Minutes 1943-02-17 ` ~d~~~a2if, Feb.~~194~• The ~%ity ~ouncil met im regular sess~.on v~ith ~ayor J.S.Gibsan presiding. ~pon roll call Councilmen Ph311ips~Schnyder~3'helander and ~e~,y reported present.Absent none. inutes of previous meeting read and approved. There wer~ no co~unications to be read. Upon motion by Councilman Sehnyder~seeo~ded by ~ouncilman Thelander and ~na.ni~nously passed~a bid by the Union C}~I Cc. to i"~rni~h gasoline for C~ty use For the yea~ z943 at a price of thirteen and one half centss per ~allon~was aceepted by the Council. After discussion i~ was agreed by the Council that it would be advisable to contact the City Attorney by ma3l~ relat~ve to his plans for carryir~ on neeessary work in his - departmenL. Claims a~ainst the Genera2 Fttnd in the amount of $ 645.61~~he ~ater Fund in the amount oF $ 38~.23 ar~d the - Water Deposit Fund fn the amount of $ 3~.pp wer~ audited~ approved and ardered paid. ~'o further business appearing and upon motion the meetiiag ~as ad~ourned. ~iTTI+~~. W ' W ' ~ITY' C K. OR. _ Arroyo GT$nde! Ca2i~. Feb. Ic~q.~~ 2'he City Couneil met in regular session vv~ith ~a~yor J.~.Gib~on presidir~g. ' Upan roll call Coune3lmen Sehnyder~~helander and ~en~y reported pres~nt.~bsent CoUnef2man Fhillips. ~inutes of previous meeting read and apprpved. Com~uxnications read and ordered filed. The Counci2 approved puttir~g grave~, cn ~eedham Lane, A elaim against the [~ater~I~po~it Fund fn the amount of $ I2.pp was audited~app~*oved and ordered pa3d. No further busine~s appear~n~ and upon motion the meetir3g vvas adjourned. ~ ~ . . W ~1~."I'EST. ~ ~ • L£~?K. ~ ~AYC}R,