Minutes 1942-12-16 ~62 ~ t~rroyo Grande ~ Calif . ~ ~ D~c. 2~ Iq42. ~ The City Council met in regular session with ~ayor J.S.Gibson presiding. Upon roll call C~uncilmen Phillips~Schnyder~ and ~enny reported present.<~bsent Councilman `i'helander. ~inutes af previous rneeting re~d and approved. Communic~tions read and ardered filed:.A communic3ti~n froro the ~iodel Linen Supply Co.requestin~ a license reclassification into a lower rate bracket was discussed by ths Council.i7pon regular motion~seconded and unanimously passed it was agreed that begining with the first quarter oF z9~3 to fix this lieense at ~ 3.Q0 per qu~rter. ~,fter considerable discussio~ of the firs risk at the Dance Hall on Branch St. Police ChieP I~eKenzie was rec~uested by the Council to see what could be donein obtaining wider and safer exits. Upon regular motion~seconded ~nd passed without dissent~the Council authorized Chief b:cKenzie to purchase for City use a Finger ~rint t~it. Claims against the General ~'und in the amount of $ 676 .I2 ~ the ~iater ~"und in the amount of $ 483.~I and th~ `:~~ter D~posit Fund in the amount of $ 24.~0 were audited~~pproved and ordered ~aid. No furth~r business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~ ATTEST . % p` ~ . ~ I'TY CL~RK . ~ ~Y R. , , ~rroyo Grande~Calif. ~ec .16,19~2. The City Couneil met in regular session with Bdayor J.S.Gibsc~n presiding. Upan roll ca11 Cauncilmen Phillips~Schnyder, Thelander and ~enny re~orted pre~ent.~bsent none. ~inutes oP previous meeting read ~nd appraved. There ~.~ere no communic~tions to be r~ad. There ti~vas a short discussior. of a very fe~a~ subjects but no motions were introduced. and no definite action taken. No business having appeared at this ~eeting and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. t~- ATZ'Ea`f`. • ~,{f • CITY C . MAYOR.