Minutes 1942-04-01 ~ 244 ~ Arroyo Grande~Calif. ~ ~ ~pril I~Ig42. ~ The City Counci~ met in regular sessian wif.h ~ayor J.S.Gibson presiding. Upon rol2 call Councilme~ Phillips~achnyder~Thelander and ~i~nr~y reported present.Absent none. ~ ~inutes read and approve3. Communications read and ordered filed. There was a considerable discussion af eurbs and gatters and of various problems relating to ~Lreet Improvements. No definite action alon~ these lines was taken at this meeting. . The question of giving more water tQ consumers during a four r~onths period ia the summer season was taken under - advisement. a~n~~rrc~ ~ 73 4RDII~~lNCE ~NDI1~G QRDINI~NCE NETI~EI~ 4? p~~s5~ ~~p~D ~ 7 ~ 1933 ~ sY ~n~x~ TH[ERETQ SF~TIQNa III.~I~ IZIB ;A1~TD I~IC. Passed and ~dopted by ~he followin~ vote on roll call. ~5.~. COUNCIL~N ~IB50N ~ PH~tLLIPa ~ aCHNYDF~ ~ T~~.PTDEFt ~ND 1~N1~ . nraE;s. rroz~. ~s~. ~~x~. ~he questian of a change iz~ the City ~ater Ordinance that appeared to be advisable was discussed briefly.~fter advise by the City Attarney this matter wa~ refered to him. The condition oP the retaining walls used in the fill ~nd culvert on Branch ~t.at the ~Nhitely St.intersectio~ was reviewed at length.It was decided to investigate thia matter mare fully and also to consult the State Highway Authorities about thf s. The question of Danee Ha11s and oP Police eosts was again reviewed at length.A decisiom ~e o~ this wae posponed until a future date. ~la~ms against the General Fund in the amount oP $4 ~•$7 ~the ~Tater Fund in the amo~nt af $~$4.83 anc~ the ~4~~ter I~eposit Fund in the amot~nt of $ 32.~0 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. No Purther business appearing and upon motion the me~ting wa~ adjourned. , W• GL~ , ~ITTE~T. CITY IC• It~YDR. . ?