Minutes 1943-02-03 . . . . ~y. ~ ~ . ~'~a ~'~dt~~alif, Feb.3,1943. The ~ity ~auncil met im regular session with Ada.yor J.S.Gibson presiding. ~pon roll call Couneilmen Phillips~Schnycler~~'helander and ~~r~? reported present.Absent none. inutes of prev3ous meettng read and ~pproved. ~'here were no communications to be read. ~Tpon motion by Councilman Scht~yder~seeo~ded by ~ouncilman Thelander and unanimously passe8~a bi~. by the - Union OiI Co. to furnish ga.soline for C~ty use for the year ~943 at a priee of thirteen and one half cents per gallon~~as accepted by the Council. After discussion i~ was agreed by the Couneil that it would be advisable to eont.act the City Attcrney by mail~ relatfve to his plans for carryin,g on necessary work in his - department. Claims a~air~st the General ~'t~nd in th~ amount of $ 64~.61~the Water Fund fn the amount of $ 3$5.23 and the ~Yater D~posit Fund in the amount of $~C.O~ were audited~ approved ar~d ordered paid. No Purther business ~.ppearir~ and upon motion the meetfn,~ ~vas ad~our~ed. ~TTF~T. w ' w ' ~IT~ C R. OI~. _ Arroyo Crande ~ Calf F. Feb. I~! I~43. ~'he City Counei2 me~ in regular session ~rith ]~~yor J.~.Gib~on presidin~g. Upon ro11 eall Couneilmen Sehnyder~Thelander and ~enn~r reported pre~e~n~.Absent Couneilman Phi,llip8. ~inutes of previous meetir~g read and apprpved, Commun3cations read and ordered fil~d. The Council approved putting grave~ on Leedham Lane~ ~ A~1.aim agafr.~t the ~later D~posit Ft~nc~ fn the amou~t o~' ~ I2.~4 was audited~approved and orderec~ pa3d. ~'o further busines~ appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. f f ~TTEST. ~ • L~;RK. ~AY~R.