Minutes 1941-06-02 : i. ~ j y , c: ~ H.W.O~MEWENY IBBS-1941 . . . . . LAW QF'FICES~O~F ~ ~ ~ wms w.MrEas PIEpCE WOPKS O' M E LV E N 1f M Y E R S . JOHN O~MELVENY HOMFR I.MRCHELL ~ PAULFUSSELL cuqroxurOUeac'17e ~ ~ 433 SOUTH SPRING S7REET WILLIAMW.CLARY GRAHAML.S7ERlANG,JR. . . . ~ HARRYLDUNN W.B.CARMAN,JR. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JAMeSL.eEeeE MqYNaeoJ.70~L ~ LOS ANGELES 6111 SUNSET BOULEVARD JACKSONW.CHANCE ~ ~ ~ JI~IZB ~ HOLLYWOOD JOHNA.POWELL JAMESM.IRVINE,JR. (,,,rjd CABLEADDRE3S~~MOMS" J.R.GIRLING BTANLEYL.ANDERSON KENTALLEN RpYH.LINDMAN 1 GJ'~ L} 1 FREDERICKN.EDWARDS SIDNEYH.WALL ADRIANC.STANTON RICHARDC.BEROEN I.AURANM.WRI6HT WM.P.MARTIN ARTHUHJ.O~KEEFFE.JR. JAMESC.OFtEENE ~ 1 N REPLY REFER TO ~ SUBJECT SAN LJIS ~ ~ ~ ~ OBISPQ COU:ftiTTY A;~, I i~0 S. 3 AND 3~ RE~UND- IN:~ i ONDS I,~r .`'~,~V .'dY . R o u t z a hn, C i t~T C le rk C ity Hal l, Arroyo G-rande, ~alifornia. Dear ~~r. Koutzahn: '~1e have received f'rom you the minutes of the ~~e~ial meeting of the Cit~T C'ouncil 01' Arroyo rrande held T.~ay 17, 1941. `~'hese minutes are entirely satisfactory ex- cept for txle contents of the second p~ra~;raph. I believe that you will find that the first motion ~ dopted v~~as only to tne effect that the written. consent on file in the Off ice of the Cit~= Clerk be copied into t he minutes in full. I have jus ~ tall~ed to ii~r. Basil Grel~ ~rrho attended tk~~e meetin~ and h~ confirm~ this. Accordingl~~, will yoa kindly revise your minutes b~ omittin~,r the present ~econd para~raph and in its place insert~n:~ the followin~ matter: f'The ~lerk reportad ~hai; he h~_d on f'ile in hi s of'f ic e G_ c on:~ent to trie hold in~; of this spAcial rneetin,M, si,_~ned by all :mernbers of this nl~~ "Ol1riC11. ~`TJpon motion of ~ouncilman ScnnSTder, sec- ond.ed by ~",ouncilm~n Phillips, and unanirnously adopted, it w~s ordered t ha.t said consent be entered in full in the minutes of this meetin~. ( c opy he re c onsen.t in f ull, inc lud i~~~; Clerk's certificate statin~ time of' fili~~-~;. ) rt '~~Ve are s u~~e s tin~ the a bovementioned cha.n;~e f or t~e reason that it is desira~le that the written consent appear in full in tne r~inut°s of the meetin;;. It is the s~.rritten ~ / ~ ~2-r;~r. 'J'J. Routzahn-6-2-41 consent filec~ prior to the time the meetin~ be~ins which ~ives jurisdiction to hold the special meetin~. A motion adopted at trie meetin~ ~=;rantin~; consent would not be effec- tive ~~rticula.rly in view of the ~'act that one ;;~uncilman was a}~sent. ~f the su;~ested c~~an~e is not in accordance v~ith ~ our understand~.n~ of what took place, kindly communicate with ~~s . If ~~~.e su~~~ested chan~e is s~ tisfactory, kindly re- vise the minutes and send us a cop~ of the same, addin~ to our copy the f ollowin.~ c ert~.~'ic~ ~e : c'I hereby certify th2~t t',~e abovo and fore- ~oin~ is a full, true and correct cop~,T of the minutes -~f tk~e special meetin~ oi the City ~o!zncil of the City of Arro;~o i rande he ld i~~Tay 11, 194I. (~ea1) CitzT ~l~rk of the City ~ o~" ~rroyo ~rande, Californi~..'~ The minutes previo~zsly furnished us are returned to y-ou herevuith. Very tru ly you~.~s, U ~ i~~LV~l`!Y c~C ~'lyl.'~Ti.`{ ~J' / ~ O~~ t~'~I~i~~ ~ RHL: IG Enclosure /