Minutes 1943-01-20 2~4 ~ ~ ~rroyo Grande ~ Calif . ~ ~an. 20, z943.. ~'he City Council met in regul~r ,session vrith ~a.yo~ J.~.Gibson presidin~. Up~n roll call Cauncilme~n Phillips~~ehnyder~ Thelander and ~enny re~aorte~. present.:~bsent none. `l~inutes of previous meeting read and approved. There ~vere no eommunieations to be read. ~jrs ~iurrell and ~uirs ~oss a~peared before the Council as representatives of the ~rroyo Gran~.e ~yo~zans C1ub.They statP~ that it w~.s the desire of their Club to install cert~in improvements~consisting of Barbecue Pitts and Tables on the eity Park Site.After discussion the Council informed these ladies that if their Club would raise $ I00.00 for this purF~se that the City would mateh it with 2n equal sum.This was done by a regular motian~sec~nded and unanimously passed. ~;~.r C:linton Loo~is as Agent d~seussed with the Council the aclvisability of i'ublic Libility Insurance for this City.He quoted rates anc~ other det~ils connected ~ith this coverage.A decisi~n on this was defered until later. P~lice Chief ~ricKenzie held a discussian with the Council regarc~~n~ cert3in fire hazards prevailing in varic~us buildings in this City.Upon regular ~otion~ seconded and passed ~~vitho~~t dissent t~e ~ity Clerk was ir,structed to ~tarite the State Fire Authorities for information coverin~ this subject. Upon motion by Councilman T~elander,seconded by ' Councilman Menny and unanirr:ously passec~ it was ordered ~ that ~drs George Carnes be appointed City Auditor at a salary of ~ 3p.00 per quarter. ~?aims agaznst the General Fund in the amount of $ 458.04 and the ~~ater F'und in the amount of $ I2.S9 were a~adited~approved"and ordered paid. ~to further business appParing and upon motion the meetir~ was adjourned. zv-w- ; ATTEST. ' CITY LERK. ~qyQR.