Minutes 1940-04-03 18'~ Arroyo Grande, 4alifornia l~arch 2a~ 194p City Coun~il met ~n regular~sess3on ~ith ~ayor 5. Gibson in the chair. Upon roll ~11 Couneilmen Phillips, ~ehnyder ar~d ~~~Jhitlock report~d pres~nt. Absent none. ~iflutea of pr~vfous meeting r~~c~ and a~grovec~. read. Communic~at~:c~~s read and c~r~cie~ed f'3led, ~ttorne~r D~. R. Van ~~orm+er r~ported t~at he had made settl.ement with CIlifford Cramptaxa on his delinquent ~ater bi11 in the ~mount of $6.63. Balanee oP said delinquent bill we~s ordere~ ~ra~idelled. ~oved seec~r~ded and re~t.ilarly earried that Clerk cancel iicenses numbe~s~ 2$07 - 2826 -~~c 2835, due to the faet that they are not eoi]:~~t~ble. ~,ioved~ se~anded and regular~y carried that delinquent taxes against Ross ~~'i~~c~~r be ~aneeled due to the faet that said tax was levied a~~i~st a roadw~,y. ~~oved, seeo~d~d and regu~rly ca.rried that Charles T~.eland~r be appoin~~d ts the City Cduncil to fill the une~ired term of $en Conrad. C3aim ag~.inst the ~ater Fund in the amount of $7.~'a~ auditeci~ approved and order~ed paid. No further busi~e~s appearing anc~:~~ motiQn the meeting w~8 adjourned. . ~ ~ ATTEST: , / ity C1~ ~xayor. ~rroyo Grande, ~aI if. ~ipril 3, T9~t~ City Cauneil ~et inreguiar session with ~ayor v. Gibson in the rhair. r~~nutes read and approved as read. Comrnunicati ons re~d and or~dered plac ed on fi le . ~~r. Charles `~helander too~ Dath of Offic~ to complet~ th~ balan~e og ~n~ired term of ~en D. Conrad. ~pved~ second~d and carried that City purchase two car~ of r~ek to mix with creek gra~rel for side~.lks. Tt was c~eeided to run an 1$" park~:y on Nelsan St. f"rom Short ~t. to ~ason St.~ to conform with the b~lan€e of the ~t~reet• ~lso that cur~ line of ~ha~t Street fram N~lsan to Poole be plaeed as sspeeified in Ci~y Ort~inance regulatir~g plaeing o~ eurb lines. ~oved, seconded and ~arried that City Hire Paul `~`arbox as chainman at $3.50 per day. . It was decided to coaperate with High SchQOi in progressing t~t.1~. the roek ~rall ~rhich th~y would like t~,put in. ~~oved~ seconded and carried that ~a~ater Cl~rk cancel ~i~1.5 against ~oe Leiter as ~am~ are une~bll~etable. Ci~y Attorney instructed to amend ii.cense Ordinanee relative to Laundry trueks. Claims against tY~e G~neral Fund in the r~mount of $~93.34 and the ;~ater Fund in the ~aount o~` ~,446~.74 ~rer~ audited~ approved and orderecl ~ paid. ~ro furtY~er busines~ appearing and upan motion the meeting ~ras adjourned. ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ ~ City lerk. or ~