Minutes 1941-02-05 ~ii`I``Qy~ ~Y'Et~id~ ~ P~BF~~`. ~eh. ~9~I. City CQUncil m~t in regular session wit.h ~ayorr .Z.S.~ibsan presidin~. , tlpc~n rol~ eall C~un~il~ten Phill.ips~~thitlo~k~S~I~nyder and The2ande~ repor~ed present.Absen~ nane. ~ ~dinut~~ of previc~us meeting read and appraved as re~d. Co~nicati~ns remd and ordered plaeed on ~'ile. - Upor~ mQ'tian ta~ CounciZman 1K'h~~IockasecQncied by Co~ncilman Sehr~yder}the Ca~ncil ¢nanimot~sly votedYthat be~ining ~rith ~he second qu~~~r og Ig4~~tha~ the Ticenses c~P outs~cie bakeries be inereasec~ ~o ~en dol]~ars per~ e?uarter. ~ matiQn by Cauncilmam m~~zanae~ ar~d seeonded by~ ~o~zncilman `Nhi~.3:ock wraa pgssed b~ the Cauneil wi~E,Iiau~ di.ssenting vote €~pprov~ng the trade af ~ne large ~aag 5ite b~iZding ~`ar ~wo smaller ~r~es as firs~ mentianed in ~he mir~t~s o~ Ja~.I~ t~i. Th~ Council i:nquired of' ~~e Cit~ AttQrn~~ reg~rding the Iega~. lfmits o~' thetr authority to proceeci wit2i sideu~alk and gtutter° cangtr~ction~ TIZe City :At~orney ~led th~~ ~nder the Ia~r they c~rere given ample powers f,o proceed writIi this work. The ~ouneil and f.he ~ttarney di~eussed t.h~ advisa~ility of securing the Iabor of JaiI. ir~mates ~or Cit~r constructien wark.The City ~tarshal was ordered tc~ look inta this more £ully. The Caczneil defer~ct rzntil later a decision an an inquiry by Supt. Ewing con~erning additional St,reet and ~later Line ~mprovement in the ~es~ern :itdditioz~ and fronting the Jackson Ruhl proper~y. The Co~ncil ordered the dYater Supt.to install one new Fire H~rdrant at the extreme Eas~ end of the water line on Tall~ha ~tree~. discussion ~ithout any PormaZ deeision resulted from a review of prablems conneeted with ~radin~ e~d street levels on Cro~rn ~ill~also same sid~walk construction to be paici on the 3nstallmen~ plan. motion by Councilman PhilSips~secQnded by ~ouncilm.an ~hitlQek and unanimoasly passed~authorized ~upt«Er,~~g tc~ s~~n contra~ts with the Standard C~iI Co. and the ~ssQCi~~ed aiI Co. to furnish to th~ ~ity f'or the use of its autamo~iue ec±uipmea~ certain f~.iels and lubricants at dePinite designated prices as stated in the respect~ve contrac~s. The Co~zncil reviemed f i~ures submitted by Supt.Ewing sho~ring costs af sidewa2k consf,ruetien under ~f~.y IaT~or and management. The Couneil ordered Supt.E~ing to make an inspection of'the S~ririg Bridge ~.c~ ~etermine its eondition as to safety faCtors. ~ a saPety me~sure they.~al, o ordered 2~im to insta~I s short wing fenee at the end of the ~t.Bridga. ~ The prob2emri 6~ rubbish dumping was diseussed at some Ien~th. The City CZerk ~ras instrueted to contact the S`tzpervisar from this ni~trict ~aneern~.ng th~ seeuring of a site to be c~sed as a Public rc~bbish dv:m~ ground. CZair~s against t~ie General ~'und in t~e amount af ~ I23~.4~ ~ the ~ate~ ~`und in the amaunt o£ ~~83.~I and the Sgl.~as Tax Street Im~raveme~xt ~und ~n the amaunt af $ 4.9~3 wrere audited~ approved and ordered ~aid. ~`a further busine~s appearing and upan matian the meeting wa~ aci j ourned . , W • VV ` O'L ~ ~lT`.L'~'~ . ' C II"~ Ct~ERK. l~i~E~ .