Minutes 1941-03-19 21~ , ~royo Grande~ ~alif. - ~ar. z9, z9~-z. City Couneil met in re~;ular session ~ith ~yor ~.S.Gibsan presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen ~hillips~~chnyder ~nd The1.~:nder reported present.~bsent Couneilman VYhztloek. ~iutes of previous meeting re~d and approved as read. Communicatiarts read and ord~red filed. ~fter ~iscussion the bui~ding permit fee was set at the rate of $ 2.00 per~ thous~nd. ~ review at some Iength of thE cast of Ci~ty Campensation Iasurance resulted in ~o change in the present set up. The Council discizssed in detail the need for a new City Fire E~ine.They appointed a committee af three~composed of B.E.Ewin~~~`red Norton and H,~rry Hart to investigate the most ~uitable type of chassis and to seeure bids o~ same.Councilman Schnyder ~rsas asked to secure fi~xres eaneerning ~veight o~ a suitalale metal tank to be used on the above chassis. An inc~uiry by i~ater Supt.Evring re~ardine; the advisibility of Iaying 3jQ Feet of pi~e in ~o the Farl '~~Tilkinson property in tha F~ir Oaks Tract and then goin~; on for an 3dditianal 80G or ZOQO feet with 2 inch pipe ~.o serve some cantemplated new residences in ~hat district was revie~red by the Council.ITpon moti~n by ~o~~eilman ~helandersseeonded Uy Council~~n Phillips and pas~ed wit.hout dissent the abav~ mentio~ed pipe v~ras orde: ed installe~. upon mation by Cauncilman Phillips?~ecanded by Couneilman The~ariaer nd ~xnanirr.ously passed aupt~Er$ring ~as instr~;zcted to instal~ new S~reet Li~;hts an CornwalT St.in the ~es~ern Addition. Na further business app~aring and upon motian the meeting was adjQUrned. , , . ~ ~ ~ ~TTEST . e~~r er.~~ ~~x.