Minutes 1942-07-15 r ; 255 A~rbyo Grande~~alif. ~ ~ July 15~Ig42. , The City Council met in regular session with ~ayor J.S. _ Gibson 1 r°~sidino. Upon roll c~ll Co~ncii~:~en ~~i_:~Iy:~~s~Sc'zny;~.er9T:-1~1~.n~~.~r ;r.~.3 i~enny reported present.Absen~t none. ~inutes af previous meetin~ »e~:d an3 ~~~~~~ve3 ~s read. Communica.tiatzs Px~ese:~ted ~ind ^ead.i?~e Clerk re~o~^ted a verbal communication direct from the State Highway Dept. showing that the final total-cost of servicing the Bridge on Bridge Street exceeded the original estimat~ as set forth in the agreement between the Department an~. the City~dated Nov.T9th.and Dec.19th. 194Iby the amount of $~85.OO.The City Attorney w~.s requested to lnvestigate this matter. ~ The matter af City maps was reviewed at length and ~ayor " ~ Gibsan was appointed ta cvnsult with an Engineer concerning this. &~ortorium ~rdinance~ # 76 was read far the first time. i City Auditor H.~.Truesdale presented his Annual Report and upon motion regul~rly moved,seconded and unanimously c~rried ,the Couneil ordered th~t this report be agproved and aceepted. Mr. Truesdale informed the Council that because of certain conditions beyond his cantrol he found it necessary to resign f'rom his position aF City Auditor.This resignation to become effective on July ~I~1942...Upon-regular motion passed without dissent this i~esignation ~:~as r~gretfuly accepted. The Chief of Folice anci the City Council engaged in a considerable discussion regarding the jail situation and the problem of drunks on City Streets.`~"he City ~ttorney was requested to investigate the legal aspects concerning this. Fire Chief Hart ~;resented a tentative estimatPd cost of $ 45.50 for a nevr door to the fire house.`~'he Council asked for a definite contract price in writing covering this item. Upon regular motion~seconded and unanimously passed the Cauncil authorized the rental of the ~iotor Grader ovvned by the City~to L.A.Brisco for a period of one month~at a rental of $250.00 The Clerks request for additional compensation to eover increased cost of secretarial help as mentioned in minutes of last meeting was denied by the Council. No further b~~siness appearing and u~on motion t:ne meeting was adjourned. ?,t1 • ATTEST. CITY , ~AYQR. ; ~ i ~ I. !