Minutes 1943-03-17 266 . ~ ~ ° Arrayo c~anae, caZif. ~ ~ ~ ~~r.~ 3 ~ 1943 • The City Couneil met in regu.lar session ~ith ~ayor J.~.Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Cauncilmen Phillips~Schnyder~ Thelander and ~enr~y reported present.Abs~nt none. I~inutes o~' previous meeting read and approved. Communieations read and ordered ~ile8. The Auditor presented a repc~rt covering the period from I~fay S~1942 to Jan.31,19~3.The Couneil ruled t~iat approval and acceptanee be subjeet to further inspeetion. i~r.Clinton Loomis a,~ain discussed with the Couneil the advisability oP Pt~blic Lia~bility Insuranee for this City.Upon motion by Councilman F'hillip~~seconded by Co~nci2m~n Thelander and unanimou~ly passed it rvas deEid~d that this #~3w.•insuranee coverage be purehased by the City. Cl~ims against the General Fund i~ the amcwnt of $'~84.72,the Water Fund ~n the amount of $~2.?9 and the Water Deposit Fund in the amount of $~.04 were audited~approved ax~d ordered paid. No ftzrther business appearing and upcn mot~on the meeting was ad~curned. . ra . . , , -~,1 ~ITTE`ST. CITY K. ~IYQR. Arroyo Grandey Calif. ~ar. z~, z943. , The City Ccuacil metin re~ular ~ession with ~ayor J.S.Gibson presid3.ng. ~ Upon roll call CQUncilra~en P2~illip~slSchr;~yder~ Thelander aud l~en$y report~d present.~bsent aane. Minutes oP previous meeting read and apprcved. Qommunicationa read and ordered filed. A eommunieation recEi~ed from the 6oun'~y xealth Hept.Was read at this meetiag .The subject of th3,s cc~manicatioa was the creating of a public dumping nr rubbish dispo~al ground or~ City o~raed la~d at the Se~rer Farm Tract.After lor~ diseusaicn it ~ras agreed to~defer a deci~ion on this sub~eet until a lat~r 8ate. ~'o f~a.rther business appearing and upon motion ~he meetir~g v~as ad~ ourned. ~ ATTEST. J~L• ,2~ - ~ ~~0'l' CITY L~tK ~t~.