Minutes 1940-09-04 . ~ tl c~ '3 ~ ~rr~~~ ~ci~? : . Sr~t~. 7~'~. ~it~ ~c~ci~ m.et~ ~ reg~~.~.° aes:~icrn r~~t~ ~~r d.~«~i~~c~g ~r~fc~i~g. ~p~ ~Q1I ~a1~. ~c~~~~en P`~~~.~gsl~e~yd~r ~nd The~ande~ r. e~c~r~ed pre~en~. ~c~tn~i~.man ~tlacT~. ~~n~t~s o~~ grev~c~s ~ee~r~ re~ arnd: apgra~ed as read. ~ eat~c~~~ r~ac7: and ordered pla~ed a~ ~ile«. I~~a~n~ ~t~ ~ee:t.f..~ v~a~ ~~~rea:e~ta~~~ o~ the E?adies I~ir~vres~ ~''e~~,i~..~he r:e€~,reet.~:d ~~r~i~~ia~ ~ pl.ace ba~n~~rs ~n t;h~ eit~y~ S.t,~eeta advertiaing the ~+es~tiva2 ~~e held a~2 : ept.~~t.~i. arnd ~8t~« ~'ermfss.ia~r~ ~ra~ ~~sc? as~~d ~ res~re a gortfc~n o~' Bra~ch ~treet. ~'a~ a~ ~tree~. da~ce.F~pc~~t ~ation ~~t ~c~neiTman Thelander seeanded ~y ~o~tncilman ~chr~yder ~t~ ~ras ~na~mausl~ moved 'by tbe ~o~an~il ths~t thea~ req~.ests he gr~nted. Harry Har~ appeared ~e~'are the Co~ne~l ~ityh ~ requeat ~ar a~t ~ncrea~e ig u~ag~:s ~ar himself and f or ~~~.~aads ~~cZ are reg~Zar ~i~ emglaye~.~ ~r cifse~s~ian ~ui c~pc~M ~tot~c~n by ~c~acil~an ~i.1~I~g~! sece~nd.ed. ~~r ~cx~ncilman S~finyde~ f~ v~as agreed ~y ~h~ ~o~?nefl ~ithac~t; cifssse~~ th~~ ~e~ni~sg ~ep~.~~E these wag~ ~a~ s,et a~ 6,f'~ c~nt~ per hQ~r. ,~tt~ lengthy di~e~ssi~n ~S mo~ed ~c~ncilman ~I~yd~~ seeoaded b~r ~o~n~~lman Thelander aad ggsseci w~i~,h~t di~sen~ng ~a~te tha~ th~ ~ate~ ~Zp~. ~e instructed ~o I~,y 2gf3~ Ye~t af 2 inch gi~e ~n L~e Bec~e~~ Tra~Ye Trac~ s~Iong Tally~~ ~~re~~~ p~o~€ided ~.ntere~t~ed ~arater consumer~ agree t.~ dig ane h~1P' the trench ~:n ~hieh the p~ge u~i1.I t~e Iaid ~nd ~hat. ~s~t l~ss ~han st~ c~:~tomers ~ s~igri up t~ take ~itX ~rat~er. QRI~~1~T'~E ~ ~ ORI~~~.~E ~tDI2~ S~'i'IE~N I~ aF ~ QRIII~~E ~~Fs~~ l~" QR~}I2~1l~1~ E~Rt}~ID~ `I~C?~; ~FiE T~R~ RF~IS~~E~N t~' FF~~L~:EE.~s~ ~~~ST ~'D ~f3~T~ ~PE~1Q TxE RE~}F.~P~I~ E~ FRt1FER~ ~~?LIl ~'OR ~T1V~IE~fT TAXE~lDFG~~RI~~ ~ LTR~~Y (}F° (}RDI1~~1~CE ~ FR~'°IDFIP4~ TI~iF~T IT aFi~ TA~ P~E~fi" ~Ft7~3` ~`'IN~ ~DUP'~IQ1P'~ i F~S~ ~T'D .~DC3P~ 0~ ~ 2~~. I~t~~ Q~'' J~L7C} P~&sed ~nd g~c~g~~d ~Sr ~~ie ~al~c~rlr~ ~o~~ c~r~ roll c~II:. t~~:« ~(1E~N~I,A~' ~~C~3`~ F~L~~~~HRYT~~ ~NL7 . ~a~Et~ ~(E~EIIN~:~~ Vf~3'~~E ! ~laim~ ag~ir~s.t~. t~e~ ~eneral ~d ~a ~he affiou~t 6f ~ ~I and tlie ~~r ~d ~ ~ a~a~rn~ c~Y"' ~ ~re sudited ~ ; appro~ed and ardered paici. i ~'a ~'txrf,~ier t~usines$ a~ppearirxg and ~pan matio~n the ~€eefi:irig 1~r8s 8d,~c~,i1°IIedt i . ; Ltl~ ~t' ,