Minutes 1942-01-07 ~ 236 :Arroyo Grande ~Calif . ~ Jan.7~1942. The City Council met in regular session ~vith l~ayar J.S.Gibson presiding. Upg,~ ro call Couneilmen Schnyder~Thelander and ~lenny r~"~b~"~.Absent Gouncilman Phillips. ~iinutes of previaus meeting read and approved. Communications read and ordered filed.The only impo~tant communication reviewed was one that described new regulations to control the rationing of tires. Upon motion by Councilman Thelander~seconded by Councilman Sehnydes the Council agreed unanimously to furnish watchmen quartered in the Fire I~ouse with suitab].e sleeping equipment. Ordinanee ?I a blackout warning ardinanee drawn up°~periods o~`:~air.aria~d °alarm~,eame up for its first reading. Upon motion by Couneilman Schnyder~seconded by Couneilman Thelander and passed without dissent it was agreed that the purehase price of a Loud Speaker Announcing System be paid by the City. Upon motion by Councilman Thelander,seconded by Councilman Schnyderand unanimously passed it was agreed that begining with Jan.I~1942 that the salary oP ~.R. Van ~~Yormer~the City Attorney~be increased to $ 30.0~ per month. The Council instructed ~t.Supt.Ev~ing to ask for ~ bids an Sidewalk construction extending along the south~ side of Branch St.Starting at the intersection of Branch and ~ason Sts.and running east past the G.A.Ralph residence. The subject of a new City Hall and a suitable site for same was given a long review.RTo definite action or decision t~ken at this time. C?aims against the General,Fu~d in the amount of $ 6q7.62~the ~Tater Fund in the amount oP $ I198.6~~ the ~~ater ~posit Fund in the amount of $ 40.04 and the St.Improvement Fund in the amount oP $ 179.60 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned - 7~1~ ~L~- f ~TTEaT . ITY ' ~YOR. ..j_ . ;I. . . ~ . . . . . ~ . ~ ~ . I ~ . . , ^ ~ . . ~ . . . . . . . : . . : . ~ . . . . . . .