Minutes 1940-04-15 ~ CJ V F~ .~rroyo Grande, California ~ ~pril l~~ 1940 ~ ~ . City Couneil met at a spe~ial sessipn with ~~$yor J. S. Gibson presiding. The purpose of' the meeting b~eing to canvass the returns of the General ~~Iuni~i~a1 election held ~pril"9th. _ 1940. t3pon roll e~Il Councilmen Sehnyder, Theiander and ~hitloek reported present. Counciiman Phillips absen~. After a canvs~s oP the above mentioned returns, the Po3~lowing resolution was presented: _ Resolution # g6 ~~T THE C4UNCIL OF THE CITY OF 1~RROYO GRANDE~ STATE OF ~ALIF~R1~tIA RESOLUTION` IlE~LARING RESULT ~F ELE~TIDN. ~~~HE~E~S, a General ~;unicipal ~leetion was held in the City oP :~rroyo G„ande, on Tuesday the ninth day af Apri1 194~ as required by la~, and AIHEREAS it appears that notiee oP'said eleetian was duly ar~ legally given, that voting preeincts were praperly established, and election ofPicers ~ere appointed and election supplies furnished, and that in all respeets said eleetion ~as held and condueted and the vo~es cast thereat recei~red~ and eanvassed, and returns ther~af made and deelared in time forrn and manner as required by 1aw'of sixth class Cities. A~1 ~EA.~~ the Council of said City met at the Council Chamber thereat on R~ont~ay the l~th. day c~f t~.pri1 19~, to eanvass the ~ returns od said ~lection, and having canvassed said re~urns, the - Counci~ fir~ds th~t the number of votes cast~ the hame~ oF the persons voted for, and other matters r~quired by law, to be as hereinafter ~tated, naw therefore ~E IT RES~L'CTED as follo~s: ~h~t said General Municipal election was he~d and condueted in the City of tirroyo Grande on Tuesd~y the ~ra.nth day of Apri~ 1q4~, in time, form and ma~ner a~ required by law _ ,t~a~i there ~as one vQting precinet established for the purpc+s~ oF holdin~ said eleetion consisting of a cansolidation oP the regular election preeincts established for the holding of General State and County eTections as ~'ollows: ( Consolidated preeinetA) compFising State and Countypr~ein~ts R'umbers ont, two and thr~e, ane~ th~ ~oting plaee thereof ~rgs the City Hall. That the whole number a~ votes east in said City was ~40' that the names o€ th~ persans voted Yar, the offices for which they were vot~di the number of ~rotes given in ~ach precinct t4 each af said ;~er~onstogether with the whole number oF votes whieh they rec~ived in the entire Ci~y are as Follows: Name of persor~ voted f'or Counci7.man, full term~ Vot~s H. R. Phillips ~ n 37p CYi~s Th828I1de2` rt rt rt ~ 1V. T. ~'hf tlo~k n re n 3?~ ~SCBtY' ~~.$I'1C~:~6 rt n et ~ v alT1~S ~?l"ffi821 rt rt n 3 e~ . F. K88P ir ~t n ' 2_ Ci~y Clerk ~:ae C . Ketehum ~t 1~t2 c~ar~es ~t~11s, E~ 38 U~. 'N. Routz8h21 r~ ~ 14~7 Arthur se~ly r~ " 11p Edward H. Horner ~;r. " " 2? Clarence ~1. ~dcCoy " Treasurer r~~. P. .Pruess " 39b RESOLVED therefore, that at said General b~unicipal electiozz 3 H. R. Phill.ips was declared elected Cou~cilman of th~e City oP xrroyo Grande for the full term of four years. ~iso that Charles Thelander ~vas declared eleeted Councilmar. of the Ci~y of ~;rroyo Grancie for the FuII term of four years. Also that T. +Yhitlock ~ras de~lared elected Counailman of the City of :'~rroyo Grande f o~ the full t~rm of four yeara. ~~lso that W. +N. Routx~hn was declared elected City elerk for the full term of Pour years . r~lsa that ~i. 0. Pruess was declared elected Treasurer far ~ the full term of four years. 189 c co~t3.nu~a) Th~ City C1erk shall make and deliver to ~a~h oF su~h person~ ele~teci, a eer~.if`icate oY election, signed by him~ and duly authentitQateci.: He shaZl deliver said ~erti~ieates at the ne~t regular Council r~eeting at v~hich time he sha12 impose the constitutional c~ath of o~fice and have ~hem subec~~:~be thereta~ whereupon they ~hall be induetec~. into the respective oPPices to which they ha~e been ele~ted. I~ the undersigned hereby certi~'y tha~~.~„he ~oregoing ~esolution was duly and r~gularly introdtzced and adopted by the Council of the City of arrayo Grande at a special meeting held April l~~h. 1940, by the follo~vin~ v~c>te: AYES: Councilmen Gibson, ~chnyder, '~'helanc~er ~nd `v~h~.tlock. 1~T~ES : IV'~one ABSENT: Co~anci7amen Phillips. In testimon~r .~rhereo~ I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the offieial seal of said City, this 15th.~ d~y of ~pril, 1940 ~ ~,r~..,~.~r.~^ M Cl't~l@Pk No furt,her business a~pp~a~~~ ~.r~d upon motion the meeting daes now ad~ourn . .s~-~. / 1