Minutes 1939-11-15 178 y r~ .yrroyo Grande, ~alif. ~ TvTovember 1, 1939 ~ City Council met in regualr session tith Ti~:ayor S. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll call Councilmen, Conrad, Phillips, Schnyder & 'vYhitlock reported present. :~bsent none. T~~.inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Communictaions read and ordered palced on file. I',~otion regu larly seconded and c arried to cancel Licenses ATos. 2623, 2661 and 2690 as they are uncolZectable. Clerk instructed to ~~vrite and notify I~~:. V. uYilliams ~ that City cannot instal sewer to their Lot. RESOL~TION 92 A RE~OLUTION DESIGNATING THE BANK OF ANT~RICA, ARROYO GR.ANDE BRANCH, AS THE BANK IN Vl~HI~Fi ALL CITY M~7NIES BE D EPOSI TED . Passed and adopted by the following vo~e on roll call: Ayes: Councilmen, Conrad, Gibson, Phillips, Schnyder and '+Nhitlock. • NO~S: None Sbsent: None. Claims against the General Fund in the amount of $930.60 and the 'J~ater F~znd in the amount of $344.14 a~~d~th~e~~'~~eeial ~as: Ta~.~S~.r:eet~~°ir~p~ovem~nt Fund in the amount of ~IO ~.00 were audited approved and ordered paid. Clerk instrue~ed to make reeommendations for changimg Licensing Ordinance. No further business appearing and upon motion the meetirag was adjourned. yTTEST ° • Q3. , . ~ ' ty Cle ~~ayor . Arroyo ~rande, Celit'. ~T4v~~ LI~r 19`~ City Cou~c~~.l me~,. in; re~la~ ,+aea~~~!~ ~~L3r ~~~,~~J. S. Gib~on .i~. ,!t.he..~atr•. Upon ra.I~1~ .~~1:,':~cri~;i~aon~,-; C~e~~~t: Serlu~ct~r ~ t~ftXoci~~ reported...prssea~:. , Gou~i:~:~F3~lli~s=::a~s~~. l~i.n~xte~=~wo~' p~ea~i:et~t>,,me~g. r~esd,.~ ar{~prv~~ ~s rea~I. Commu~~a~t~i4ne:;rw?d ead;T~:,~~td~ee~ t'ilod. Chanffe:; v.P: ~~i~sa~:lefcs~ef. d3stw~e~~aee~ ~ictt ~ °~et~foa t.sken Clafm. aga~.ne-~ t~e ~~Gan~~*al FuAd in, t~:,,amar~t , tr.~ ~~fl.~ was aud~.tsec~~_. ag~?t~t+ed. at~d t~rcie~ed paid~ No f'urther tzrzsiassa appear3ng and upoa motia~n the meeti~?g wa8 adjourned. ATTESTs vl '~V• ~ ty , er _ _ ~