Minutes 1941-04-02 ~14 ' ?p ~ ~o~o c~~ae~e~.f. ~ . ~ ~pril 2~ I~~~. ~ City Gouncil ~et in regu~ar ~essiQa v~ith ~ra~ ~ .S.GiU,~an pre~i.dir~g. t~gon roll eal~ ~Q~i2men P'hillips~5eh~yder and Thelander reported present.Ab~en~ ~o~zncilm~n t~hitSaek. ~ir~stes of pre~r~~us meeting read and agproved as read. Cam~t~ications r~~d and ordered flled. ~dr.Richards from the Sazt ~is at~ispo Fire Departmer~t and Mr.Cornel~ regresenting 1~aek F'~re Fighting Eq~ipai~nt r~e~, witb the ~c~unciI. and heZd a di$cussion with t~em in re~arci ~ta t.he p~oper type of f ire engine for use fn this City.The Caun~i~. requeated ~dc.Cornell ~~Go furnish them ~rith ~ame additic~naZ i~f"ormation a~d. specif~cations eovering~ equfpm~nt. diset~ssed at this meeting. ~.F'.~.I~.ng appe~red ta prQtest the increased license ~~e recently added ~Q outsicie Bakeries.Tbe Couneil ruled that this ne~r rate wou~d have to ~tand. ~talter Hgrris appeared to inq~ire as to pZa~s Por f~~ture ~ siden+~lk ~anstruc~ion.the CounciT informed him th~L this was Za~gely depende~t on weather eanditi,ans. A~.ZII~nstim~ ~as present to inq~ire regarding f`uture ltcense fees on Dance Halls.~.t'ter svm~ discussian the Council defered a decieio~ an thi~ t~nt~l late~. ~ R.II~~i~eau~ and ~lintan Loamis gave the Cour~eil. an - Qutline QP`a n~ pl~n to use Federal ~`unds Por ~he cox~struetio~ af rec~eatic~n~~.t cente~s as a part o~ the Hat.i.ar~ ~efense Fragram. ~ Upon ma~ion by Cota.~,c~I.man Thelander~seeond~d by Coun~iTman sch~yder the Cauneil ed ~rithou~ dissent ta appQin~t a co~ittee of t,hree ~onsisti~g of x.B.Yi.nea~~ Glintan Loomis and ~.Sf,rat,her ~o dr~~ np a set af r~q~irements and esti~ated costs for ~ reer~eationa2 center projeet as cleseribed above. ~or Gib~on ~ave a report eQVering the recent inst~rlla~ion o~` Street Iigh~s an ~orn~ralZ ~t.This inelr~ded an es~imat.ed cos~ af current eonsu~tion and a plan su~gested by the F'a~rer Cc~.t,o hald th~s consumption u~ri.thin reasa~able limits.~er discussf on the Councti. approved this plan. Beeause of a pre~.c~crs er~tgagement ~ot~ncilman Thelander v+tas exerzsed f'ro~ fur~her attendanee at this meeting and ~he me~ting proceeded wif.hout his gresenc~. RE~(IL€T~I01~ ~ Ip~ Resolu~ion appravir~g and aceepting ~eed to tracL of land f armerly sold to ~he Sta~e Por non-~ayment of taxes ~ and deseribecl as lat~ Iq, bloek 27aixt Becket~ ~rawn HiII. ~adition. Passed ancl adopteci by the foZlo~ring vote on roll eall. ti~~ES. ~~ttTN~IL~ GIBZSQN~P~L~IF'`S :AND SCHIV~~DEE~. NF3Ea. ~t3NE. .~CBS~NT'. ~t7UN~IL~ WFiITLACIC :~ND THEt.~t1~TZ~R. 6"la~m~s a~~inst the Ge~eral F'und in ~he amoux~t of` $n S~4.IE~ j~d tlZe ~Tater Fund ~n the amount of $ 606 .2~ ~rere~ audited~appraved and orctered paid. ~ No Ptzrther business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjaur~ed... , ~ • 1?~..._ _ ' ~ ~ ~ITT'~T~. CITY ~I~E . ~iYaF€.