Minutes 1941-04-08 21~ ~roya Grande! Calif . ~pril ~3 ~ 144I.. ~~Ia ~TTN~ Q~` ~~TY C4UNCIJ.~ ~it~ ~ouncil.met in Special Sess%on with ~y-Qr J.~.Gibson presiding. Preser~t ~t this meeta.ng were Councilmen Fhi2lips~ `~Ihit~Ia~k~Schnyder and Thelander. ~bsen~ none. This special meeting was eaTled to eonsider plans and specif'ications eover~ng a reerestio~ pro~ect.~liis proje~t to be a gart o£ t.he National ~efense Pragram and ta.be finanEed b~r Federal funds. `~he e:ommittee appa~in~ed at the Zast regular meeting to dra~ up a pragram submi~ted their program for the Cotzneils approval.:~1f'ter thorough re~ri.ew and discussiQ~ the Council approved this prog~am as submitted. REaQLUTIQN IQ6 Resoltxtion ~~l~ining ~.nd justiPing need far ~ecreation p~ojec~. in connectian with the Na~ionaT ~~~'ense ~rogram. Sh4wing the need for varic~us expenditures for specified purposes.Itemiaing these exgenditures anc~ sho~ring a total. a~u~t~ requested o~ ~i 4q ~ 2aQ .QQ Passed.and adopted by the foZiowring vote on roll eall ~YF'.~5. CQUN~ILI~EN G~BSQI4'~Ff~LI;IPSi~TLOCK~SCHNYDE~~THE"G~IIQDER 1~Tt~ES. NC3RTE . ~BS~NT. N(3NE NQ gurthez~ business appearing anci upon motion ~he meefia.ng was ad j aurned . ~ AT~a7i • ~ ' r C~TY ~OR:.