Minutes 1941-10-01 229 ArroyQ Grande ~Calif . ~et. I ~ 194-I. The City Council met in regular session with ~da.yor J.S.Gibson presiding. -~7pan roll call Councilmen Phi3lips~Schnyder~Thelander and ~denny reported present.Abs~nt nvne. ~inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. ~ Cammunications read and ordered filed. ~so~u~rrar~ zz2 A resolution by the ~rrayo Grande City C~uncil ordering the clos~ng ug and ab~donm~nt af a por~,ion of xarrisan Street~ deseribed as that portian ther~eof Iying between the easterly line of LePoint Terraee extended acrass Harrison Street and thE westerly~ Iine af ~cKinley Street~extended across said Harrison S~re~t. Pas~:ed and adopted by the following vote on r~ll call. ~YES. C~TIVCII,~dEN GIBSQN~ PHI~,I,ZPS ~ SCHNY~ER~ THELANDER ~iNI3 ~£'..NI~T~. ~ NOES. Nt~NE. s~IBSEN'T. NONE. The Ci~y Attorney gave a repor~ on the crossing problem at the junction af Barnett S~.with the IaI Highway.After a detailed review of thig matt~r a decision was defered until. a Iater d~te. Bids an new Fire Hose were inspected and discussed and upon matian by Councilman Schn3rder~seconded by Councilman Thelander and unanimously passed 5up~.Ewin~ was instrueted to order 500 fee~ af ~.w~ and one half' ineb size fire hos~ of the approved type. A det~.iled reviev~ of the proper forms ~o be used in the Bui~.ding Inspectian 1legartment resulted in a motion regularly moved~seconded and passed tha~ a supply of tbese forms be order~d. Claims agains~ the GeneraI. F~nd in the amocznt oP ~ 94g.54~ the ~'ater Fund in the amount of ~~~t~.~9 and the V~ater D~pasit Fund in f,he amo~nt of $~Q.~Q were a~dited~approved and ordered paid. Na further~ business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjoczrned. . ~ i ~ ~ .~i~TE~~. • A~AYQR .