Minutes 1941-11-19 ~32 ~ ~ ~irroyo Grande~CaliP. ~ ~ Nov .19 ,194I . a" The City Council met in regular session with Mayor J.S.Gibson presiding. Upon roll eall Councilmen Phillips~Thelander and Men~r reported present.~bsen~ Councilman Schnyder. ~~inutes read and approved ~rith the one exceptian that the Clerk ~ras instructed to add to the minutes of this previous meeting a section showing that Ordinance ~~umber 6q was passed at this meeting. Cammunications presented,reviewed and ordered f~ied. A cammunication from the Southern Caunties Gas Co.inelosir_g a Certificate of Santa ~aria Gas Co.on the transfer of ~'ranchise Ordinance No.Sg~granted Dec.I~~19~7 to the Santa ~iaria Gas Co.jhe eity Council signified their understanding and approval of this procedure. Upon motion by Councilman Phillips~seconded by - ~ Councilman Thelander and passed without dissent it was ordered that that portion of the minutes of the last meeting relating to the adopting of Ordinance # 6q be hereby nullified and set aside.This procedure :vas adopted because a confusion of dates resulted in this ordinance not being published within the time limit set by law ORDIRTANCE #~6~ AN ORDIN~iNCE AIt~NDING SECTION V OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 47 PASSED AND .~PTED JETNE 'j ~ 19 3 3• ~assed and adopted by the following vote on roll call. AYES. COUNCILMEN GIBS~N~PHILI.,IPS~THELANDER 8c NOES ~ NOIIVEE. ~BSENT. COtINCZL~dAI~T SCHNYDER. ~.ESOLUTION II4. CONCERNING THE ABANDONNI'ENT OF HARRISON STREET. ~ resolutiein by the ~rroyo Grande City Council sho~~ving that pursuant to Resolution II2 passed and adopted ~ Oct.I~194I,referrir~ to the closing up and abandonment of a portion of Harrisor~ Street that alldue requirements of law having been properly observed that this said portion of Harrison Street is hereby closed up and wholly abandoned. ~assed and adopted by the followir~g vote on roll call. :~YES. COUNCILMEN GIBSOl'P~PHILLIPS~THELANDER & ~~1~TNY. NOE.S . NOI~E . ABSENT . CC~INCI'Lb~RT SCHNXDER . RESOLUTICIN ~ II~. A resolution of the City ~auncil of the City of Arroyo Gr~nde adopting Budget and approving memorandum of agreement for expenditure of one fourth cen~ Gas T~ allocated for streets of major importance. Passed and adopted by the followin~ vote on roll call. AYES. COtTNCILMEN GIB~aN~PHILLk2PS~THELANDER & ~ENNY. NOF,~". NONE . ~iBSENT. COUNCIL~M~iN SCHNYDER. ~ _ _ _ CONTINUED GN 1~TEXT SHEET 23~ Arroya Grande~Cali~. , 1~a~?. ~9 ,194z . CC~NTINUED FROM P~iG~ ~ 232 i_! There w~s some discussion between the Council and ~he City ~ittorney concerning the proper type of inves~ments for inactive City F,znds.Na defina~e actia~ uvas ~aken a~, this meeting. q warrant - no.633 on the General ~'und far $~0~.04 was approved and ordered gaid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. i ~ . ~ r . ATTE~T . 0~`'~ ~ ~ ~-a-,. CITY . G ~YC3A. ~