/01 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN FIREHYDRANT/BOLT/GASKET 640.4712.5610 676.45 676.45 99658 03/09/01 101662 FORD QUALITY FLEET CARE L TRIM PANEL/WINDOW SWITCH 010.4201.5601 851. 67 99658 03/09/01 101662 FORD QUALITY FLEET CARE SPECKER CONNECTOR/WINDOW 010.4201. 5601 86.94 99658 03/09/01 101662 FORD QUALITY FLEET CARE 962 COOLING SYST.FLUSH/DOORS 010.4201.5601 437.64 99658 03/09/01 101662 FORD QUALITY FLEET CARE AIR BAG DIAG.CHECK/INSPECT 010.4201. 5601 663.12 99658 03/09/01: 101662 FORD QUALITY FLEET CARE REPL.LIGHT BLUB ASSEMBLY 010.4201.5601 152.69 99658 03/09/01 101662 FORD QUALITY FLEET CARE REPL.SPRING FRONT COIL SPRING 010.4201.5601 399.74 99658 03/09/01 .101662 FORD QUALITY FLEET CARE REPR.SEAT BELT 640.4712.5601 130.69 2,722.49 99659 03/09/01 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC DUP . BARRELL KEYS 010.4201.5603 28.89 99659 03/09/01 035802 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC DUP.KEY 220.4303.5601 22.22 51.11 99660 03/09/01 038376 GRAND AUTO PARTS BATTERY 220.4303.5601 56.21 99660 03/09/01 038376 GRAND AUTO PARTS BATTERY 010.4420.5603 56.21 112.42 99661 03/09/01 102225 GTS MOTOROLA RADIO 010.4211.5325 805.00 805.00 99662 03/09/01 100913 SEAN F HAGERTY REIMB.SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES 010.4211.5603 13.82 13.82 99663 03/09/01 039992 DONNA HAMILTON REIMB.BOOKS-HAMILTON 010.4201.5255 50.00 50.00 99664 03/09/01 100635 HARRY'S RADIATOR SVCS WATER PUMP/THERMOSTAT 010.4201.5601 233.60 233.60 99665 03/09/01 100348 JAMIE HEINZE B/BALL LGE.SCORER-HEINZE 010.4424.5352 45.00 45.00 99666 03/09/01 041808 CRAIG HENDRICKS REIMB.BOOKS/TUITION-HENDERICKS 010.4201.5502 959.75 959.75 99667 03/09/01 100335 DANIEL HERNANDEZ CPRS ANNUAL CONF-HERNANDEZ 010.4421.5501 120.00 99667 03/09/01 100335 DANIEL HERNANDEZ CPRS ANNUAL CONF-HERNANDEZ 010.4421.5608 195.00 315.00 - - -------_._-~"-----._- - --.....---' VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 03/07/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99668 03/09/01 042174 HIGGINS ASSOCIATE, INC CIRCULATION ELEMENT-TRAFFIC 010.4130.5318 3,111.00 3,111.00 99669 03/09/01 102260 BRYCEN IKEDA B/BALL LGE.SCORER-IKEDA 010.4424.5352 45.00 45.00 99670 03/09/01 100117 IMAGING PRODUCTS INT' L FILM/POLAROID FILM 010.4201.5255 299.69 299.69 99671 03/09/01 102257 INT'L FOOTPRINTERS ASSO 9 ANNUAL DISPATCH DINNER 010.4201.5504 225.00 225.00 99672 03/09/01 045630 INTERSTATE SALES 6V BATTERIES 220.4303.5255 121. 89 121. 89 99673 03/09/01 101848 INVENSYS METERING SYSTE WATER METERS 640.4712.5207 3,162.36 99673 03/09/01 101848 INVENSYS METERING SYSTE WATER METERS 640.4712.5207 5,651.52 99673 03/09/01 101848 INVENSYS METERING SYSTE CR : TAX ON METERS 640.4712.5207 159.98- 8,653.90 99674 03/09/01 046098 J C LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE MAINT. 010.4420.5303 380.00 99674 03/09/01 046098 J C LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE MAINT. 217.4460.5356 120.00 500.00 99675 03/09/01 046410 J.W.ENTERPRISES TOILET RENTAL 220.4303.5552 91.73 91.73 99676 03/09/01 047190 JOHNSON ENGINEERING TEST ALTERNATOR 010.4420.5603 22.50 22.50 99677 03/09/01 047814 KAUTZ TOWING VEHICLE IMPOUND 010.4201. 5324 92.00 92.00 99678 03/09/01 048516 KEYLOCK SECURITY SPECIA KEYS 010.4201.5604 8.56 8.56 99679 03/09/01 100985 DOUG LINTNER B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-LINTNER 010.4424.5352 192.00 192.00 99680 03/09/01 101173 LONGS DRUG STORE PHOTO PROCESSING 010.4201. 5255 107.30 107.30 99681 03/09/01 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. BUS TRANS. TO ELM 010.4425.5303 255.00 255.00 99682 03/09/01 102261 KIMBERLY MARSALEK B/BALL LGE.SCORER-MARSALEK 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 99683 03/09/01 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA GASOLINE 010.4201. 5608 98.71 99683 03/09/01 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA MEALS-TRAINING/TRIP TP P/U 010.4201.5501 166.95 99683 03/09/01 056628 MID STATE BANK-MASTERCA DARE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5255 13.22 278.88 99684 03/09/01 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER &. BRAKE LUBE/OIL/FILTER/TIRES 010.4420.5601 185.64 99684 03/09/01 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER &. BRAKE LUBE/OIL/FILTER 010.4201.5601 53.40 99684 03/09/01 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER &. BRAKE LUBE/OIL/FILTER 010.4201.5601 69.09 99684 03/09/01 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER &. BRAKE BRAKES/TIRES ROTATE 010.4201.5601 50.55 99684 03/09/01 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER &. BRAKE BRAKES/ALIGN/FILTERS/WIPERS 010.4201.5601 349.34 708.02 99685 03/09/01 056940 MIER BROS. FOREST BLEND 010.4430.5605 9.18 9.18 99686 03/09/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BALLAST 010.4213.5604 32.09 99686 03/09/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CAULKING/PAINTBRUSH/PIPE 010.4213.5604 37.19 99686 03/09/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE LUMBER CRAYON 010.4212.5201 10.28 99686 03/09/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE FUSE/ZINC PLATED HOOK 010.4211. 5601 11.22 99686 03/09/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. HAND TOOLS 010.4420.5605 23.60 99686 03/09/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CALKGUN 010.4213.5604 6.41 -------. VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 03/07/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER, FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99686 03/09/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CERAMIC PLATE COVER 010.4,213.5604 4.27 99686 03/09/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE TEAKETTLE 010.4211.5255 20.32 99686 03/09/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE DOOR HANDLE 640.4712.5604 2.56 99686 03/09/01 057096 MINER I S ACE HARDWARE GRAPHITE LUBE 010.4211.5601 4.16 99686 03/09/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SPRAY FOAM 612.4610.5610 5.34 99686 03/09/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SWEEP COMPOUND 010.4213.5604 28.86 186.30 99687 03/09/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 40.23 99687 03/09/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 54.59 99687 03/09/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 2.62 99687 03/09/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4425.5255 45.28 99687 03/09/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4421. 5201 29.52 99687 03/09/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 612.4610.5201 58.84 99687 03/09/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 40.23- 190.85 99688 03/09/01 057272 MIKE MITCHELL B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-MITCHELL 010.4424.5352 144.00 144.00 99689 03/09/01 102262 KATHRYN MONTGOMERY B/BALL LGE. SCORER-MONTGOMERY 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 99690 03/09/01 060918 NAT'L TACTICAL OFF.ASSN NAT'L TACT.DUES-J.ALLEN 010.4201. 5503 35.00 35.00 99691 03/09/01 061420 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS TRAFFIC SIGNS 220.4303.5613 4,289.80 4,289.80 99692 03/09/01 061814 NOBLE SAW, INC. CHAIN-3/8 PICCO 010.4420.5603 16.48 99692 03/09/01 061814 NOBLE SAW, INC. POLE 'PRUNER/POLE/NUT 010.4420.5603 156.63 99692 03/09/01 061814 NOBLE SAW, INC. CR : BLADE 010.4420.5603 15.25- 157.86 99693 03/09/01 102044 NOSSAMAN,GUTHNER,KNOX &. PROF.SVCS-SANTA MARIA VLY WATE 640.4710.5575 4,164.00 4,164.00 99694 03/09/01 101665 ONEMAIN.COM ONE . MAIN INTERNET SVCS 010.4140.5607 46.90 46.90 99695 03/09/01 063882 PACIFIC APPAREL &. SPORT B/BALL NETS 010.4426.6201 137.01 137.01 99696 03/09/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 489-2174 010.4201. 5403 33.24 99696 03/09/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL FAX 473-2198 010.4145.5403 21. 61 99696 03/09/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PC PHONE LINE 489-2345 010.4145.5403 35.33 99696 03/09/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3953 010.4211.5403 31. 83 99696 03/09/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3960 010.4211.5403 31. 83 99696 03/09/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 473-5100 010.4145.5403 667.15 99696 03/09/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL DATA LINE 473-5141 010.4145.5403 230.83 99696 03/09/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 481-6944 010.4201. 5403 217.40 1,269.22 99697 03/09/01 064194 PACIFIC GAS &. ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 1,045.96 99697 03/09/01 064194 PACIFIC GAS &. ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 640.4712.5402 207.20 99697 03/09/01 064194 PACIFIC GAS &. ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 640.4711.5402 1,654.61 99697 03/09/01 064194 PACIFIC GAS &. ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 612.4610.5402 897.94 99697 03/09/01 064194 PACIFIC GAS &. ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4145.5401 3,779.26 99697 03/09/01 064194 PACIFIC GAS &. ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 217.4460.5355 7.60 99697 03/09/01 064194 PACIFIC GAS &. ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 45.83 99697 03/09/01 064194 PACIFIC GAS &. ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 12,398.93 20,037.33 ----.--- ---'.- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 6 03/07/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99698 03/09/01 102252 PAPA MURPHY'S PIZZA PIZZA FUND RAISING COUPONS 010.4424.5257 500.00 500.00 99699 03/09/01 064308 PAPER DIRECT, INC. CERT.FOLDERS 010.4001.5201 33.98 33.98 99700 03/09/01 102258 ARTHUR OF SHARON PASION REF.O/PMT PARKING CITE-D15091 010.0000.4203 10.00 10.00 99701 03/09/01 066690 PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE METER RENTAL 010.4101. 5602 310.89 99701 03/09/01 066690 PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE METER SUPPLIES 010.4101.5201 61. 82 372.71 99702 03/09/01 068200 PMX SANI"DEX WIPES 010.4211.5206 157.71 157.71 99703 03/09/01 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS TYPESET BUS.CARDS 010.4102.5306 19.80 99703 03/09/01 067548 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS TYPESET BUS CARDS 010.4102.5306 19.80 39.60 99704 03/09/01 067782 DENNIS PORTE PUPPY PLAY SCHOOL CLASSES 010.4424.5351 726.25 726.25 99705 03/09/01 071682 GREG ROSE B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-ROSE 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 99706 03/09/01 102249 SAN BUENA VENTURA PEER REVIEW/HISTORIC REPORT 010.0000.2400 425.00 425.00 99707 03/09/01 076848 LENNY DE LOS SANTOS TENNIS CLASSES-DE LOS SANTOS 010.4424.5351 143.85 143.85 99708 03/09/01 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. DIESEL/GASOLINE 010.4211.5608 191. 54 191. 54 99709 03/09/01 101621 TOM SHIFFRAR B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-SHIFFRAR 010.4424.5352 96.00 96.00 99710 03/09/01 102245 JOAN SKINNER CLOSING BILL-857 FOREST GLEN D 640.0000.4751 46.52- 99710 03/09/01 102245 JOAN SKINNER REF 0.PMT-857 FOREST GLEN 640.0000.4751 179.22 99710 03/09/01 102245 JOAN SKINNER PREVIOUS BALANCE-857 FOREST 640.0000.4751 66.35- 66.35 99711 03/09/01 102046 RICHARD SLADE & ASSOC SANTA MARIA VLY PROF.SVCS 640.4710.5575 433.08 433.08 99712 03/09/01 100124 SLO CNTY OFFICE OF EDUC LIVE SCAN FINGERPRINTS 010.4425.5315 12.00 99712 03/09/01 100124 SLO CNTY OFFICE OF EDUC LIVE SCAN FINGERPRINTS 010.4201.5324 36.00 48.00 99713 03/09/01 100271 LYNDA SNODGRASS REIMB.MlLEAGE-CSMFO CONFER. 010.4120.5501 142.35 142.35 99714 03/09/01 102264 STEVEN SORENSON B.BALL LGE.SCORER-SORENSON 010.4424.5352 67.50 67.50 99715 03/09/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY PUMP PARTS 010.4211. 5601 64.18 99715 03/09/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY FLOURESCENT LIGHT/SET STD GPT 010.4211.5603 50.51 114.69 99716 03/09/01 102265 JEROD SOUZA B.BALL LGE.SCORER-SOUZA 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 99717 03/09/01 102236 SPARKLE JANITORIAL CARPETS CLEANED-CITY HALL 010.4213.5303 260.00 260.00 99718 03/09/01 082134 STATEWIDE SAFETY & SIGN SIGNS 220.4303.5613 54.89 54.89 99719 03/09/01 082836 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY SLOAN PARTS 010.4213.5604 49.44 49.44 99720 03/09/01 083382 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIER MAINT /REPR . FAX MACHINE 010.4101. 5602 188.86 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 7 03/07/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 99720 03/09/01 083382 SUPERIOR QUALITY COPIER TONER-SUPPLIES 010.4101. 5201 169.44 358.30 99721 03/09/01 101581 TESCO CONTROLS,INC PUMP CONTROL PANEL/TRANSFORMER 612.4610.5610 1,284.00 1,284.00 99722 03/09/01 102244 TITAN INDUSTRIAL WORK GLOVES 640.4712.5255 178.89 178.89 99723 03/09/01 086034 TRI-CITY DISPOSAL SERVI DISPOSAL SERVICES 010.4213.5303 380.21 99723 03/09/01 086034 TRI-CITY DISPOSAL SERVI DISPOSAL SERVICES 010.4213.5303 145.96 526.17 99724 03/09/01 102267 TRI-COUNTIES WRESTLING WRESTLING MEMBER REGISTRATION 010.4424.5257 16.00 16.00 99725 03/09/01 102251 TURF STAR, INC. R/R RIDING MOWER 010.4420.5601 2,138.39 2,138.39 99726 03/09/01 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK, INC. SPRINKLER PARTS 010.4420.5605 4.02 99726 03/09/01 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. SPRINKLER PARTS 010.4420.5605 22.06 26.08 99727 03/09/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-PKS SUPERVISOR 010.4421.5602 15.75 99727 03/09/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-CHAVEZ 010.4430.5605 31. 39 99727 03/09/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS PD CELL PHONES 010.4201. 5403 151. 39 99727 03/09/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS PD CELL PHONES 010.4201.5403 18.93 99727 03/09/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS PD CELL PHONES 010.4201.5403 15.88 99727 03/09/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS PD CELL PHONES 010.4201.5403 18.93 99727 03/09/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS PD CELL PHONES 010.4201.5403 17.45 99727 03/09/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS PD CELL PHONES 010.4201.5403 25.27 99727 03/09/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS PD CELL PHONES 010.4201.5403 18.93 99727 03/09/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-FIRE DEPT. 010.4211.5403 61. 31 99727 03/09/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-ENG.1 010.4211. 5403 19.87 395.10 99728 03/09/01 102248 VINE CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLEANING 010.4201.5604 109.46 109.46 99729 03/09/01 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE TIRES 010.4201.5601 94.61 99729 03/09/01 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE LUBE/OIL/FILTER/TIRES 010.4420.5601 223.94 99729 03/09/01 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE TIRES/LUBE/OIL/FILTERS/SVCS 640.4712.5601 358.31 676.86 99730 03/09/01 091026 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR. CA.ED.CODE/JUVENIL LAWS/RULES 010.4201.5255 96.30 99730 03/09/01 091026 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR. CA CODES/CD ROM 010.4003.5503 141. 24 237.54 99731 03/09/01 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO PAPER 010.4102.5255 205.41 99731 03/09/01 100431 WILLARD PAPER CO PAPER 010.4102.5255 107.96 313.37 99732 03/09/01 094106 ZOLL MEDICAL CORP. PAPER/CHART RECORDER/ROLLS 010.4211.5206 57.76 57.76 TOTAL CHECKS 78,563.31 - VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 8 03/07/01 09:00 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 22 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 44,900.82 217 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 127.60 220 STREETS FUND 6,135.51 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 223.01 612 SEWER FUND 10,381. 31 640 WATER FUND 16,795.06 TOTAL 78,563.31 ATTACHMENT 4 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 2/16/01 TO 3/01/01 03/09/01 FUND 010 238,249.16 Salaries Full time 149,836.65 FUND 220 11,176.52 Salaries Part-Time 27,800.32 FUND 284 4,703.76 Salaries Over-Time 10,627.27 FUND 612 4,444.10 Holiday Pay 4,848.40 FUND 640 10,519.40 Sick Pay 5,145.98 269,092.94 Annual Leave Pay - Vacation Buyback 2,837.70 468.33 Vacation Pay 1,959.19 Comp Pay 3,115.99 Annual Leave Pay 3,624.28 PERS Retirement 15,295.94 Social Security 15,137.16 PARS Retirement 194.56 State Disability Ins. 646.41 Health Insurance 21,694.04 Dental Insurance 3,657.21 Vision Insurance 786.01 Life Insurance 542.50 Long Term Disability - Uniform Allowance - Car Allowance 400.00 Council Expense 375.00 Employee Assistance - Uniform Allowance Motor Pay 100.00 Total: 269,092.94 ---......-,.. --------~ --- 8.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICEq SUBJECT: CASH FLOW ANALYSIS/APPROVAL OF INTERFUND ADVANCES FROM THE WATER FACILITY FUND DATE: MARCH 27, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . Accept the February cash report, . Approve the interfund advance of $756,633 from the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds as of February 28, 2001. FUNDING: No outside funding is required. Attachment A - Cash Balancellnterfund Advance Report --~----- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH BALANCE /INTERFUND ADVANCE REPORT February 28, 200 I Balance at Recommended Revised Fund 2/28/01 Advances Balance 010 General Fund 955,053 955,053 210 Fire Protection Impact Fees 30,652 30,652 212 Police Protection Impact Fees 5,084 5,084 213 Park Development 502,192 502,192 214 Park Improvement 17,010 17,010 215 Recreation Community Center 984 984 217 Landscape Maintenance 26,365 26,365 220 Street (Gas Tax) Fund 93,618 93,618 222 Traffic Signalization 497,531 497,531 223 Traffic Circulation 437,737 437,737 224 Transportation Facility Impact 1,692,608 1,692,608 225 Transportation 14,136 14,136 226 Water Neutralization Impact 113,308 113,308 230 Construction Tax 224,260 224,260 231 Drainage Facility 12,706 12,706 232 In-Lieu Affordable Housing 182,238 182,238 241 Lopez Facility Fund 524,799 524,799 271 State COPS Block Grant Fund 115,082 115,082 272 Calif. Law Enf. Technology Grant 113,266 113,266 274 Federal Universal Hiring Grant (2,998) 2,998 0 277 98-99 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant 103 103 278 99-00 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant 7,132 7,132 279 00-01 Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant 13,752 13,752 284 Redevelopment Agency (222,885) 222,885 0 285 Redevelopment Set Aside 22,163 22,163 350 Capital Projects (530,750) 530,750 0 612 Sewer Fund 33,111 33,111 634 Sewer Facility 79,673 79,673 640 Water Fund 2,338,557 2,338,557 641 Lopez 473,033 473,033 642 Water Facility 1,564,466 (756,633) 807,833 751 Downtown Parking 35,102 35,102 760 Sanitation District Fund 88,099 88,099 Total City Wide Cash 9,457,187 0 9,457,187 THE ABOVE LISTING ARE THE CASH BALANCES SHOWN IN THE GENERAL LEDGER OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS OF FEBRUARY 28, 2001 ~'~r. ~~::J nda K. Snodgra Director of Financial Services -- -~---- -_.._-~-~._- - S.c. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 13,2001 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lady called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Runels, Dickens, Lubin, Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara, and Mayor Lady were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams; City Attorney Carmel; Director of Administrative Services Wetmore; Director of Financial Services Snodgrass; Community Development Director McCants; Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Hernandez, Director of Public Works Spagnolo; Associate Planner Heffernon; Assistant Planner McClish; and Police Commander Andrews. 3. FLAG SALUTE Members of Boy Scout Troop 234 led the. Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Richard Scharn delivered the inyocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only Council Member Dickens moved, Council Member Runels seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waiyed. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS Jordan Lacey, 1100 Refugio, Grover Beach, spoke about kids that ride and jump bicycles in the empty lot behind K-Mart, and requested that the City not remoye the bicycle jumps that have been created by the kids who ride there. Beth Oates, 740 Teddy Bear Lane, Grover Beach, stated she was here with Jordan Lacey; supported his request for allowing the kids to ride their bicycles in the empty lot; acknowledged that it was City property; acknowledged potential liability issues; and requested the Council consider allowing the kids to continue using the empty lot. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 13, 2001 PAGE 2 Joey Britton, 904 Trouville Ayenue, Groyer Beach, spoke in fayor of kids being able to use the empty lot for bicycle riding and jumping and stated that this actiYity keeps him busy and out of trouble. Dustin Miller, 226 N. 11 th Street, Groyer Beach, spoke in favor of kids being able to use the empty lot for bicycle riding and jumping. Otis Page. 606 Myrtle, spoke regarding the proposed Arroyo Linda Specific Plan; the status of the Project Study Report for the EI Campo Interchange; and requested the City advise the applicant to move forward with the Arroyo Linda Specific Plan in order to resolye various issues prior to the Council finalizing the General Plan Update. Michael Britton, 904 Trouville Avenue, Grover Beach, stated he would like to see a BMX track built in the area. He said the kids need somewhere to go to ride their bikes. He requested the City continue to allow the kids to ride their bikes in the empty lot behind Kmart and stated that the kids have worked hard to keep the area clean. Ryan Burnes, Elm Street, stated this was the only place to ride bikes, it was fun, and it keeps kids out of trouble. He said they are not allowed to ride their bikes at the Skate Park. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Runels moved and Council Member Lubin seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.g., with the recommended courses of action: 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Approved the listing of cash disbursements for the period February 16, 2001 through February 28, 2001. 8.b. Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of February 28, 2001. 8.c. Annual Review of City Investment.Policy. Action: Approved without changes the City of Arroyo Grande Inyestment Policy. 8.d. Cost Allocation Plan Update. Action: Adopted the Fiscal Year 2001-02 Cost Allocation Plan. 8.e. Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved minutes as submitted for Special City Council Meetings of February 2, 2001, February 13, 2001, and March 2, 2001; Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of February 13, 2001; and Regular City Council Meeting of February 27, 2001. ~_..- --~--'- -_.------ -'-'--~- ._--_.._-~--- ~----_.__.._---_.. .. ._. -_..~'. ..._~------ ----~,-,..--- - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 13, 2001 PAGE 3 8.f. The Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase II, Progress Payment No.2. Action: Authorized progress payment in the amount of $8,909.10 to R. Simons Company, Inc. 8.g. Funding for Pre-Construction Activities for the Paulding Middle School Bikelanes (Bikeway One) Project. Action: Authorized the use of $7,064 of unused Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster funds for pre-construction activities on the Paulding Middle School Bicycle Lane Project. AYES: Runels, Lubin, Dickens, Ferrara, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a. Final Approval of Fiscal Year 2000-01 Community Development Block Grant Projects. Assistant Planner McClish presented the staff report. Staff recommended that the Council adopt a Resolution approving the projects to be funded with the City's allocation Program Year 2001 CDBG funds. Mayor Lady opened the public hearing. Jan Sarhad, representing the Economic Opportunity Commission, thanked the Council for allocating funds to the Health Services program and the Senior Health Screening Program. Michael Pascarelli, representing the Food .Bank Coalition of the Central Coast, thanked the Council for allocating $5,000 to the Food Bank for the purpose of acquiring property for the placement of a warehouse. He referred to the Cedar Street project and requested that the Food Bank be reconsidered for additional funds if the project was not eligible for funding under CDBG guidelines. In response to issues raised at the preYious public hearing, he further clarified issues relating to the Food Bank's role in the Brown Bag Program. Joey Hughes, representing Camp Fire Boys and Girls of the Central Coast, thanked the Council for allocating funds for the Teens-In-Action Program. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady closed the public hearing. --...~-- ..._~---- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 13, 2001 PAGE 4 Council Member Dickens referred to the City's application for funding 40% of a full-time Code Enforcement Officer for the enforcement of the City's Building and Deyelopment Ordinance and stated he felt that those funds should be allocated to the Economic Opportunity Commission's Home Repair Program. He also expressed concern that the Cedar Street Sidewalk project would not be eligible for funding as a result of the Census. Council Member Dickens stated he would support moving the proposed allocation from the Cedar Street Sidewalk project in order to benefit the Home Repair Program and suggested increasing the allocation for the Food Bank Property Acquisition. Following further discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara moyed to adopt a Resolution determining those projects to be funded with the City's Allocation of Program Year 2001 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll call-vote, to wit: AYES: Ferrara, Lubin, Runels, Lady NOES: Dickens ABSENT: None There being 4 A YES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Request for Speed Limit Reduction on Huasna Road. Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report. Staff recommended the Council adopt a Resolution amending the City's speed survey to reduce the speed limit on Huasna Road from 45 miles per hour (mph) to 40 mph. Mayor Lady opened up the item for public comment. Geney Gruber, Oro Driye, spoke of the traffic problems on Huasna Road with speeding and unsafe passing and supported a decrease in the speed limit. Dean Clark, 1147 Huasna Road, spoke of the traffic problems on Huasna Road with speeding and unsafe passing; expressed concern for the safety of the seniors residing in the nearby mobile home park; and referred to the Vehicle Code, stating the City had the right to reduce the speed limit to 25 mph in front senior complexes. He asked about the basis of the speed survey as it related to classification of yehicles; spoke about stopping distances, particularly with, regard to trucks; expressed concern for the safety of the neighborhood children who wait for school buses on Huasna Road near Strother CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 13, 2001 PAGE 5 Park; referred to the high volume of traffic going to and from Lopez Lake; and favored further reduction of the speed limit on Huasna Road. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady brought the issue back to the Council for consideration. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding special circumstances or conditions identified in traffic surveys; enforcem~nt issues related to reducing the speed limit; whether there could be separate speed limits for vehicles and trucks; and whether it would be beneficial to meet with the Court Traffic Commissioner to generally discuss the matter. Council Member Dickens moved to continue the request for a speed limit reduction on Huasna Road to further investigate special physical features, extraordinary circumstances, and special conditions on the road that can be used in a survey and to look into the possibility of meeting with the Traffic Commissioner to discuss these issues. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll~call vote, to wit: AYES: Dickens, Lubin, Runels, Ferrara, Lady NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11.b. Agreement for Mitigation Payment from County Flood Control District for Road Paving as a Result of the Lopez Dam Retrofit Project. Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report and responded to Council questions regarding the source of the funds and the portion of Huasna Road that would be payed. Staff recommended the Council approye and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement for mitigation payment from the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water District as a result of impacts to Huasna Road from the Lopez Dam remediation project. Mayor Lady opened up the item for public comment. Gordon Bennett, 415 Allen, spoke against construction trucks going through the Arroyo Grande Village for the remediation project due to concerns regarding air pollution and safety of the general public. Dean Clark, 1147 Huasna Road, asked whether Huasna Road was going to be repaved or patched. He continued to express concerns regarding the speed limit on Huasna Road. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 13, 2001 PAGE 6 Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady brought the issue back to the Council for consideration. Council discussion ensued regarding proposed truck traffic routes for the Lopez Dam remediation project and the road, safety, and enyironmental impacts of using the route which goes through the Village to Huasna Road. Council Member Dickens displayed an overhead showing all the ayailable routes and stated that eyen though there were mitigation measures in place, there should be no traffic going through the Village at all. He commented that the deterioration of payement was only one impact and stated that the other routes did not haye schools or businesses that would be impacted. Council Member Dickens stated he did not support the agreement. Following further discussion regarding the Lopez Dam remediation project and the benefits of repairing and replacing the portion of Huasna Road prior to the beginning of the project, Council Member Runels moyed to approye and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement for mitigation payment from the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water District as a result of impacts to Huasna Road from the Lopez Dam remediation project. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote, to wit: AYES: Runels, Lubin, Lady NOES: Dickens, Ferrara ABSENT: None There being 3 A YES and 2 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11.c. Review of Design Guidelines for Historic Districts. A letter with suggestions for changes to the City's Design Guidelines For Historic Districts was submitted for the record from Chuck Fellows, Chairman, and Howard Miura, member, of Preserve The Village. Community Deyelopment Director McCants presented the staff report, giYing an overview of how the Guidelines are applied in the planning process. He commented that staff had not had time to review the correspondence submitted by Mr. Fellows. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding how the Guidelines would be reconciled with the General Plan and Deyelopment Code for consistency; clarification on the definition of historic structures; applying the Guidelines to historic structures on Traffic Way; and the need to strengthen the Guidelines to be used as an effectiye tool for the preservation of the Village. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara moved to direct staff to review the memorandum submitted by Chuck Fellows and Howard Miura and make recommendations as to how the yarious proposed citations and modifications in the memorandum can be integrated into the ~ ------ ~-----._--'------- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 13, 2001 PAGE 7 Guidelines, with a view towards removing the ambiguity and potential for conflicts, and to bring those recommendations back to the Council by October, 2001. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously by voice yote. 11.d. Pre-Application Case No. 01-001; Subarea 2 of the Berry Gardens Specific Plan; S&S Homes. Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report. She explained the applicant is requesting feedback on a proposed 23-unit residential subdiyision located within Subarea 2 of the Berry Gardens Specific Plan. She responded to questions from Council regarding clarification on zoning and the requirement for a Specific Plan Amendment, General Plan Amendment and Development Code Amendment, and whether there was more room to essentially extend the Berry View Lane cul-de-sac for more yehicle maneuyering capabilities. Mayor Lady opened up the discussion for public comment. John Mack, architect and representative for S&S Homes, gaye a brief oyerview of the history of the project and requested that the City allow the deyeloper to put in all the streets, relocate and underground all the power poles along Ash Street. He stated this was the first proposed plan to extend the Berry Gardens project. He explained there would be a dedication of 20 feet in front of Ash Street for a meandering path/landscape buffer between the homes and the Soto Sports Complex. Council Member Dickens referred to the Berry View Lane cul-de-sac and suggested the installation of an island or planter to create a yisual barrier for those trayeling down Courtland Street. He asked if the proposed homes would be of the same neotraditional design and criteria as Subarea 1. Mr. Mack responded that the plans are a carry-oYer from Berry Gardens which are of a neotraditional design, with the garages located in the back. Council Member Dickens expressed serious concerns about the need for affordable housing within the City. He highly recommended the applicant consider providing as much on-site affordable housing as possible as part of this project. He also encouraged the applicant to apply for the in-lieu fees that the City has collected. He spoke of the limited amount of space left in the City for affordable housing. Additionally, Council Member Dickens asked questions regarding the enlargement of the proposed drainage basin. Mr. Mack replied that there were two options for enlarging the basin. He said if it could not be deepened, it could be expanded horizontally. Mr. Mack informed the Council that the deyeloper had already contacted the Housing Authority to discuss what types of affordable housing programs are available and how they work. He explained that S&S --..- -- ______..._.u....._ ...___,_ _........________.__ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 13, 2001 PAGE 8 had successfully constructed affordable housing projects in the past and was open to this option. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara asked what the price range of the homes would be. Mr. Mack replied it would be an extension of the sales range of the Berry Gardens project which start in the mid $200,000's and go up to mid $300,000. Council Member Runels asked a question about the location of the property line. Mr. Mack replied the property line was located at the back of the sidewalk. Hal Rosen, Executive Director of Affordable Homes, spoke of how affordable housing projects can be retained in the affordable housing category through yarious enforceable restrictiye coyenants and agreements. He gaye an overview of affordable housing programs and the desperate need in this County to provide affordable housing for low to moderate income persons. In response to questions by Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara, Mr. Rosen explained how deed restrictions are utilized to ensure that when affordable housing units are sold they remain in the affordable housing inventory; and confirmed that there is a greater need for more single family affordable housing units than multi-family affordable housing units. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady thanked Mr. Rosen for his comments and brought the discussion back to the Council. Council Member Dickens reiterated his desire for creating affordable housing within the City; stated that the City needs to utilize the in-lieu fees it has collected to facilitate the construction of affordable housing; and suggested that the applicant work with staff on this issue. Council Member Runels stated his support of this proposed extension of the Berry Gardens project and supported the proposed street layout. Council Member Lubin agreed with the need for providing affordable housing in the City. He encouraged the applicant to pursue any funds that were available for affordable housing projects; supported the expansion of the drainage basin if required; and fayored the extension of Berry View Lane. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara emphasized his belief that the affordable housing issue was paramount for this project. He stated he would support a redesign of the project. He also suggested that the site might be more suitable for a senior housing project like Wyndam Residence. He said in terms of a housing perspective, it was time to address these issues. He did not support the proposed plan. -_.__.._"-------~_.--- ------- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 13, 2001 PAGE 9 Mayor Lady concurred that affordable housing, as well as senior affordable housing, was a critical unmet need in the City. He supported efforts to include affordable housing units or an assisted IiYing facility within the proposed development. No action was taken on this item. 12. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS - Council Member Dickens inyited the Council and public to attend the public unyeiling of Community Center concepts by students of the Cal Poly Architecture Department to be held on Sunday, March 18, 2001 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. He also reported that he had receiyed an application from Assembly Member Maldonado's office for potential State funding for the project. - Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara announced the Long Range Planning Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 5:30 p.m. 13. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Lady adjourned the meeting at 10:55 p.m. Michael A. Lady, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Servicesl Deputy City Clerk ---....... ..----- - --.- - B.d. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER rIJd SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 1834 PHASE 4 & 4C DATE: MARCH 27, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: 1. adopt Resolution accepting improvements, offers of dedication, and easements within Tract 1834, Phase 4; 2. adopt Resolution accepting improvements, offers of dedication, and easements within Tract 1834 Phase 4C; FUNDING: There is no immediate fiscal impact. Maintenance of these facilities will be funded from Public Works maintenance funds in future years. DISCUSSION: Tract 1834, Phase 4 and 4C is located on the north side of James Way as shown on the attached sketches. The final map for Tract 1834, Phase 4 was approved by the Council on February 9, 1999 and was subsequently recorded on February 11, 1999. The final map for Tract 1834, Phase 4C was approved by the City Council on September 14, 1999 and was subsequently recorded on September 27, 1999. The required improyements have been constructed and the developer is required to warranty the improvements for a period of one year following acceptance of the improvements. Staff has inspected the improvements and recommends that the Council accept the offers of dedication, and the improvements. The roadways for Tract 1834, Phases 4 and 4C have been subject to extensiye construction traffic which has resulted in numerous stains, patches, and premature aging. The deyeloper has agreed to place an oil seal coat over all proposed public roads for Phases 4 and 4C; however, due to the continued home construction in both Phases, the oil seal coat will not be applied until the completion of the one year warranty period. Staff estimated that the oil seal coat for Phases 4 and 4C is well within the 10% warranty bond amount. --.--....- ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approye staff's recommendation; - Do not approve staff's recommendation; - Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendation; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Exhibit A - Location Map of Phase 4 Exhibit B - Location Map of Phase 4C Resolution Resolution - -q- uJ (f) <(<( :c O-\- - -q-ro r-tJ- co:C ~>< uJ \- 0 <( ex: \- -------- ---- ~-- . => u ~ w (f) ~m D-~ - ~m n- coI X -r-w ~ U <C 0:::: ~ - - - - ~- ~. -. - ~ -- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING OFFERS OF DEDICATIONS, OFFERS OF EASEMENTS, AND IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN TRACT 1834, PHASE 4 WHEREAS, th~ City Council approved the final map for Tract 1834 Phase 4 on February 9, 1999, and the map was subsequently recorded on February 11, 1999; and, . WHEREAS, offers to dedicate right of way and easements to the public were proYided on the final map for Tract 1834, Phase 4; and, WHEREAS, the deyeloper has constructed the improvements required by the Tract 1834 conditions of approyal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby accept the public improvements constructed for Tract 1834, Phase 4 and accepts the following offers of dedication and public easements, as shown on the final map for Tract 1834, Phase 4, recorded February 11,1999 in book 18 of maps, at page 62 in the office of the recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California: 1. Street Right of Ways for Los Ciervos, Puesta Del Sol, Castillo, and Vista Drive; 2. Street Tree Easements; 3. Public Utility Easements. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member ,and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2001. . RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A.. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELL Y WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ---~.,._~,.. - RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING OFFERS OF DEDICATIONS, OFFERS OF EASEMENTS, AND IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN TRACT 1834, PHASE 4C WHEREAS, the City Council approyed the final map for Tract 1834, Phase 4C on September 14,1999, and the map was subsequently recorded on September 27,1999; and, WHEREAS, offers to dedicate right of way and easements to the public were provided on the final map for Tract 1834, Phase 4C; and, WHEREAS, the developer has constructed the improvements required by the Tract 1834 conditions of approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby accept the public improvements constructed for Tract 1834, Phase 4C and accepts the following offers of dedication and public easements, as shown on the final map for Tract 1834, Phase 4C, recorded September 27 , 1999 in book 18 of maps, at page 88 in the office of the recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California: 1. Street Right of Way for Los Ciervos; 2. Street Tree Easements; 3. Public Utility Easements; 4. Public Storm Drain Easement; 5. Public Sewer Easement; 6. Access Easement. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2001. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY - 8.e. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: CONSULTANT CONTRACT AMENDMENT FOR THE BRISCO ROAD- HALCYON ROAD/ROUTE 101 (PSR) DATE: MARCH 27, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: A. approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the consultant contract amendment; and B. allocate an additional appropriation of $6,910 from the Transportation Facilities Fee Fund for the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 Project Study Report. FUNDING: The FY 2000/01 projected year-end fund balance of the Transportation Facility Fee Fund is approximately $1,440,014. This $6,901 allocation will bring the year-end fund balance to $1,433,113. ($1,410,070 if an allocation is made for the EI Campo Road/Route 101 PSR) If additional funding is procured from the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG), only $4,284 will be needed from the Transportation Facilities Fee Fund. DISCUSSION: Over the past two years, the City of Arroyo Grande has worked to develop the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 Project Study Report (PSR). The PSR prepared was based on a series of Project Development Team (PDT) meetings consisting of representatives from the City, Caltrans District 5, SLOCOG, County of San Luis Obispo, consultant team, and several interested citizens. The PDT agreed the PSR was ready for approval and, on November 14,2000, the City Council approved the PSR. Caltrans District 5 and Headquarters officials were scheduled to approye the PSR on November 15, 2001. However, the Headquarter Coordinator was unwilling to sign the final report due to non-standard intersection spacing for the modifications to the Grand Avenue/Route 101 interchange. In order to obtain approval, the Consultant has been advised by Caltrans to prepare a Design Exception Fact Sheet for the non-standard intersection spacing. This will require additional services from the Consultant. ------------- Staff negotiated a contract amendment in the amount of $6,91 0 with the Consultant for the services necessary to prepare the Design Exception Fact Sheet and obtain Caltrans approval. Staff contacted SLOCOG requesting it share in the cost of these additional services at the same percentage they contributed to the original contract. It was proposed the augmentation be funded as follows: Contribution on Requested Contribution the Original Contract on the aUQmentation City of Arroyo Grande $ 80,815 (62% ) $ 4,284 SLOCOG 50,000 (38% ) 2.626 Total $130,815 (100% ) $ 6,910 SLOCOG staff stated that it would present the augmentation request to its Board once action had been taken by the Arroyo Grande City Council. If additional funds are procured from SLOCOG, only $4,284 will be needed from the Transportation Facility Impact Fund. If funds are not procured from SLOCOG, the entire $6,910 will be needed. If this request for an additional appropriation is approved, staff will direct the Consultant to prepare the Design Exception Fact Sheet for Caltrans approval. Once the PSR is approved by Caltrans, staff will work with SLOCOG to amend its Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) to include funding for the Project Report. the next project development step. The Project Report will select a preferred alternatiye, identify detailed environmental impacts and final right-of-way requirements, and will allow the City to apply for final design and construction funding. Additional Council input and public comment will be part of the Project Report process. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are proYided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staff's recommendation; - Do not approye staff's recommendation; - Modify staff's recommendation as appropriate; or - Proyide direction to staff. Attachment: Consultant Services Agreement, Amendment #2 CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT #2 The Consultant's Services Agreement by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and DOKKEN ENGINEERING, dated November 12, 1998, is hereby amended this day of ,2001, to include the scope of work in CONSULTANT'S letter, dated March 5, 2001 attached hereto as Exhibit "A". All other terms and conditions set forth in said Consultant Services Agreement shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this amendment the day and year first above written. DOKKEN ENGINEERING By: See attached letter dated 03/05/01 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: . ,. ...-- ~ I I[q.DOKKEN ... ... E NG I N E El>I N G March 5, 2001 Mr. Don Spagnolo, P.E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Arroyo Grande 2(}8 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 RE: Agreement Cor Professional Services for the Brisco-aalcyonRoadlRoute 101 _ Interchange Project Study Report (PSR) . -Dear Mr. Spagnolo: We are in receipt of your Febl11aIY 15, 2001 letter re~djng our reque~tof Japuary 18,2001 for an augmentation to OUr. consultant 'services agreemep.t to compensate . Dokke.n Engineering for additional services requested on the subjectproject..W,e have diligently pursu~ the completion of this project from its inceptionto obtain Caltrans apptOvalof'the-ProjectStJ.Kty~porton a timely manner. Unfortunately, dUe tocircums~ces beyond{}urcontrol the completion of this project has been delayed significantly; We are very anxious to 'complete this much-needed project as soon as possible. We have reviewed the adjustment offeredbyxouragency!o cur requested'amount and. accept it so that. it does not furtherdelay.the..coinpletionofthis. project. However,. shouldadditiorial comments 'beyond preparation ofaJ)esign ~ptionF3Ct Sheet for non-standard intersection spacing comes up we would consider those 'to be additionalsetvices not covered in this request. Following is an ou~ljne of the work. involved. that is beyoJld that authorized in' our 'contract and the revised estimated cost associated with each task based on the instruction of your February 15,2001 letter. The fmal PSR document.. was subJ;b.itted to Caltranson October 9? 2000. with the understanding that Caltrans would approve it. Dokken Engineering was llifonned in, late October that Caltrans Headquarter Coordinator ahd Regional officeI1ave requested additional changes to the document prior to signjngthePS~.~ Caltrans also requested ,that we revise the conceptual geometric drawings of..the alternatives to, provide for ,higher design speed, revised, the -quantities, the estimate, and the, bridge advance planing, studies and ' res~bmitted . the; finaldoc,ument, for signature. fu addition, we had to revise the Mandatory Design Standard Fact Sheet, tJ1eAdvis()ry Design Exception Fa~t Sheet, andpre;pared Fact Sheets 'for CliItrans to estimate their .project developmentsuppoq cO$ts, and attended two additiOnal meetings at Caltrans District05 office.. . , The additional compensation offered by the City for this.effort from DOkken Engineering.staffto respond to the above requests is as follows: . Classification Bours ~ Fee AssOciate Engineer 8 $85 $680 Total 86 $680 CITY OF ARR.QYO GRANDE 3054 GOLD CANAL DRIVE · RANCHO CORDOVA,. CA 95670 11AK 8 2001 TEL:916.858.0642 FAX: 916.858.0643 PIjBL\C WORK,S DEPT. -----. --~. ---.. . . , ~ ~ I Mr. Don Spagnolo .R9~~ . Sheet 2 of2 03/05/01 On November 15, 2000 we were infonned that due to non-standard iI}tersection spacing for the modification, of th~ Grand A venuelRoute' '101 '.lnterchange; the Headquarter' COordinator was unwilling to sign the Fact Sheets to allow approval of the P$R.'Caltran'sreQ\1ested that we prepare additional alternatives and complete the newly adopted PtoJectStudy Re.p6rt-Project Development "Support (pSRlPDS) format for this project.. · Upon PaTtiaf 'completion of 'the alternative studies,Caltrans recotnIriended that we revise the design exeepiionand do not add alternatives. The additional budg~t that is offer~d by the qty for Dokken Engineering staff to respond to the above requests is I;lS follows: Classification . ' !1m!!:! Rate E!! Associate Engineer' 16 $85 $ 1,360 Assistant Engineer 8 $70 $560 Detailer 4 $60 $240 Total 86 $ 2,160 Caltrans has advised preparation of aI>esign Exc~ptionFac~ Sheetfo..n<?>>..~4 inters~tion spacing to possibly allow ,the approvAlof.t!tePSR, Dokken <Engint#~vvi11initiate the ' preparation of this added design exception immediately upon'autborlzation' of this request. This added effort does not allow for any meetings Or development of any new alternatives. The. additional budget that is offered by ~e City for Dokken Engineerit1g.to.p.rep~ethis new --"_.~, ,','-.-... ,document is as follows: Classification Hours Rate Fee Proje9t Mana.ger 2 $95 $190 Associate Engineer 40 $85 $ 3,400 Assistant Engineer 8 $60 $480 Total 50 . $'4,070 We want to 'assure you that we .doappreciateyour continued business. and loo~ forward to successful. completion of this, project. ,.We view the, above changes as an mcreaseinour scope of work. ThereforeJwerequest that our .contrac{be augmented by s6,910.00 to cover the above additional work. Should you have,any questions"please feel free to cbntact meat (916) 858- 0642. -. .~ ~ ~..-'-"- .0_,._'_____ - 9.a. ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the following item: PROPOSED ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONSOLIDATING PROVISIONS OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES AND A RESOLUTION OF Tf:lE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FIXING WATER FACILITIES FEES AND ADOPTING A SCHEDULE ESTABLISHING PEAK HOUR TRIPS FOR SPECIFIC RESIDENTIAL AND NONRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES FEES. Applicant: City of Arroyo Grande Proposal: The City Council will consider adopting a proposed ordinance amending the Municipal Code to consolidate development impact fees in Article 6, Chapter 2, Title 3. Additionally, the proposed ordinance will authorize the Director of Financial Services to annually adjust all development impact fees in conformance with changes in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index. If the proposed ordinance is adopted, the Council will consider a resolution fixing Water Facilities Fees (formerly known as Water Distribution Fees) and adopting a schedule establishing peak hour trips for specific residential and non-residential development for implementation of its Transportation Facilities Fees. Representative: Steven Adams, City Manager Any person affected or concerned about the proposal may submit written comments to the City Manager before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the proposal at the time of the hearing. Any person interested in the proposal can contact the City Manager at 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, or by telephone at (805) 473-5400 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). A copy of the proposed Ordinance is available for public inspection at the aboye address. IF YOU CHALLENGE AN ITEM IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE CITY COUNCIL AT, OR PRIOR TO, THE PUBLIC HEARING. FAILURE OF ANY PERSON TO RECEIVE THE NOTICE SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE GROUNDS FOR ANY COURT TO INVALIDATE THE ACTION OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY FOR WHICH THE NOTICE WAS GIVEN. Date and Time of Hearing: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 Place of Hearing: Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers, 215 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (()fVl.-- Kelly W mor Director of A ministratiye Services/Deputy Clerk Publish 2T, March 14,2001 and March 21,2001 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGE~J- SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE CONSOLIDATING PROVISIONS OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES AND RESOLUTION FIXING WATER FACILITIES FEES AND SPECIFYING PROCEDURES FOR CALCULATING TRAFFIC FACILITIES FEES DATE: MARCH 27, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Adopt the attached ordinance repealing Articles 3 and 5 of Chapter 2, Title 3 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and amending Article 6 of Chapter 2, Title 3 to consolidate provisions regarding development impact fees; and 2. Adopt the attached resolution establishing peak hour trips for implementation of transportation facilities fees and fixing water facilities fees. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact projected. DISCUSSION: At the February 27, 2001 meeting, the City Council introduced for first reading by title only the attached ordinance. The objectives of the ordinance are to consolidate provisions regarding development impact fees, make such provisions consistent, and allow automatic annual inflationary adjustments to be calculated and implemented by the Director of Financial Services. The ordinance is accompanied by the attached resolution amending the existing fee structure. The purpose of the resolution is to more accurately identify use categories in calculating the traffic facilities fees and to address water facilities fee adjustments that were inadvertently omitted in the prior resolution. In particular, the current resolution includes yery broad use categories for determining traffic facilities fees to be charged a project. In order to more accurately determine traffic impacts of an individual project, it is proposed that a schedule of specific use categories be adopted. The proposed schedule is a modified version of the guide published by the San Diego Association of Governments (which DMG Maximus relied on in its fee study) and provides a detailed list of uses within each category. As a result, it will minimize the amount of ------------------~----- CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION MARCH 27, 2001 PAGE 2 interpretation on the part of staff and better ensure the impact fees are applied consistently. The resolution also specifies how the fees will be calculated for projects that do not clearly fall within one of the categories. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatiyes are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt the ordinance and resolution; - Modify and adopt the ordinance and resolution; - Reject the ordinance and resolution; - Provide direction to staff. Attachment: 1. Ordinance 2. Resolution _._~----_._"_._----- ORDINANCE NO. 525 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONSOLIDATING PROVISIONS OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has analyzed the impacts of deyelopment on certain capital facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City wishes to maintain an acceptable leyel of service for the present and future residents and businesses of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, a reasonable nexus and relationship exists between new development and the public facilities needed to maintain the existing level of public services for existing and future residents and businesses in the City of Arroyo Grande pursuant to California Government Code Sections 66000, et seq.; and, WHEREAS, the proposed ordinance promotes the public health, safety, and general welfare. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The following portions of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code are hereby repealed. A. Article 3, Chapter 2, Title 3. I B. Article 5, Chapter 2, Title 3. C. Section 6-7.22(a)(2). SECTION 2: Article 6, Chapter 2, Title 3 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is hereby amended as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full. --------- ORDINANCE NO. 525 C.S. PAGE 2 SECTION 3: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would haye passed each section, subsection, subdiYision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof, irrespectiye of the fact that anyone or more section, subsection, subdiYision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrases be declared unlawful or unconstitutional. SECTION 4: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administratiye Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall take effect sixty (60) days after its final passage. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call yote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of ,2001. --~_.--..__._._._,_.....- -...----.-- --.._-~--_.-._---~-- ------- - - --_.~-----~ ........-------- ORDINANCE NO. 525 C.S. PAGE 3 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~. E . E ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY - ----- --_.__._~----------_._-_.~-- ---------------.--" ORDINANCE NO. 525 C.S. PAGE 4 EXHIBIT "A" Article 6. Development Impact Fees Section 3-2.601 PUrDose The Council declares that the fees required to be paid hereby are established for the purpose of protecting the public health, safety and general welfare, and implementing the policies of the General Plan, by proYiding adequate public facilities to support orderly deyelopment. Section 3-2.602 Definitions Unless otherwise required by the context, the following definitions shall goyern the construction of the article: (a) "Commercial development" means the deyelopment or use of land for any retail, office, service commercial or other business purpose. (b) "Council" means the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande. (c) "Development" or "deyelopment project" means any project undertaken for the purpose of deyelopment, and includes a project inyolYing the issuance of a permit for construction or reconstruction, but not a permit to operate. (d) "Dwelling Unit" means a structure, or portion of a structure that is used for separate residential occupancy by an indiYidual, a family or group of unrelated indiyiduals. (e) "Impact fee" means a monetary exaction charged to the applicant in connection with approyal of a deyelopment project for the purpose of defraying all or a part of the cost of the public facilities related to the deyelopment project. This definition does not include fees specified in Goyernment Code Section 66477, or fees for processing applications for permits or approvals. -----,.- ~---_...._...._----- ORDINANCE NO. 525 C.S. PAGE 5 (f) "Imposition of Fees" occurs when they are imposed or leyied on a specific development. (g) "Multi-family residential development" means deyelopment or use of land for residential purposes involving more than one dwelling unit in a single structure. (h) "Public facilities" means public improyements, public services or community amenities. (i) "Single family residential" means deyelopment or use of land for residential purposes inyolving no more than one dwelling unit in a single structure. Section 3-2.603 Fees - Imposition and Application This article establishes development impact fees which are imposed as a condition of approval upon all development projects for which a building permit is issued on or after the effectiye date of this ordinance. Those impact fees are hereby established for the following public facilities: (a)Fire protection fees (b )Police facilities fees (c)Community center fees (d)park improvement fees (e) Water facilities fees (f) Traffic signalization fees (g) Transportation facilities fees These impact fees are established in order to pay for the capital costs of public facilities reasonably related to the needs of new development in the City. At least once eyery five years, the Council shall reyiew the basis for the impact fees to determine whether the fees are still reasonably related to the needs of new deyelopment. In establishing these fees, the Council has considered the effect of the fees with respect to the City's housing needs as established in the housing element of the General Plan. -------------------- ORDINANCE NO. 525 C.S. PAGE 6 Section 3-2.604 Fees to be Set by Resolution The amount of fee assessments shall be determined by resolution adopted by the City Council. Fees shall be adjusted annually by modifying the adopted value up or down in conformance with the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index. The factor for the adjustment of the fees shall be calculated and established each January by the Director of Financial Services, utilizing the following formula: Factor = 1 + Current Index - Base Index for Date of Adoption Base Index for Date of Adoption Section 3-2.605 Pavment of Fees Except as otherwise provided in Section 66007 of the Government Code, impact fees shall be paid to the City at the time a building permit is issued. In cases where payment of all or part of the required fee is deferred at the time of building permit issuance, the Community Development Director may require that the applicant, at the applicant's expense, execute a contract with the City to pay all deferred impact fees prior to final inspection and/or issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the project. The contract shall specify the amount of the unpaid fee and a legal description of the property affected. It shall be recorded in the office of the County recorder, and shall constitute a lien for the payment of the fees, which shall be enforceable against the successors in interest of the property owner. When impact fees are paid in full, the City, at the expense of the applicant or property owner, shall execute a release of any lien securing those impact fees. Section 3-2.606 Protests Any party subject to the fees established by this chapter may protest the imposition of those fees by meeting all of the following requirements: (a) Tendering any required payment in full or proYiding satisfactory eYidence of arrangements to pay the fee when due or ensure performance of the conditions necessary to meet the requirements of the imposition of the fee. -~-----~--- ORDINANCE NO. 525 C.S. PAGE 7 (b) Serving written notice of protest on the City Council which notice shall contain all of the following information: 1. A statement that the required payment is tendered, or will be tendered when due, under protest. 2. A statement informing the City Council of the factual elements of the dispute and the legal theory forming the basis for the protest. (c) Serving the written notice of protest no later than ninety (90) days after the date of the imposition of the fees. The City Council shall consider that protest at a hearing to be held within sixty (60) days after serving the written notice of protest. The decision of the City Council shall be final. Section 3-2.607 Exemptions The fees imposed under this article shall not apply to the following: (a) The United States or to any agency or instrumentality thereof, the State of California or any County or other political subdivision of the State of California. (b) Remodeling or alteration of an existing residential building, but only if the number of dwelling units is not increased or the use changed. (c) That portion of a structure that existed before the addition of dwelling units or the enlargement of floor area in a non-residential structure. If a structure is destroyed or demolished, and replaced within two years from the date of demolition. the impact fees shall be based on the service requirements of the new deyelopment less the service requirements of the deyelopment which it replaced. -"--"--_.._". "- --~- ~_.u. ORDINANCE NO. 525 C.S. PAGE S Section 3-2.608 Credits and Reimbursement If the applicant for approyal of any deyelopment project is required by the City, as a condition of approval to construct facilities, the cost of which has been used in the calculation of impact fees which apply to that project, the applicant shall receiye a credit against those impact fees, up to the amount charged for the same type of facility. If the cost of the improyements constructed by the applicant exceeds the amount of the impact fees charged to the development project for the same type of facility, the excess cost shall be reimbursed to .the applicant from other impact fee reyenues within a reasonable time. To qualify for reimbursement, the applicant must enter into a reimbursement agreement with the City, and any such agreement must specify the amount to be reimbursed and the approximate schedule of the reimbursement. Section 3-2.609 Disposition and Use of the Fees The Director of Financial Services shall establish a separate fund or account for each type of facility listed in Section 3-2.603. All impact fees collected by the City shall be deposited in the fund or account established for the specific type of facility for which the fee is collected. Any interest earned on funds deposited in a fund or account shall be deposited in that fund or account. Funds deposited in those accounts shall be used only to pay for design and construction. including construction administration, of projects identified in resolutions or other formal City Council action adopted pursuant to Section 3-2.603 as the basis for the impact fees, or for reimbursements as proYided in Section 3-2.60S. Section 3-2.610 Refunds If impact fees collected by the City have not been expended or designated for the intended purpose within five (5) years following their collection, the City shall either refund those fees as provided in Section 66001 of the Government Code, or make findings as required by that Section to retain the fees. The refund proYision of this chapter shall apply only to monies in possession of the City and need not be made with respect to any bonds, letters of credit or other items given to secure payment at a future date. ------- --------..- ._~-----_.- --- -....--..- RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FIXING WATER FACILITIES FEES AND ADOPTING A SCHEDULE ESTABLISHING PEAK HOUR TRIPS FOR SPECIFIC RESIDENTIAL AND NONRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES FEES WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance 525 C.S. consolidating into a single article of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (Article 6, Chapter 2, Title 3) proYisions regarding development impact fees for fire protection, police facilities, community centers, park improvements, water facilities, traffic signalization and transportation facilities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 525 C.S., the Council may by resolution set the amount of said development impact fees and intends hereby to set the amount of water facilities fees; and WHEREAS, the Council further intends hereby to establish a schedule of peak hour trips for specific residential and non-residential development, which will be used to calculate transportation facilities fees in a more equitable manner. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts the fees and fee schedules set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. This Resolution shall take effect sixty (60) days after its adoption per Goyernment Code Section 66017. On motion of Council Member seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of , 2001. - - --------,--- __._._------------.J RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~/ S V N ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ---~._------ EXHIBIT "Au Definitions: Development Types -Residential and commercial development diyided into sub-categories. Units of Development - A standard measure of the cost to provide services. The acre is the fundamental unit measure, which is divided into a smaller component, the dwelling unit (DU). Asset Cost Per Acre - The calculated cost to provide additional services/facilities to new development. Calls Per Unit - The number of yearly additional police calls generated by new development. Facility Cost Per Call- The cost per call to expand current police facilities to accommodate new development. Persons Per Unit - The number of persons expected to reside in the unit of development. Costs Per Capita - The cost of new or additions to the current community center, on a per person basis, to maintain the current leye' of service of recreation facilities. Impact Fee Per Unit - The fee to be levied per unit of development in order to recover future cost of new or expanded facilities. (a) Fire Protection Fees: Impact Fees per Unit of Development-Fire Protection Development Units of Acres Asset Cost Impact Fee Type Development Per Unit Per Acre Per Unit Residential-Estate Acre 2.50 $1,211.67 $3,029.17 Residential-Hillside/Rural DU 1.00 1,211.67 1,211.67 Residential-Suburban DU 0.40 1,211.67 484.67 Residential-Single-FamilyNillage DU 0.20 1,211.67 242.33 Residential-Planned Development DU 0.33 1,211.67 399.85 Residential-Multi-Family DU 0.09 1,211.67 109.05 Commercial-General Acre 1.00 1,211.67 1,211.67 Commercial-Village Acre 1.00 1,211.67 1,211.67 Commercial-Highway Acre 1.00 1,211.67 1,211.67 Office-Professional Acre 1.00 1,211.67 1,211.67 Industrial-Light Manufacturing Acre 1.00 1,211.67 1,211.67 (b) Police Facilities Fees: er Unit of Develo ment-Police Facili Fees Units of Calls Facility Cost Impact Fee Develo ment Per Unit Per call Per Unit Residential-Estate DU 0.25 $ 101.15 $ 25.29 Residential-Hillside/Rural DU 0.25 101.15 25.29 Residential-Suburban DU 0.25 101.15 25.29 Residential-Single-FamilyNillage DU 0.58 101.15 58.67 Residential-Planned Development DU 0.81 101.15 81.93 Residential-Multi-Family DU 1.32 101.15 133.52 Commercial-General DU 43.11 101.15 4,360.57 Commercial-Village Acre 25.26 101.15 2,555.05 Commercial-Highway Acre 23.90 101.15 2,417.48 Office-Professional Acre 1.24 101.15 125.43 Industrial-Light Manufacturing Acre 0.68 101.15 68.78 (c) Community Center Fees: er Unit of Develo ment-Communit Centers Units of Persons Costs Impact Fee Develo ment Per Unit Per Ca ita Per Unit Agricultural Acre 2.80 $ 33.21 $ 92.99 Residential-Estate DU 2.80 33.21 92.99 Residential-Hillside/Rural DU 2.80 33.21 92.99 Residential-Suburban DU 2.80 33.21 92.99 Residential-Single-FamilyNillage DU 2.80 33.21 92.99 Residential-Planned Development DU 2.80 33.21 92.99 Residential-Multi-Family DU 2.80 33.21 66.42 (d) Park Improvement Fees: er Unit of Develo ment-Park 1m royement Fees Units of Persons Costs Impact Fee Develo ment Per Unit Per Ca ita Per Unit Residential-Estate DU 2.80 $ 573.08 $ 1,604.63 Residential-Hillside/Rural DU 2.80 573.08 1,604.63 Residential-Suburban DU 2.80 573.08 1,604.63 Residential-Single-FamilyNillage DU 2.80 573.08 1,604.63 Residential-Planned Development DU 2.80 573.08 1,604.63 Residential-Multi-Family DU 2.00 573.08 1,416.16 I I I --.---.-.- -- ----~_._- I (e) Water Facilities Fees: Impact Fees Based on Meter Size Meter Size Impact Fee 5, h 3. h $ 630 8 InC - 4" Inc 1 inch 1,050 1 ! inch 2,100 2 inch 3,360 3 inch 6,300 4 inch 10,500 6 inch $ 21,010 (f) Traffic Signalization Fees: er Unit of Develo me nt-Traffic Si nals Units of Pk. Hr. Trips Cost Per Pk. Impact Fee Develo ment Per Unit Hr. Tri Per Unit Residential-Estate DU 1.20 $ 445.56 $ 534.67 Residential-Hillside/Rural DU 1.00 445.56 445.56 Residential-Suburban DU 1.00 445.56 445.56 Residential-Single-FamilyNillage DU 1.00 445.56 445.56 Residential-Planned Development DU 1.00 445.56 445.56 Residential-Multi-Family DU 0.70 445.56 311.89 Commercial-General DU 49.00 445.56 21,832.20 Commercial-Village Acre 49.00 445.56 21,832.20 Commercial-Highway Acre 32.00 445.56 14,257.77 Office-Professional Acre 21.60 445.56 9,623.99 Industrial-Light Manufacturing Acre 12.00 445.56 5,346.66 (g) Transportation Facilities Fees: A person seeking to construct a residential or non-residential development project shall pay transportation facilities fee of $1,216.21 per peak hour trip generated by such development project. To determine peak hour trips generated by a deyelopment project, the City Engineer, or his/her designee, will refer first to the schedule of peak hour trips and traffic fees for specific residential and non- residential uses set forth below. If the specific proposed use is not identified on this schedule, the City Engineer, or his/her designee, will refer to the San Diego Association of Goyernments (SANDAG) most recent "(Not So) Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region." If the peak hour data is absent from both of these schedules, the applicant may be required to submit a traffic study or other factual data which demonstrates the traffic impacts of the proposed deyelopment project, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. ------- ---~~ ----~~---- - SCHEDULE OF PEAK-HOUR- TRIPS AND TRAFFIC FEES FOR SPECIFIC RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL USES Highest AM or PM Traffic Land Use Categories Peak hour trips Fees ($) 1 Peak hour trip = $1,216.21 RESIDENTIAL (per dwelling unit) Rural Residential (average 1-2 DU acre) 1.20 1,459.45 Single Family Detached (average 3-6 DU/acre) 1.00 1,261.21 Second Residential Unit 1.00 1,261.21 Multi-family (Condominium) 0.80 972.97 Multi-family (Apartments) 0.54 656.75 Mobile Home (Family) 0.55 668.92 Mobile Home (Adults only) 0.30 364.86 Retirement Community 0.28 304.05 Congregate Care Facility 0.16 194.59 GOVERNMENT (per thousand square feet) Civic Center 3.60 4,378.36 Post Office Central/Walk-in only 6.30 7,762.12 Community (not including mail drop lane) 18.00 21,891.78 Community (w/mail drop lane) 30.00 36,486.30 Mail drop lane only 180.00 218,917.80 Department of Motor Vehicles 18.00 21,891.78 OFFICE (per thousand square feet) Standard Commercial Office 2.80 3,405.39 Office Park 1.56 1,897.29 Single Tenant Office 2.10 2,554.04 Corporate Headquarters 1.19 1,447.29 Medical-Dental Office 5.50 6,689.16 INDUSTRIAL (per thousand square feet) IndustriallBusiness Park 1.92 2,335.12 Industrial Park (no commercial) 0.84 1,021.62 Manufacturing! Assembly 0.80 972.97 Warehousing 0.75 912.16 Storage 0.18 218.92 Science Research & Development 1.28 1,556.75 SHOPPING CENTERS (per thousand square feet) Super Regional (>60 acres) 3.60 4,378.36 Regional (30-60 acres) 4.50 5,472.95 Community (10-30 acres) 7.00 8,513.47 Neighborhood (<10 acres) 12.00 14,594.52 Highest AM or PM Traffic Land Use Categories Peak hour trips Fees ($) 1 Peak hour trip = $1,216.21 COMMERCIAL SHOPS (per thousand square feet) Specialty Retail/Strip Commerci~l 3.60 4,378.36 Electronics Superstore 5.00 6,080.05 Factory Outlet 3.60 4,378.36 Supermarket 15.00 18,243.15 Drugstore 9.00 10,945.89 Convenience Market (15~16 hours) 40.00 48,648.40 Convenience Market (24 hours) 63.00 76,621.23 Convenience Market (w/gasoline pUmps) 59.50 72,364.50 Discount Club 5.40 6,567.53 Discount Store 4.80 5,837.81 Furniture Store 0.54 656.75 Lumber Store 2.70 3,283.77 Home Improvement Superstore 3.20 3,891.82 HardwareIPaint Store 5.40 6,567.53 Garden Nursery 4.00 4,864.84 RESTAURANTS (per thousand square feet) Fast Food (with drive through) 45.50 55,337.56 Fast Food (without drive through) 49.00 59,594.29 Sit Down, High Turnover 12.80 15,567.49 Sit Down, Low Turnover (quality) 8.00 9,729.68 FINANCIAL SERVICES (per thousand square feet) Bank/Savings and Loan (walk-in only) 12.00 14,594.52 Bank/Savings and Loan (with drive-through) 20.00 24,324.20 OTHER LAND USES (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted) Church (quadruple rates for Sunday or days of Assembly) 0.72 875.67 General Hospital (per bed) 1.70 2,067.56 ConvalescentlNursing (per bed) 0.21 255.40 Bus depot 25.00 30,405.25 RECREATIONAL (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted) Bowling Center 3.30 4,013.49 Campground 0.32 389.19 Golf Driving Range 6.30 7,662.12 Movie Theater (per seat) 0.14 170.27 Multi-purpose (miniature golf, video arcades, batting cages, etc.) 5.40 6,567.53 Health Club 2.70 3,283.77 Tennis Court 1.76 2,140.53 Sports Facility - outdoor stadium (acre) 50.00 60,810.50 Sports Facility - indoor arena (acre) 30.00 36,486.30 Highest AM or PM Traffic Land Use Categories Peak hour trips Fees ($) 1 Peak hour trip = $1,216.21 AUTOMOBILE (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted Car Wash Automatic 81.00 98,513.01 Self-serve 8.00 9,729.68 Gas Station 13.95 16,966.13 With/Food Mart/Car wash (per pump) Sales (Dealer & Repair) 4.00 4,864.84 Auto Repair Center 2.22 2,699.99 Auto Parts Sales 6.00 7,297.26 Quick Lube 4.00 4,864.84 Tire Store 2.75 3,344.58 CEMETERY (acre) 5.00 6,081.05 EDUCATION PUBLIC OR PRIVATE (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted) University - 4years (acre) 10.00 1,216.10 Junior College 2.16 2,627.01 High School 3.12 3,794.58 Middle/Junior High 3.60 4,378.36 Elementary 3.92 4,767.54 Day Care Center (per child) 0.90 1,094.59 Library 5.00 6,081.05 LODGING (per room) Hotel (w/convention facilities/restaurant) 0.80 972.97 Motel 0.81 985.13 Resort Hotel 0.56 681. 08 Bed and Breakfast 0.28 340.54 *Land Use Categories identified in this schedule are based upon "Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual". If there is a question about the type of use, the City Engineer will refer to this manual for additional clarification. Peak hour trips based on square feet unless otherwise stated. . ----.- ----- ---- - ~------_.. ~._._..- - ii.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER~ SUBJECT: REQUEST TO CONNECT TO THE CITY'S SEWER SYSTEM FOR COUNTY TENTATIVE TRACT 1789 DATE: MARCH 27, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: A. approve the request from the owners of County Tentative Tract 1789 to connect to the City sewer system; and B. authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement between the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District ("SSLOCSD") and the City ("City") to collect City imposed connection fees and service charges. FUNDING: The developer will be required to pay connection fees in the amount of approximately $101,000. Service charges in the amount of $1.85 per month plus $0.22 per hundred cubic feet of water used per single family home per month in accordance with the schedule of sewer rates will be collected by the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District on the tax roll and forwarded to the City. DISCUSSION: The developer of County Tentative Tract 1789, JH Land Partnership, has requested that the 16 lots proposed as part of their development be connected to the City sewer collection system. This connection will be made through City Tract 2207 (Vista Del Mar) and collected in the main line in Valley Road. The site is 47 acres in size and is the subject of a pending tentative tract map application, Tract 1789, to subdivide the land into 16 lots ranging in size from two to six acres (Exhibit "1 "). An environmental impact report (EIR) is being prepared to address traffic circulation, erosion and drainage, sewage disposal and provision of services. After the draft EIR is completed and distributed for review, the County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider approval of the tentative tract map. Because the site has topographical constraints and limitations on the leaching capabilities of its soils, community sewer service has been identified in the EIR preparation process as an environmentally preferred alternative to indiyidual on-site septic systems. Consequently, the applicants have elected to pursue that alternative -----...- now by seeking to obtain community sewer service from the SSLOCSD through an outside users agreement, which requires including the site within the district's sphere of influence. The developer has obtained approval from the SSLOCSD. Government Code Section 56133, provides that before a City or special district can provide a service outside its boundaries by contract, it must first receive approyal by the Local Agency Formation Commission. The area must also be in the agency's sphere of influence. The District was authorized to provide service to this Tract by the Local Agency Formation Commission action on March 15,2001. The City will require connection fees in the amount of approximately $101,000 and the Sanitation District would receive $32,000. If approved, the tract will be served water by the Rural Water Company. The City will read the service meters to establish the sewer bill amount. The connection fees and service charges will be collected on the property tax bill by the Sanitation District and forwarded to the City. The Tract sewer collection system will be private and the City will not provide any maintenance service. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approye staffs recommendation; - Do not approve staffs recommendation; - Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendation; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Exhibit 1 - Location Map Agreement between South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District and the City Letter from the City 9/7/00 Letter addressed to the City 7/24/00 Letter from CRWQCB 2/28/00 __~_'''_....d..._.~. ~--.__.- ~.._-' E.}C.h\b\t "1" i :1 . .. \ I \ "">>. \ "\ \'1 s - \ , . - \ \\ Op \ \! , ~ it \ ill .. i\ - 'I. i" . .. -- ' \t - - to\ \ C\ n t. If i -- , \ L t 1.... i. , , # . i - ,,,,,;- \_ ,..u ,,~'". ,aUlI' JRe/lsED LDT LINES ~,.# - Ilt\ll- uTI" I IU,~11 tS-1U - \ /ItfAP NO."" .. ,.... ........', -- "..... , , . ~~....w... .--'--- .... ...,..,. t",:::-:::.; ',' ," -"" .. -- ... ...-'-' ,..- ......." ....... .... - . ' . " . '.~" : -------~--~/ ~- ----------------- AGREEMENT BETWEEN SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE WHEREAS, the Owners of Tract 1789 have made application to the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District ("District" ) to connect its waste water collection system to the District. WHEREAS, Tract 1789 borders the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") and it is the intention of the owners of Tract 1789 to connect its waste water collection system to the City's waste water collection system for treatment by District. WHEREAS, the District has determined to collect all connection fees and service charges for Tract 1789 on tax roll; and WHEREAS, the City imposes connection fees and services charges for development utilizing its waste water collection system. WHEREAS, in order to connect Tract 1789 to the District's waste water treatment facilities it is necessary for the District to collect all applicable City imposed connection fees and service charges. 1 _.-.- - .----- -- -------.----..---- ---~._-_._~...._,- WHEREAS, in order for the District to provide service to Tract 1789 it is necessary that Tract 1789 be placed within the District's Sphere of Influence and that manner and methodology be set forth for the collection of all applicable connection fees and service charges. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises, the parties agree as follows: 1. District shall collect all applicable City and District connection fees and service charges for Tract 1789 on the tax roll. 2. Those fees and charges to be in the amount set forth by the City and the District fee ordinances and resolutions. 3. District shall be entitled to its customary processing charges in performing the services for City herein described. 4. This Agreement shall be effective upon final approval of Tract 1789 by the County of San Luis Obispo. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on this day and the year first written above. AGREED: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE: Dated: By: Mayor 2 .....---------- --~-~-_.__...- --. Attested: Director of Administrative Services Approved as to form: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY THE SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT BY RESOLUTION ADOPTED ON DECEMBER 20, 2000, AND CONSENTS TO THE RECORDATION THEREOF BY ITS DULY AUTHORIZED OFFICERS: Dated: By: Richard Neufeld, Vice-Chairman South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District ATTESTED: John Wallace APPROVED AS TO FORM: MICHAEL W. SEITZ General Counsel 3 - - - -"--"~ _.___.._.__.__.'...4___....~ ... _,_ ~ . . ".0. Box 550 ,''Wf+ 0/' _ EaIt Branch Street ~ 8f~ Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Phone: (80S) 473-5440 E....neerl... FAX: (805) 473-5443 :" '; PUBLIC WORKS 1375 Ash Street Phone: (805) 473-SNO Corp. Yard , " . September 7, 2000 FAX: (80S) 473-SN2 Mr. Carlo Alfano, AlA E-Man: aacll1@arroyoarande.ora JH Land Partnership, L.P. 498 Colonial Place Nipomo, CA 93444 Dear Mr. Alfano: , , In response to your request for County Tentative Tract 1789 to connect to the sewer collection system of City Tract 2207, I have the following comments. I understand that the The South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District has preliminarily approved service for this tract. The District will also need to provide a final "will serve" letter for this Tract. In order to provide this, LAFCO approval will be required. If approval is obtained, the City will allow the Tract connection to the City collection system. Since the Tract is a private system, connection fees in effect at the time shall be collected by the City before the pennit for the connection work is issued. The current connection fees are as follows: (A) $1,414.66 per acre "acre charge". (B) $2,171.81 per unit "benefit unit charge". , (C) $2,000.00 per unit sanitation district sewer connection charge. , The City will read the private water meters bi-monthly to establish the sewer charge and bill the . property owners. In the event of non or late payment, an arrangement shall be made with the HOA for the assurance of payment or tennination of sewer service. The Tract sewer collection system will be a private system and the City will not provide any maintenance service in the Tract boundaries. If you have questions please contact Shane Taylor, Public Works Supervisor at 473-5464. -:2Z - ~. Don spagn-zf Director of Public Works/City Engineer cc: Rick TerBorch, Interim City Manager John Wallace, District Administrator, SSLOCSD -~ ---_._.__.~--------_.._----- ---_......_~.._...----- --..------.------- -~--- . . ill LAND PARTNERSHIP, L.P. 498 COLONIAL PLACE NIPOMO, CA 93444 TEL. 805 929-2453 July 24, 2000 Mr. Don Spagnolo, City Engineer City of Arroyo Grande P.O.Box 550 208 E. Branch St. Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Dear Mr. Spagnolo: Pursuant to our recent discussion, we are hereby requesting that our 16 lots, Tent. Tract 1789, in the County of San Luis Obispo, between Falcon Ridge and Tract 2207 in the City of Arroyo Grande be allowed to connect to the proposed approved sewer system in Tract 2207. Weare not requesting city water as we have a will-serve letter from Rural Water Co., Inc., Charles M. Baker, President. For purpose of billing, there are 2 options. The City Water Department could read the water meters as it does for the subdivision next to the property, Casa Tierra, and it will do in the adjacent subdivision, Vista Del Mar (Tract 2207). Alternately, we could arrange for duplicate water billing from Rural Water Co., Inc. to be sent to the sewer billing office on a monthly basis. While the fIrst alternative appears to make the most sense as the City's Water Department will be reading meters in the 2 adjoining subdivisions, either option will provide the City with the infonnation necessary to bill sewer to these 16 homes. We are also aware that not being the water purveyor, the City would have limited recourse in the event of non or late payment. If this is a matter of concern we could arrange to have the sewer charges collected and paid for by the HOA, thereby assuring payment and also establishing lien rights in the event of non- payment. Although there is presently an approval for on site disposal system use, (see attached letter from RWQCB) we feel the environmentally preferred alternative would be to sewer these lots since they are at a higher elevation than the two adjacent subdivisions. It is also our understanding that there is adequate capacity in the South County Sanitation District system. We greatly appreciate your consideration of this request and are ready and available to discuss and mitigate any concerns you may have regarding this matter. Sincerely yours, J H LAND PARTNERSHIP, L.P. ~ Carlo Alfano, AlA Director of Development CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE JUL 24 2000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. -..- - ~_.- ",'0 '"' ~j~ '.~~~~~-~) . California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region Winston H. Hickox Gray Davis Secntary for Internet Address: hhttp://www.swrcb.ca.gov/-rwqcb3 Gove/7/0r Emironmt!nta/ . 81 Higuera Str=t, Suite 200, San Luis Obispo, California 93401-5427 Protection Phone (80S) 549-3147' FAX (80S) 543-0397 February 28, 2000 . Mr. Richard Lichtenfels .. San Luis Obispo County Environmental Health P. O. Box 1489 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-1489 Dear Mr. Lichtenfels: RE: TRACT 1789; W ASTEW ATER DISPOSAL We have reviewed the documentation regarding septic system use, siting, and design for Tract 1789 in San Luis Obispo County.. We concur with yo~ agencies fmding that the site meets State and local ordinance for on site disposal system use. If you have questions, please caii Michael LeBrun at (805) 542-4645 or Gerhardt Hubner at (805) 4647. Sincerely, I r:.~J ~ . Executive Officer _ MSL: Tract 1789 S:\Southcm\STAFF\MLeBrun\Documents\Tract 1789.doc cc: S.L.C. County Planning Department. Attention: Eric Wier County Government Center San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 File: Agency file, SLO County Environmental Health Task Code: 436-10 (NPS) r rr\\ r? ;'~ ;= ~ ~-~ ;; ; .... \ ~I:"""\ i=':' I?" ...... i!" it! i J ,~.YJ :.:,; .-1 -= 1i: :. 111...< i "I " 11t"""\1 I " , I\i I\! Fe? 9 3D] ::~; !U ~I _. I I I 1 I . !e: i 0 !-,r, ~i ::':';~Ir:; ,- I. ~ 1...- . u\J. I '-~ \! ~"~I.'..- 1-' . California Environmental Protection Agency 0 Recycled Paper - -- -.-----------' 11.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL KERRY McCANTS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR~ FROM: SUBJECT: VOTER APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS AND MAJOR LAND USE CHANGES DATE: MARCH 27, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: Discuss the concept of requiring voter approyal for General Plan Amendments and major land use changes and proYide direction to staff. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact at this time. BACKGROUND: The City Council, at its meeting of February 13, 2001, directed staff to place an item on the agenda for discussion of the potential for establishing legislation requiring yoter approval for General Plan Amendment~ and major land use changes. Staff has completed a preliminary survey to determine how other cities have put such a proYision in place and the basic characteristics of these proyisions. In all, eleven responses were received. DISCUSSION: There are two (2) procedures available to adopt legislation requiring voter approval of General Plan Amendments and major land use changes. One procedure is for the City Council to amend the General Plan and the Development Code directly to require voter approval and the second procedure is to use the initiatiye process provided under the state constitution to establish voter approved legislation. City Council Leaislatiye Act Direct city council legislative action was not used by any of the cities responding to the staff survey. This may be because a requirement imposed in this way can be modified or eliminated by a city council through the same process as was used in its adoption. In other words, it is less permanent. Additionally, all the same statutory procedural requirements apply to the adoption of such a requirement as another amendment to the General Plan and Deyelopment Code. Lastly, direct council legislation would be subject to immediate challenge by the electorate by referendum. Initiative leaislatiye Act The second method would be to use the initiatiye process. The California Constitution provides for initiative and referendum proceedings as a means of obtaining a direct popular yote on proposed legislation (lnitiatiye) or recently enacted legislation (Referendum). The initiative process has been used by all of the cities responding to the staff suryey. The reason for this appears to haye been based on the perceived need for a more permanent requirement (any change requires a subsequent yote of the people) and the fact that an initiatiye is exempt from many of the normal procedural requirements associated with land use legislation approyed by the City Council. Initiatives and referenda are not required to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act, notice, hearing or finding requirements. - Initiatives must comply with the statutory requirements for consistency with the General Plan the same as any legislatiye act that amends a General Plan or imposes a subordinate land use regulation. An example of this would be a change to the zoning map or the Development Code. There are several elements that appear to be common in the ordinances reviewed from other jurisdictions. First, all ordinances reviewed require that any amendment or other change subject to voter approyal must first be approved by the City Council through the normal City permitting process. The next element is a clear specification of those discretionary permits that are not subject to the yoter approyal provision. - Quasi-judicial permits are typically exempt including plot plan reyiews, yariances, minor exceptions, temporary and conditional use permits, viewshed reviews, planned sign programs and administrative sign permits. In addition, it may be appropriate to exempt small projects, such as those less than one acre in area, projects which proyide affordable housing or senior housing and projects in the City's redeyelopment project area. Finally, the ordinance should address election issues such as timing and cost. Staff will need to do additional research into this area should the Council wish to proceed with this matter. , ii.c. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGE~4- SUBJECT: PROPOSED AGREEMENT WITH CAL POLY CITY AND REGIONAL PLANNING DEPARTMENT FOR ASSISTANCE WITH THE EAST GRAND AVENUE MASTER PLAN PROCESS DATE: MARCH 27, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to enter into the attached agreement with the California Polytechnic State University City and Regional Planning Department for assistance with the East Grand Avenue Master Plan process. FUNDING: The cost proposed by Cal Poly is a lump sum amount of $2,800, which is intended to cover out-of-pocket expenses. There is sufficient funding within the existing budget. Therefore, no appropriation is necessary. DISCUSSION: The first step of the East Grand Avenue Master Plan process was to conduct initial public workshops in order to involve the community at the very beginning of the process and obtain public input before developing any concepts or alternatives. The workshops have been completed and were very successful. A community survey is also being planned in order to generate additional public feedback. The next step will be to generate a number of ideas and concepts that will be used in a series of workshops, presentations and meetings to receive feedback on what people like and don't like. It is recommended that this be done by graphically presenting various ideas based upon pictures from successful projects in other communities and what potential ideas might look like on East Grand Avenue. In order to accomplish the latter, we belieye Cal Poly can provide a valuable resource to assist the City in an economical manner. _ _n_ _...m____..______ CITY COUNCIL PROPOSED CONTRACT WITH CAL POLY MARCH 27, 2001 PAGE 2 After discussing the project with Cal Poly's City and Regional Planning Department, they have submitted a proposal to assign the project to a class Spring quarter that would develop a number of ideas and concepts. The following services would be provided by the students in the course of the project: Site Analysis Their first involvement with the project will be to undertake a spatial analysis of the area, to understand the existing conditions including the spatial configurations, patterns of use and the relationships to other parts of the City and region. This will include graphic and photographic documentation. Designs Students will work individually and in groups to explore the scenarios that are provided by the City. Their final drawings will be ayailable for display at public meetings. Depending on the needs of the City, they may also prepare PowerPoint presentations. Report Materials prepared for the class will be made available in a report format to the City. Cal Poly will provide this report in electronic format. The City will be responsible for printing hard copies as needed. A proposed agreement provided by Cal Poly is attached for your consideration. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the attached agreement; - Do not approve the attached agreement; - Modify and approve the attached agreement; - Provide staff with other direction. Attachments: Agreement "-- -----_._-.-.--_.__..__.__._~._.._-_.__...._-_._.......~- - -----.---..--.---- FIXED PRICE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT between the City of Arroyo Grande (hereinafter referred to as "Sponsor") and the California Polytechnic State University Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the "Foundation"), a non-profit auxiliary and agent for the California Polytechnic State University (hereinafter referred to as "University"). WHEREAS, the research program contemplated by this Agreement is of mutual interest and benefit to the University, Foundation and to the Sponsor. and will further benefit the instructional and research programs of the University in a manner consistent with its status as a non-profit, tax-exempt, educational institution, and may derive benefits for the Sponsor, University, and Foundation through improvements, inventions and/or discoveries: NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree to the following articles: 1. STATEMENT OF WORK: The University agrees to perform the research project (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") entitled "East Grand Avenue Design Study" which includes a series of urban design concepts for the study area, two community workshops and a report of all collected information and designs provided in digital form. 2. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Zeljka Howard (Principal Investigator) faculty member of the University City and Regional Planning Department, who will be responsible for the Project and its operations. In the event that the Principal Investigator becomes unable or unwilling to continue the Project, and a mutually acceptable substitute is not available, the Foundation and/or the Sponsor shall have the option to terminate said Project. 3. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The research of the Project shall be conducted during the period April 2, 2001 to June 30, 2001. , 4. TYPE: This is a fixed price contract. Sponsor will pay the sum of 52,800.00 (twenty-eight hundred dollars). It is the Uniyersity and Foundation policy that, since re~earch by its nature is unpredictable and without guarantee of successful results, University research is conducted on a "best efforts- basis. Also, the University and Foundation receives no fee or profit on its research and must perform contracts with extramural sponsors on a Mno-profit- no-loss" basis. For these reasons, the Foundation will not accept contract provisions that guarantee results, impose penalties for failure to make progress by firm deadlines, or provide for withholding of payments if the sponsor is not satisfied with the results. 5. PAYMENT: Payment shall be made to the Foundation by the Sponsor on the following basis or schedule: I A payment of 51,400.00, upon signing and transmittal of this Agreement by Sponsor. A payment of $1.400.00 on May 2, 2001 6. TERMINATION: Performance under the Agreement may be terminated by the Sponsor upon receipt by the Foundation of written notice; performance may be terminated by the Foundation if circumstances beyond its control preclude continuation of the research. Sponsor shall pay all costs accrued by the Foundation as of the date of termination, including non-cancelable obligations incurred prior to the effective date of termination. 7. PUBLICITY: Sponsor shall not use the name of the University or Foundation, nor any of Foundation's Project staff, in any publicity, advertising, or news release without the prior written approval of an authorized representative of the Foundation, normally the PI. Except for on-campus newsletters and reports, the Foundation/University will not use the name of 1 the Sponsor, or its employees or subcontractor of the Sponsor, in any publicity without approval of the Sponsor. ; 8. PUBLICATIONS AND COPYRIGHTS: The Project personnel will be free to publish the results of that part of the research which is performed by the Foundation under this Agreement. Publication of information that had previously been researched by the Sponsor but presented to the Project personnel as a component of the Project research performed under this Agreement requires prior written approval of the Sponsor. Title to and the right to determine the disposition of any copyrights, or copyrightable material, first produced in the performance of the research performed at the University shall remain with the Foundation. 9. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: For the purposes of this Agreement and all services to be provided hereunder, each party shall be, and shall be deemed to be, an independent contractor and not an agent or employee of the other party. Neither party shall have authority to make any statements, representation or commitments of any kind, or to take any action, which shall be binding on the other party., except as may be explicitly provided for herein or authorized by the other party in writing. 10. DISPUTES: Any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under terms of this agreement that is not resolved by mutual agreement of the parties shall be brought to the attention of the authorized signatories of both parties. If resolution of the dispute cannot be accomplished, either party may .seek resolution employing whatever remedies exist in law or equity. 11. GOVERNING LAW: This contract will be deemed fully executed upon receipt and signature by the Foundation. This Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 12. AGREEMENT MODIFICATION: Any changes in the terms of this Agreement in any way shall be valid only if the change is made in writing and approved by mutual agreement of authorized representatives of the parties hereto. APPROVED: : (City Manager of Arroyo Grande or designee) Date ; Director of Sponsored Programs Director Date ! California Polytechnic State University Foundation : , 2