Minutes 1939-12-06 ~.BQ~ ~ H ~.rroyo Grande' CaliPorni~ ~ i~ ec emb er 6, 1939 ! ~ City Cc~~~l met .~n r.~~l:a~ se~s~~4n wi~h ~~e~~ Gibson ir~. ~.he~ +~h~ir..:. . ~ ~ tTpon r.a11:~1 ~c~~~:1~~n~y-C4n~ad~ Phil~."ip8~ ~shny~d~ ~~d ~hi tloc k repor~!~d ~e~a~nt. ~'bffi~~ A~c~n~ . I ' ~inute~ ,of. pre~~i..a~s. me~~ir~ r~~d aa~d agprc~~ed. as ~esd. ' Commu~n,ic.a~i,~r~. re€~d ~i c~rc~ered fil~d. Cl~rk .~~t~~;~#~ec~ '~.c~~ o~d~r> twc~ 2~ mile r~~`I~eta~~~~, ageQ~3 li~it signs ~ci~.i.~utc~ Club.: Regular.ltiy mAVed, s~~4nde~ ~nd ~.$rriec~ t~.~. Gi~.y pur~har~e ; 8" ma.in I.fn~ . wa~ter ~t~~, A~s~~< l~ r~~^ular meter~. ~~ater ~ug~rint~r~ci~nt inatr~t~c~~d tt~ ~et pri:~es and arder ~alvanized. pipe ta sa~i~fy ~Si~ pres~nt r~q~air~ten~s. eommut~i~a~iQZZ frc~ G~a. C]:ea:v~ cl~:irning tha~ hi~ ~axes are t~o high w~as ~crna~i~~a~ed and 3.t- w~.s t,~~ apinia~ aF the B~ard tha#~ t,h~ pre~~nt~ ~raltxa~iQn i~ ~a~ e~c~e~s~ve. Claims ag~in~~ t~~ G~r~eral Ft~nd in the amount of $~97.~1 and the ~~a,ter Fund i~t the ~uao~.n~ 4f $~~b.46 were aud~:t~df tpPro~se{d and arder~ed paid, Clerk i~s~ucted tcr ~trf'~e; up li~:~r~se efhar~gES v~hf.~h should be -~a~e s~d ~ve rea~dy ~.Qr me~t m~et~.rzg.. ~otfon~=~egu~:arl~-,se~onded. a~ e~+r~~dr~. thart City e~p~~ry, ' an er~ineer to start ~c~rl~_ a~ :~~t~~? ~r~ p~~~s.~Y~~e ~c~ est~bli~h Of'ficial ~rad~~ for; t~h~ New Y~. P.. A.:, Cit~ `~~~de Prc~ject ~ which will:~;et unde~ way_as sofln as men are available. No f'urther business ag~earirig and upon motion th€; meeting ~188 8d~ QUx'I1~d.. i ' ' ~ . ~~s~r ` City ler - ~ayor,? ~ _ , , , I . I ; ~ I ~ i , { r ~ ; ~ i ~ , - ~ ~ i , ~ ; . , , ~ _ _ ! i I ~ i I i ~ I I ! ~ I