Minutes 1942-05-06 2 48 ~ A~rroyo Grande ~Galif . ~ ' k~ ~a.Y 6 ~ I~42 • The City Council met in regular session cvith ~yor J.S.Gibson presiding. Upon roll eall Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~`1`helander and ~enny reported present.Absent none. &~inutes of the previous regular meeting of ~pril 15th. read and approved as read.l~.inutes of the Special. Meeting of April 2lst.read and approved ~~vith the one exceptian that the Clerk was instructed to add a paragraph to these minutes sho~ving the reappointment by unanimous vote of J.S.Gibson to serve as ~ayor of this City for the ensuing four years. Communic~.tions read and ordered filed. `1'he City Attorney presented a communication received from the League oP California Citiesand pointed out the advantages eonfered by a membership in this boay.After discussion and upon motion regularly seconded and unanimously passed the Council voted to again become a member Cit~ in this arganization. The Council and the City Attorney discussed at some length the local fire ordinanc~ ~in particular as relating to certain fire h~:zards existing in this City.As a: result of this discussion the Council instructed Supt.Ewing to post with regular legal notices the old Brieger Store property. T~ae Couneil instrueted Supt.Ewing to lay in a stock oF the neeessary type of chemical to be used when needed for the chlorination of the City ~r~ater reservoir. Upon motion by Caunci-lman Phillips~seconded by Councilman Schnyder and passed without dissent the Council agreed to buy the Motor Grader owned by L.A.Brisco.This was the same equipment refered to in the minutes of April I~th. and the price ~as $ 700.00. ~A delagation of three~com~osed of B~.and ~s.Clevenger and ~ir.Illenstein appeared before the Council to discuss the dance hall situation .~fter a very long and complete review of this problem it tia~as moved by Councilman Schnyder~ seconded by Councilman Phillips and unanimously passe~3 that the license fee on dance halls be inereased to $ 39.0~ per quarter. ORDINANCE # ~4 AAT OR?IN~NCE REPEALING AND AMENDING SECTI019' I OF` d~N ~RDINANCE ENTITLED; ~AN OI~DINANCE OF THE CITY C~tIN~IL aF THE CITY OF ARRpYp G~ANDE~PKOVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF ~NATER RATE`5 TO BE MAI7E BY THE CITY aF AR~30Y0 GR~NDE FOR t~dATER SERVICES AND PROVIDING RtTLE`S AND REGUL~TIONa FOR THE ~tA.TER DEPARTMEIVT OF S~~D CZTY OF ARR0~0 GRANDE Pl~SSED ;~TD ~lDOPTED F'EBHUARY 19 ~ 193~ • Passed and adopted by the following vote on roll call. AYES. Ca~TNCIL~lEN GI~SQN~PHILLIFS~ ;CHNYDER~THELANDER :AI~TD ~ENNY. NOES . ~TONE . .~B aENT . NONE . R.B.~tiineau addressed the Council concerning the necessity of providing for a~aid Secretary for the Rationing Board.It was agreed that this should be provided for but tha~G it was an affair outside the jurisdiction of the Council. The c~uestion was raised about the taking of tl~e City Fire Engine outside of the City limits.The City ~ttarney agreed to give the required information in the near future. ------CE}NTINUEI3 ~~~7 ? :~rroyo Grande,~alif. ~ay 6,1942. ~ C~NTINUED FROM PAGE 248 1~ppointment of the follo~ing four Ct~mmittees was announced by ~ayor Gibson. I,Cc~mmittee on Finance ~Councilmen Ph~.llips and D~enny. 2~ f' Sts.&Town Property~ ~helander and l~enny._ 3~ " Police~~'ire& Jail~Schnyder and Thelander. z 4~ " `~+Vater Dept. i~hillips~Schnyder and ~enny. Claims against the General Fund in the amount of $ III~.46~ the ~Nater Fund in fi~he amount of $ I220.62 and the `~'ater Deposit Ftuid in the amount of ~ 36.00 were ~udited~approved and ordered paid. I~o Further business appearing and upon motion the meeting ~ras adjourned. ~TTEST . ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ ~ITY C . M~YOR.