Minutes 1941-02-19 ~210 y , ~rrs~ya Grande~ ~a:Iif . ~ , Feb. Ly i 194I. ~ity ~o~nc~I m~~ ix~ regrrl:ar se~~ic~n wit~ ~ar ~.fi. Gihs~n presiding~ Upa~a r~II ca1~ ~ounc~Ime~n Fhil.Iips~~thi~Imek,.~bnycier and Th~Ia~nder repc~rted pr~s~ent.~,ba~n~. non~ . ~i~tes aP~ pr~via~r~ meeting reard and appro~ed as re~c~. ~a cati~ns re~:d ~nd arciered ~iled. The Coc~nciT a~tfiariaed the C'1.erk to dr~~ a~ _~r~rra~nt on the General F~und ~vs $ I2.Q~ pay~ble to ~s.I.es~ Kyti~ ~s f'tt~ll. ref~,irid aP~ her s~dew~~k contribntion s~aney.5he had requested th~ re~urn of f.h~s maney c~:ie tc~ the f~c~ tha~ constructia~. or~ ~er side~raI.~ h~d a~ver been ~tarted. 1~ communi~~tian ~`rc~~t t~ie Sta~ ~igh~ray ~ept.requesting a report af' aI1: mo~or vehieles a~cidents oecr~rir~ inafde the City Limits wa~~ rePered fi~ the Cit,yr Marsh~ll and he was inss~.r~zc~ed by the Cc~un~il ta coaperate with the Highr~a~r Dep~.~i~h respeet to granting th~s requ:~st. The ~zb~ ect of g~rbage ~nd r~bt~is~i disposal engag~d the a~tent,ian c~.f` the Cagncf~ ar~d the ~ity ~ttarney at some leng~h bu~ na def~nite actian was ~aken. ~oune~lma~r T'helande~ ~ave ~ repor~ ~f- an ~ntervie~ wi~h l~r. J.~.Be~ke~t concerfi~ng reatrietions ta be placed an V-~lley Vie~r Tract.Th~s ts the progerty t,hat the ~ity recently negotia~ed to purchase ~s ~ po~ent.~al g~rk ~ite .B~r Be~Ise~~ demaands f.I~a~ as ~ e~nd~tion o~ Ba~Te that ~he C~ty agree ~c~ use t,his 2and as: ~ park s~~e onZ~ £or a per~c~d af fift.een years..~Af'ter a leng~h~ rev~e~ ~ the Coune~I consented rather relue~an~.Iy f.o ~his provfsarand: instructed the ~ity .~ttarney ta pregar~ g deed ta this e~~ect. Caunetl~an TheZartder then int,roduced a motion which was seconded by ~c~u~~ilman ~Yhitlc~~T~ attd passed wit,hont d%€~sent th~~ ~.he C:I.erk immeciiate7~r prep~re a warrat~~ drav~n an th~ Capital Otrtlay ~nd Por $ IOQa.00 as j3~jT11l~A~ ~II fuTl for th~ above mentioned prvpert~. ea~anit~~~ o£' f~tzr proper~y owners residing in the ~es~ern ~ .~dditian m~t ~ith the ~aaneil tc~ pro~es~. ,~he g~ant.ing n~ any bu~Iding per~its alTowir~ ~be erectic~tt of r~ndestrabZe st.ructures : in t.he ~estiern :~ddit~ofl*Tlie C~ar~neil s£gnifi~d a desire to gran~ the reques~ of this eam~tttee and immeciiately enga~ed in a Iengt~iy discussion ~th th~ ei~y ~t~arney regarrding the Ues~. so2utian af this problem.I~ wa~s finalally deeided that the best ~ay to handle this matter was to appc~in~ a builcling inspec~or a~ztharized to pass on the stxitabfli~.y af' any con~e~Iated s~:.r~.ctures. Upd~ matiQn hy ~aun~ilman Phill~ps~seconded b~ ~ounci~man Thelander and passed unan~mau~Iy?#.h~ ~anne~2 appointed ldr.~~.~h$rps t~cr Fill the positian af b~ilding inspee~r. ~ The CouneiT discussed drainag~ problems connected ~arith cert~i~ proper~t,~es loca~ed on Craurn ~Il. S~reet ac~pt.E~in~ ~vaa ordered ~o pu~ in ~ g~~ter near the En~s property and to rema~te any obstr~ction ta the flow a~ wat~r. A request for:the inatall:ation c~f a stree~ Iigh~ Qn the eas~ portion af'Leedhaffi Lane near the Fred ~arsal.e~ propert~ was no~ granted aL this t~.me« . Supt.:Ewing was instructed ta arder any eon~rete meter boxes ~hat may be required. _ ~claim a~ainst the Ger~eral F'~d in the amaunt o~' ~ I2.ap and ~ the ~api~I. Outls~r ~`~.nd in the amclun~ of' ~ IQf~E}.~a ~e~e sudi~ed ~ approved and a~dered pa~id. Na t`ur~.h~r busines~ appearing and upon motion the meeti~g uras adjourned. ~7 ~T'i'ES'~. ~ ' b'~ ~I ~i~9tYE~. .