Minutes 1943-03-03 266 ~ ' ' ~rroyo Grande~ Calit'. ~ 3 ~ ~943 • The City CQUneil met in regular session ~#.th ~ayor J.~.Gib~on presiding. Upo~ ro2i csll Couneilmen Philligs~Schn,yder~ The].ant3er and Menny reported present.Absen~t none. ~inutes of previous meeting read and approved. Communications read and ordered f~led. The Auditor presented a report eovering the period from May I~1942 to Jan.3z,z943.The Couneil ruled that approval and aceeptance be subjeet to Purth~r inspeetion. ~r.Clin~on Loomia a~aatn diseussed with the Couneil the advisability og Pub3ie Liabil~.ty Insurance for this City.Upon motion by Councilman Phillip~~seconded by Counci2man Thelander and unani~oussly passed it ~ras decidec~. that this #~••insurance coverage be purchased by ~the Citv. Claims aga.inst the General Fund ir~ the amaunt of $~$4.72,the ~ater Fund in th~ amount oP $~2.~9 and the Wat~r Deposit Fund in the amount of $~.OQ were audited~apprflved and ordere8 paid. No ifiirther business appearing and upon motion the meeting vuas ad~ourned. ~ ~ f ~ ' ' ` Ciii ~~i ~ Arroyo Grandet Calif. Ddar. I~, 1943. , The City Council metin regular $ession with ~a~or J.~.Gibson presidi~g. Upon roll call ~oun~ilr~en Phillipa'SchnLqd.er~ Thelander arid Men~y repvrted pre~ent.Absent aose. ~tinute$ of previous meetin,g read and approved. Qomr~nieations resd ~nd crdered Piled. A eom~nunieation recEived from the 6oun"ty ~~~lth Hept.Was read at this meeti~a,g .The subject of th3s co~unication was the creating of a publie dumping nr rubbish disposaT ground or~ City owned land at the Sewer Farm Tract.After Iang discussion it was agre~d to-defer a deei~ion on this sub~eet until a later date. No furth~r btasiness appearing and upvn mction the meetir~g was ad~ ourned. - : ~ . ATTEST. ' - - ~ CI2'Y T,~~ ~AY~.