Minutes 1941-06-04 22~ - ~irrQyo ~rana+e ! ~~t~". ~ctne 4~ xg4l. C~t~t Council met in regular session with ~~cr J.S. Gibsvn presidir~g. llpon roll ea21 Council~en Phill~p~s~~hitloc~C~~~~yder ~rtd ~~elander repvrted presen~,~bsen~t nva~e. ~inutes of previorzs meetin~ read anci appro~ed as read. Communicationss read and order~d filec~. ~E~i~TT20N ~ I~!$ ~~~olution sho~ring that the ~ity af' ~rrc~~r~t Gra~d~ ha~ ~equir~;d from the ~tate of Califorr~ia by wa~y oP a tax sal~ L4~. Iq in Block Z~` a~ Beeke~ts Cro~ ~Il ~ttd~t;fonyat a ~ot~I cost o~` ~~Z.~. Shaw~ng that~ this ~it~ h~s no need for this real praperty and tha~G ~aid proper~3r is ~eeded and desired by the Arra~?a Grar~de ~nion ~igh S~hooi ~is~r~e~ and tha~ the xi~h School ~+istric~ has e~f~'erec3 to pay tc~ the City of Arrayo Grande the sum o~ ~ iz•62 ~`ar a conveyanee of` ~afd real property.The Cit~ Council having determined thaL aceeptance af this oPfer bein,g for t.2ie advantage af Lhe Cit~r of Arroyo Grande it i~ At3~ P@BA~.V~d ~itY1OP~Z8~~0A b~ g~V@Il 1'tfP the ~xecrxtion and deliver3t o~ a Qui~clafm Deed ~,o the Arro~c Gr~nc~e Unicn ~igh School ~is~rict upon reeeipt o F the sum o~` $ I I.62 . Passed and adopted by ~he folld~ing vctte on roll call. ~iY~. eOtJNCIL~N ~I.IBBSS(}I~? PHILLIPS ~ `~HITLOCK, SCHNYDER ~i1~D T HE~R~3~. ~C3~'. ~BS~NT . ~'ONF . ~'her.e wa~s ~~me dis~ue~~4~ r~~arding the prablem of delinq~zen~ tsxes b~zt no ac~ion ~as ta~cen t3~is time. ' A Z~ng disc~x~sion was heZd cance~uing vmri~u~ phases connected with the b~zild~aac~~g prob2em in tb~fs C#ty. ~r ~d.R. Van ~ormer,the C~-~g Attorney advised tha~ tY~e Huilding Per~t~ ~rdi ~ be revised and brou~h~ up ~c~ d~~e. `~`he subj~~~ ef` ~ralls and sidewalks ax~d of th~ ..ne~ ~'ire Fngine~was reviewed a~ length. S~p~.Ewing wa~ ardered Lo continue with the construction of the ire Eng~r~e a~ Ianned. Clgims against the General Fund in the amount, o~` ~ g~4.I2~ and the ~ater Fuz~d in the amount of $ 4q~.~`"j were audi~ed~ ~pproved and order~d paic~. No furth~r business appearfng and upan motioi~ thea~eeting . v~as ~djourned. . ~r,~ - ; i , ~ ~ ~ . • ' ~~f/N~V~~r~ ~ . . , . ~ . . . , . . ~I~. • ~ ' . I i ~ I