Minutes 1940-02-07 184 ~ Arroyo G~ande, Caiifornia ~ ~eb~uary 194Q ~ City Cauncil met i~ regular sessioa writh ~a~pr J. S. Gibson irr the ~air. Up~an roll call C~un~il.men Conrad~ Phillip~~ ~~hr;yd~r ~nd VYhi.tloclc r~po~ted. pres~nt. Ai~~ent none. ~inu~t.es Q~'' ~reviaus m~e~ing rest~ and s~~praved as read. Eommtitt~.~~~~n~s re~~3 ~rul ard~red Fil~d. Gerard ~a~a~ appeare~ _ta ask iP tlie City would' be in~erested in " pure~i~ the Pire ~.rc~tck whic~i ~belangs to the ~t~te ~rhie3~ w~s ~tg~r~ned in A~royo Graxuie stz~mer. ~r. T3~na stated that ? the 1~.r~xck was f'or sale t~ut did not know th~ prie~. The Board ogfm~d ~~at they might be i~n~erest~d iP the price ~ras reasonable and ~dr. Dan~ ~a~ .tt~ get priee and ~t~bmft, ta ~c~une~I at a la~er date. Resigrta'~ion of CouncilYnan C~ ~s read and upon motion, ° which ~ra~$ regEaā€˛~~rly, aeconde~d and carried ~s finally a~~epttd but with ~r~at reluctanee, ~n expressf on from ~a.yor G~b~cn, - the bal~?n~~ af #.he Counci7: and ~~torney D~. R. Van ~tormery ~~cpressir~g their regret at l:c~~ing #~te $ervie~e~ of' ~Ir. Canrad was imm~diately , S'nllwoing. eaxu*~d s~at~d that his only reason for resigning ~?~?a~ due ~ti° vth~~r~ business intere~t~s ~hich he Pelt nece~sitated t?~i~.a ac tf`on.. Cxerk ins~tru~~,e$' ta order 14'~~ of 2' galv. ~ulvert. ~?pplic~cti~ans f~r~ ~dance permf ts for J. Illenst~ne and Jim Le3rir~g w~x'e app~o~~.f , Cl.aims a~ainst t2ie G~neral Fu~d in the amaunt of $8~8.~7 azad ' ~ ~ ~e ~ater i~ur~d~~~ i~ -~t~s~ ~~~.ma~~t~~ c~' $ ~ ~13~~`~.7q ~.~rere au.df~~ed, apgrov~t~~ ~ order~d p~ici. No fca~ther bu~in~ss appearing and ~pon mot~on t~e meetir~g , ;~a~j-nuraed~ , . ~ ~TTESTs ~ ' ~~"fr ~ ~.y er ~ ayar ~ t q t i i _ ~ Y