Minutes 1940-12-04 . 20~ ` ~4rroyo Gra~.~ade ~ ~al~~`. I~e~. 4, Ig4Q. ~ity Council met ifl regular session with ~8a.yor J.S.~ibson presiding. F7pon ral2 call Couneilmen ~~llips ~~Vhit1Q~~, ~ehnsyder arnd Thelsnder reparte ~esen~.~bsent none. -~~tes og p~~niaus mee~ing read and appr~ved as rea~d. ~a~ni~~'t~ans rea~d and ordereci placed on fStle. P'resen~ ~t this meeting to eon~It with th~ ~auneil ~vas ~ de~.egatian ~`ram the ~ay~ ~~nde ~ama.ns ~Iub.~'hey expresseci ~ desire ta gioe same c~f their s~rplusn f~znd~ for the bettermen~ og certain ~~vie neecls.T~iey s~zggested the gif`t of about twenty f'ivs ~ street signs.tTpon ~totion r~gularly seeonded and carried the Couneil ~Ghanked ~he -~Yamans Club Par ~heir ~iv~e inter+est ar~d at the s~:me tim~ ins~rc~e~ei~ Stree~ Snpt~.Ewing ta seleet the most suftable Zocations ~or these signs. ~ppearing at this ~aT1n~iI meetin~ was a delegation from the Toeal i6~sa~ie Laci~e~~.a inqu~re as to the possibility c~f sec~aring a con~inua~on oP the Sidev?~a:lk and Curb improvement d~~ Faole 5~. and in ~`ront of their property.The Council expressed itseTf'as being in favor af this improvement and agreed to do anything within their po~nrer to advance i~,. Read to ~he Council~ was s. petit,ion from ~he Board af Trustees of ~he Arrc~yo Gr~nde Union High Sehool asking th$t they be allo~red ~c~ permanen~I.~ el~se tha~ par~ian Q~" ~eKtnley Stre~t~ ~..ying bet~een lats 4~ and T in order to more advan~agea~~ly carr~ otat a fcz~,ure building program.~ motion before the ~ouneil wa. regularly seeonded ' and carried to grant thts reqrzes~ prc~vicied ~~a~ certain in~eres~.s of the Eity ~tater ~ains were protected. A non concl~sive dise~ssion of the ~.P~~.Projeet ~as held. ~ discussion ~ras ~e~d eo~c~rning certa~n safety signs tc~ be ins~.alleci a~ the ~rroya Grande ~rammar 5~hool.Th~ Cauneil ruled that ~t wroulci b~ aII right ~o go aheaci ~nd p~t in t~e required signs. A diseu~sian was held regarding gutter improvements c~n ~ra~m HiI~..Tt ~as agreed that any specifica~ions adapted be of a standard unifor~rr typ~ ~.nd apply equally f~o aT~ this work. A discussion.~ras held concernin~ a cer~sin piece of Iand or~ned b~ J..~A.Beelcet~ adjafning Tallyho St. ~t ~ras indicated ~hat~ b~r Beekett wa`s willing to deed ta the ~i~ty a smail strip of this land in order ~o prot~et this Stree~ against gload da~age. ~ Iengthy but non conc~usive diseussian r~as held eoncernir~ the prop~r digposa~I of the ~.~.C. buflding rec~nfi,]:y a~equired by t~ie ty . The EounciS ordered: Str~ee~ S~g~.Ewing ~o ~et ~,he necessary stenc~ls ~`ar properly marking ~he sfi,ree~ eurbixigs. ~.T.~itloc~ brought be~ore the Cotu~ei~ a reques~ f'rom the Xmas ~a~t~ee tha~ the Cif~y help ~rith either labar or money in the ~omm~zn~tg Ch~istmas Tree. The ~ounciZ on regular mvtion unaaimousl~r ~ agreeci ta furnish for this year whatever aid had been provfded ~i th~ pas~« ~I~im~s against ~he~ Genegal Fund in the amount of ~ IaS~ .I~ and th~ ~a~.e~ ~"und in the amotznt aP ~~~0.~4 were andited~appraved aad ordered gaid. No F~rther bus~:ness appearing ~nd upan motion the meeting v,t88 eld j Ot~I'nE~• W • ~ . , •