Minutes 1942-01-09 i _ ~rroyo Grande~Calif. Jan.9~1942. SPECIAL R~EETIIV'G t~F' THE ARRQYO GR~NDE CZTY` COUNCIL. ~ The City Council met in specia~ session for the purpose of:appointing a Ti~e Ra~tioning Board. ~resent were aIl members oP the Council inclu~ing D~ayor Gibsan~who c~xlled this meeting to order.None absent. After announcing the Furpose of this meeting and upon d~e discussion and'aeliberation~3 motion v~as regularly intraduced~seconde~ and unanimously carried~that the following ~ndividuals be appqinted and confirmed as members of the Tire Rationing Board~ R.B.&iineau~~ .Vard Laomis and ~ss vJenon~: ~aulsbury.Miss Saul.sbury was named as Secretary of this Board~ ~ ~ with R.B.B~.neau oceupying the p€~sition as Chairman. In order to px~ovid~ technieal~ knovaled.ge and advice to be at the service of the Tire R~tioning Board the following were na~ned as Tire Tnspec tors ~ Cuy ~almer ~-~~eek ~ B. Lambert and Dan Shaffer . 3 • t3w~~ The,: purpose ~'or wh~.ch this special meetin~ ~~vas called haVing been completed and no further business ap~earing the meeting was upon r~~ular motion adjourned. ; , > _ :~~rES~r . -W' CITY L~K. ~YOR. , a ! ~bY4~ .