Minutes 1942-03-04 24~ ~ ~rroyo Grande~Calif. ~fa.r . 4 ~ I~42 . The eity Council met in regular session with Mayor J.S.Gibson presiding. Upan roll call Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Thelander and ~denny reported prese~nt.Absen~ none. ~inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Comm~nications read and ordered filed. T'he following notice of election was read~approved and ordered published in the Heral.d-Recorder. NOTICE OF F~ECTION. ' Notice is hereby given that a General ~dunicipal Electior~ . will be held in the City af Arroya Grande~on Tuesday~the I4th day of Apri1~1942~for the following officers. Two Caunc i lmen - - _ - _ - - - ~'uIT Term C7ne Councilman - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~hort Term. There will be one voting precinct for the purpose of halding said election~consisting of the consolidation of the regular election precincts as no~x established For hold~ng state and county elections~as follows; Consolidated voting precinet".~" eomprising state and county Precinets Numb~rs Arroyo GrandeOne~ Two and Three and the polling place thereof sha12 be at the Arroyo Grande City Hall. The palls will be open between the h~urs of ei~ht o~clock A.M.and seven o ~ciock P.~. The following named persons have been duly appointed as election oFficer~ for the holdin~ and~r~conducting of said electian~ namely; INSPECTOR - - - - - - - - - - - Myrtle Bailey ~'UDGE ---------------Edna ~II.Schilling CLERKS - - - - - - _ ~Iae C.Ketchum& Annetta ~.~Whitlock. In all other particulars such election shall be held and eonducted in thE manner provided ~'or the holding and conductin~ of ~:unicipal Electians in said City and in accordance with the laws of the State of California applicable thereto. Dated thi s 4th da~r of ~arch,1942 . ~d.~~P.Rautzahn~City Clerk The compensation to be paid to the election officers for the General ~znicipal E3.ection to be held April I4th.I~42 was discussed and ardered fixed at the sum of Five Dollars ~~~.00) each. The efficiency of the present ~ir Horn used as a~lackout ~~arning Signal came in for some criticism.Upan motion~regularly ~ seconded and unanimously carried it was ordered that a second horn'be procured to supplement the single horn now in ~tse. The Council authorized Supt.Ewing to procure the following material.s~Paint suitable for the i~eservoir~far the Cables on the Swing Bridge and for the Pump House~ also regulation blackout lights fori the City Car used by him, - A n objection by L.A.IIrisco resulted in the Council ordering , ~ ~Supt.Ewing to discontinue the use of C~ty water to certain consumers ~~~vho had been receiving ~~~rater thru Briseo ~ s private pipe line. Upon motion by Cauncilman Schnyder~seconded by Councilman Thel~nder and passed ~rithout dissent it ~,~ras ordered that the State Dept.of Forestry be granted a lease on buildings located on the City p~rk Site. Such lease to run for thP balance of the year 1942 at a rental of ~I2.00 per month.It ~~~ras agreed that the first tr~ao months rental be v~aived because of c~rtain repairs - to be made by the flivision o£ Forestry. Upon motion regularly moved,seconded and unanimously carried Ivan Loomi,.s ~,~as a~pointed Chairman of a Bond Pledge Committee. OVER ~4-2 . ~ MARCH 4~ .L942 ~ CONTINUED ~ . Upon motion regularly seconded and passed witho~st_ aissent~tne Council ordered t~iat the following five license numbers be cancelled,IVo.3439,3463,36zo,3645 & - - 35 s~_ 3736.Cancelled because no Ionger in bu~~ness. C:laims against the General Fund in the 3moun~ af ~ 66~.90~the 'Nater Fu~d in the amount of $ 890.23 and the .Yater Deposit Fund in the amount of $ 32.00 ~rere audited~approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motior~ the meeting vras adjourned. ~4TTEST. W • - . D~~l. C~TY C K. ~OR. f M