Minutes 1941-12-03 ~34 ~ ~rroyp Grande~Calif. ~ ~ Dec.3,z94z. The City Council met in regular session ~ith ~ayor~ J.S. Gibson presiding. Upon roll call ~oczncilme~ P~iilligs~Thelander and B~enny reported presenti.Absent Councilman Sehnyder. ~~inutes of previous meeting read and ~.pproved as read. Commranications read and ardered filed. A petition f'rom residents and property ovvners of Tallyho Street requesting an oil surf~ce for thaf, street was ~ presented to the Couneil.After diseussion it was agreed to defer action on this until later. The questin oP ~he disposal Qf the old fire engine was reviewed at some ].engtk.Upon motion by Councilman ~enny~ seconded by Councilman Phillips and unanimously passed,the Council instructed Supt.Ewing to sell this old equipment~to the highest bidder. There was a Iong discussion concerning~.:~the advisability of this City.adopting t~h~ Calgon method of water treatment. The Couneil instructed ~iTater Supt.Ewing to or~er a 40~ lb. bbl. of Calgon so as to give this newr treatment method a f air trial.. ~he subject of the proper type of bonds in which to invest inactive City funds as d~scussed at the last meeting was reviewed in detail at this meeting.Na definite decision concerning this has yet been reached. ~%laims against the General Fund in the amount o~' $ Ig$~.20 the 'Nater Fund in the a.mount of $ 485.II ~and the ?~ater ~ieposit Fund in the amount of $ 36.0~ were audited~approved and ordered paid. . ~ta Purther business appear~ng and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. i , W . Gri(.t.~.~/ . 1~T~TEa`~' . CITY L~?K. M~tYC}~. ~S ~ ~ + _ . . ~ ~ . ~ . ~ . . 3 - - . . . ~ . . . . ~ ~ . - . . . ~