Minutes 1940-01-04 182 ~ . ~ ~rroyo Grandey Cali~orni~ vanu~ry 4, i940 , City C~nei1 ~et 3.~ regu~ar s~e~sio~ ~wi:~--~a~sr~ Gihscm fn tht~ ~h~~~., Upon r:cr13. calS =C~~~fl~~~, Cc~~~d, P~ifi~~p~, S~rs~yd~~r a~, i~Yhitlock, ~~par~~~ prese~,? Abuen~t . nc~~a~r. . ~tinu~e~ of previufls me~~ng- ~ad ~nd: ~pro ~a carre~te8. Com~n:iea~io~s r~ac~aand~ c~°~er~d placed Qn fi3:~. ~dr. E.. ~ar~le ~PPear~d~ ~.r~d .as~ed ~h~ G~~ncf:l to pr~te~t f~he is~uance a~t~~aer. Q~ ~a,t~:~s. ,LiquQr° Li~ens-e in~ th+e Cit~.. Don S~af`~~r.: app~ar~d tc~ stra~~hten aut a miaunderatanding about th~e- ~~*i~+e of Ff~ Tr~k b~~t~ry ~rt~c~ ~he City recem~xy , ~ pur~hased ~`r~~ him. ~c~tican re~u~a.~~ly~ s:~c~r~ec~ am~d +a~~~d ~2ia~ Cl+~rk ~rrite th~ Stat~e 8~+~ ~g ~q~~,2i~atic~~ a~~ ~k tt~~na to de~~~ i~~tu~~~~ of On Sa1.~ Lfc±u~r L3.~en~,~ ~t~til a~~~', ~t°.~~ r~~rxt .Cou~ef ~~are~ti~g ~hich wil2 be h~~1~c3 c~n .T~n. 1'~~~t. Attorney~ V~n Warm~.:~rul~~ ir~ tb~ c~~ae r~F: A~c: w~tnttng the building~ ~es~s°a~ t~te~ S#a~~t ~`rt~m hi~ mc~~~ ~3~a~ u~iies~e `~,d build~nig~~ r~a~+~ .h~~rd. ~c~ . t~at any ae~~:~n°~ou3~i ' ' to be t~~€ ~ a~d - t.k~ er~rnr~ oF t~~ bui lc~i~igs . . Claima~ ~ia~~s:~ :'k~ts G~ns~~3. Fund in the amount c~P $?~0. ~9 the `~Tater =~'t~n~: in:: ~he °amc?r,z~t~ e~f $1218 t~ w+~ sudite~i, ~pprc~r~d ~ra~: and ord~er~ p~ai~.. l~o f~~?~r tau~iness appesrin~ and upon moti~r~ ~h~ m+~~ting w~s ad j ourx~ed. ~f:~~ ~ ~~~sT ooQ~ o~ • a. ~ ~y z~r~ ~~Q~ . ; . ~ ~ ~rroyo Grande, Cali~'. ~an. 16, 1940 City Cle~~ , Notice of 5p~e~a1 meetin~ received and as I v~ill be unable to attend, hereby notify ~o~x to have the b~ilarice'"o~- th~ Board proceed with such b~siness as may eome before them at tbi~ meeting. " , . iY Ben D. Conrad~ Counei n. ~ . _ - _ - _ _ _ , tY yor ,