Minutes 1941-08-06 225 ArrQyo ~randeiCalif. d~ug. ~ ~ Ig4I . ~ The C~ty Council met in re~I.ar session .~o~ ~.~.Gibson being absent Councilman°X.R.rl~illips ~ras appointed aeting ~ayor . i~ his .place. Upon roll ca11 Co~ncilmen ~h~.Ilip~~~hnyder and Thel~nder reparted present.~b~ent ~ayor Gibsas an~i Coc~ncila~an ~hitlock. ~in~zt~s of previous meeting read ar~d approved as read. Comununicatio~s pz~es~nted~read and ordered Piled. 4~d~nance # 7fl canceZing delinquent penalties and cost~ on delinquent taxe~ wa~ read for the first time. R~S4LU~IC}l~' ~I~ Resolution o~' the City Co~nci2 oP th~ City af ~rroyo Gra~nde approving memorandt~m QP agreement ~or expendit,ure of aa~ Po~rth cent gas ta3c al~.oca~~ed fe~r Sta~~ Higha~ays. Passed ~nd adaptec~ bg~ the Po~.lc~ring vote on roll ca2l. t~YE~. CC3LTNCII~'E"~' PH~L~?IP alSC'T~NYD~ ~'D T~IEt~A~'i3ER. I4'0~. I~QNE. ~ ~HS~I'.f~. CQ~'CIL~ t~~`~?QCK ~ I~YfXR G~Sf}8. tipoa motio~ by Cauncilma~t Sciu~yder ~sect~r~dec~ by: Counci~n Thelaade~ a~rc~ ~nimoc~s2y' p€~ssed the Got~rtc~I approved an agreement ~ubmitted by the Ba~c 4t" Ameri~~ de~ignatf~g t~i~ ~ a~,tnt ot ir~etive Citg f~nds to b~ kep~ o~ d~pcsit ia the Bank and fixi~ ~he intere~t rate thereo~. 'The B~ilt~i. I~peetor ~Srese~~~d to the C~ncil a~t3ggestion ~ Por aa~ improv~d:~orm cov~rir~g Builc~irig~~e~~r and E1,,~ctrical Perm~fi.~.T'~e Ccr~r~cil reqtz~s~ed t~~ City ~ttorney to look into ~his and ~t~ ~ve an +~pinian on same. _ Claims ~f~s~ the General I~ttr~ ia the amo~znt af $~SI~.~'8~ a~d the +~~~er Fund in tn~ $mot~n~ of ~$8D.23 were audited, appro~ed and ardereci paid. l~o furt~~r b~zsiness appearing and upon mation t~he ~ee~ing ~ras~ a~dj at~rned.~ ~ G~~l~ ~ ~ ~