Minutes 1941-05-27 ~ ' 220 ~ ~ Arroyo Grande~~ali~. ~.'r7 ~ ~aY~ 27~ Z94I. ~STI'E}1tTED ~TI~TG FC~STP~?NEI? F~f3M B~~ ~.Is~• . ~ Cit~~ Council ~e-~ a~ II-j~ ~n meeting postponed Pram ~ay 2Is~ti ' Present were Counei3.men ~'Yiill~gs~~hitlock~Schnyder and Thelande~. - ~I,bsen~ Couneilm~a Gibson. ~ouncilmaa~ ~hilZips was appoint~ed Chairman k~y unanimans approval. ~lfter a short diseu~sion it~ was de~ided tha~ the busin~ss ~ o~ this ~ee~ing eould be be~ter carried on at a later hour.IIpon motion by Councilman Vi~iitlc~ek~seconded by Councilman S~hnyder and passed w%t.haut diss~at the f~rther conduct of' this meeLin~ was defered until the hour o~ 7-3f? ~~d. on tfiia same day. ~lY 27~ Ig4I. 7-30 P~d, ~i~~r Council met in eaa~tirnzatian a~ Postpaned ~ee€ing as described abave. Upan rall ~all ~QUn~ilmen Gibson~Philli~~~Whitlaek~ ,chnycTer a~d Thelander° reported presen~. ~bsent nane. ORDIN.~I+1~E 6~ -~iltf aRI~~1~,~~ ~~II4'G dRIrII~I'~~ NUt~ER TW~rT`I"Y ~NE ENTITI~ . ~10' ORDIN~4N~ ES~BI,ISHING,FIXING .~AND IB~F'OSING ~II~IP~iL L~e~rsES ~ ~~ssEU ~ ~o~~ ~t 5,zg~:~. P.;1~SSEII ~4IVD' :A.DC)~TED BY THE FC3LLO~YII~TG VaTE C3N ROLL ~~LL. AYES` ~ ~C3UN'CIL~N GTB~C7~t~PFiILLIPS~~NHITLOCI~~~CtIl1TY~ ~D TH~L'AND~R. 1~OES ; N~33NE. ~BS~ ; 1~OI~ . ~ represen~:a:tive fram the Sta~t~ Divi~ion af Housing ~nd Emigratiort appeared before the Cauncil and presented dat~a co~ering an ardi:nanee rel~tin~ ta the licensing of Trailer Camps.This was ~aken u~ far dis~uss~on t~u~ no aetion was _taken a~ f,his time. ~ discussion at same Iength was held concernin,~ the ~rogress being made Tay the Ci~y in building stane walls.The Council ruled that on ~.he eompZetion of' the wall naw being warked an that additional constructiQn be heZd up pending b~.ds on this t~ype of work. Upan motion by Councilman Phillipslseconded by ~ouzieilman V~hitloek a~d una:r~imousl~ passed ~he wages of Harry Har~ and E.Y. Edmands v~rere changed €cr a' monthly basis and se~ a~ ~ I20.QQ per month. A short discussion was held:concerning'the building ardinance anrl the fees eonnected with same<. No fur~.her business appearin~ and upon mot,ion the meeting vuas ~djourned. ~ . . , . , . t , W' :~T'"~. ~ITY ~LE . - M~I~OR.