Minutes 1939-12-20 1~~ ~~.aroyo Grande, Cali~Qr.~i~a ~ec~ber 2~ ~ 1939 City C4u~c~~1. ~net r~g~la~ s~s~~an; ~~th or J. Gibson in t~~. ~l~a:ir,.;: Upon .r+~11.e~11. _G~au~~~S~~g Car~~,~ P~~:l~.pa ~r~ ~.tla~~ reported. ~e~~n~,. ~~t~~~~ ° ~~h~~d~r ~b~e~~. ~inut~~ ~f` ,pr~~i~us ~t~e:e~i~ ~~~d and ~gprc~v~d ~s reaci. . Commu~~~?:~~.~ns r~~c~ and or~~~ plaeec~ c~~ Pi le ~ ~otion b~ Cat~~~i.~z~ b~ ~c~~`~1~~ Conrads; de~3~ing ~,t~a~ ~rp~t~ : Fifll pr~~~r~~~y A~~~ lortg~r ne~c~:ed for Czt,y use ~~d ~h~ ~am~. b~*, c~f~`~red ~'~r sale at t22~e pr~ie~ of $2Q0.4Q n~~..;ta C#,~ ~r~th T~.~l~ In~~ran~e Po~icy ~a be ~nis3~ed by City ta b~ye~. ~otia~ carr~.~d b~ una.rrl~us ~~o~e. ~egularly mav~d, ~+~~ar~d~~ ~~cc3 ~rr~3~d that ~~r~~~'ter a~y purcra,~e to b+~ macc~~ by the Ci:t~ i~ ~ e~~ss m~' $25. ~f~ be mac~e througt~ ~R.-~~3~ 1~.~~tand i~ eg~l~_ ~~se b~d~ be ~~~~ed. S~e~t of sts~p sigr~ a~ ~h~ int~r.secti~r oF LePoint and ~i~svn laid c~~r~ ~'ar furth~r i~~~i,~artic~t~: `Yegt~.~la~yty mov,ed? s~~cunded ~.r~d carried that Glerk ~a~ permftted to can~el lice~e~~ Na~. 27Q~i~ 2~'tJ8 and 2"~29 as they are u~c~l2eetabl~, S~b~ect . c~f `~h.ite and ~c+Cc~r..m~~~ r~f err~r~ to Po1,i~e Chief l~vrton and Ed ~'e~l-, t4 ~s~ertain if' tl~e3€ ar~ ~iclat3Ag ~u~k C~rd~nar~ee. Clerk instru~ted ta . ge#~ pri~es : a~ Gate Va3.ve$ and 4" ~a:st Iron Pipe for ~x.t~as~~rn t~~ ~a~~r ~~:x~ ; on Bra~~s St~e~~ ,tc?- ~a~~t ~th _ main pt~mp,li~~+. _ ~ov~dt s~c~~ci~d x:.nd r~gul~rl~r: carried to urcha~e ~ump ~eare from Santa ~ar3,s G~~ C~a.. at ~la~ir pr°~e~ af ~154.f)Q . ~es~s~.~~ic~~ # 93 . Resolutiar~ aufi.~ri:zi~., ~.nd dir~ctin~~ the ~ayar~ ar~d Cittiy Clerk to execute de~d ~c~ C. :S~ps ~ar _ Lo.ts 4 to 16 zn~lueive in Lowe' s~ddi~~an to ~he Cit3~ c~f ~ro~c~ ° E~:~e Pass~d at~d ~.~a~~~c~ b~r. ,the P~z-1:1~~~:~~;.v~~ ar~ rc~l1: ~~21; AYES: Gcuncilffie~ Conrad, Gib~on, Phillipa and ~httl~ck. , NOES: ~c~~ A.BSEl~T; C~uncilman Scl~m~r€~~.;_ R~s v~~ti ~r~n # 9~ Reso2uti4n +~~az~gin~ the w~~er ~ates to be ~ha~r~~e~ a~'ter:.January lst. ~9~a fol.~.o~r~#~ ~'~r the; ~3.nf~m oP ~2,~E)~ customera be allowed $}~E3 cu.:. f'~.: r~t~~ t~ian ~th~ ~e~e~~v n~: a~ °eu, i"t. PaBSed aentl ae~ap~Lecl b~ t~e ~'c~11c~~r~.a~., uo~e: or~ r~ll cal3: . AY~.~: G~une~i2~$n _.~onrad, Gibs~n~ Phillips and ~~'hf tloek ~fOES : , ;~It~~e ~ibaent; Co~~i lm~~ 5~~n;yc~~. _ No further k~u~ines~ aPpearir~ and upon mQ~i~~ the meet,ing was ad j 4urnec3. ~TTEST: ~1~7 ~ . ty erk ~ \