Minutes 1943-04-07 267. Arroyo Grandei Califl. - April. 7~ 1943. The City Council m~t in re~ular session with ~ayor J.S.Gibson pres3ding. . a s ~ Upon roll call Couz~cilmen Phillip~s~Sehnyder 2'helarider and ~enn~p reported present.Absent none. , ~Iinutes of previo~xs meeting read and approved. ~mm~nications read and ordered filed. ~ppesring at this mesting as th~ representative of County interests was ~dr.Ben ~onrad.He displayed maps and discu~se8 with the Eity Couneil the rubbish dispoaal pro~eet slated fc?r the City Se~rer Farm Tract~AYt~r a ' long revie~r of thi~ sub~ect the ~ouneil ~ave their approv~.l` to the going ahead v~ith this plaa with the stipulation that after a fair tr3al if the pro~eet fai~.ed to come up to expeetations it eould b~ terminated at the discretion of the City. RESOLUTION # S24 Th~ C~ty Couneil discussed in coasiderable detail the advisability of adopting this resolution ~hieh appear~ below.Couneilman Schr~gder then mov~d tha~ thi~ resolution b~ adopt~d.Couneilm~n Phillips ~eeonded this mot~on. RE30I~TTI ~N # I2~ ~ RF~OLUTI aN OF TF~E CI TY C4UNCI L 4F THE CI TY OF ARR4YQ GRANDE ~ COUNTSt OF SAl~' LiJZ ~ ~BISPO~STATE t}F CALI~ORAtI~~APPROVIN'G ~ FAITHFUL pEftFOR~ANCE BtJI~D I~ATID D~C~dBII~ ~ I~42 Al~'D CANCELLING FAI`I'HFt1~ PII~FORMAl~'CE Bo~ n~,T~ ~nc~B~ zg~ 193~~R~~.2~ To FRA~1'CHISE C~2ANTED B'3~ ORDINANrCE NB. }~4. PASSED AND ADf?PTID BY TFiE F4LL~WING VOTE 0~ ROLL C~LL. AY.F.~. . COLTATCII~dF.~+T GIBSQN~ PHIILLIF~ ~ SC'HNYDER AN'D ~f~. N(?FS. . I~ONE. NOT VOTING. . CQUNCIL1~dAN THEI~AANUER. ABSEPfiT..1ST019'E ~ Upon motion by Councilman Sehnyd~r~seeonded by Couneilm~n Thelander and unanimously passed~a~proval was given for the surfacing of Bridge St.between Pool~ and Branch Streets,this work to be done by day laboz~ under supervision of L..~.Briseo and the City. Upon motion by Cauncilman P'hillips~seconded by Councilman ~"helander and passed withou~G dissent it was agreed that L.A.Briseo be authorized to proceed with the repair of the fill on East Branch S~.under super~isi4n of State Hig~hway Authoritie,s. Th~ following claims as itemized below ~ere audited~ • approved and ordered paid .C~laim and ~arrant # 29~ far ~~.I~ on the ~eneral Fund to Brisco Nursery wa.s not approved. This billing should have gcne to the Hi~h School and ~va~ n0t ' owed by the City. Claims against the Ger~eral Ftind in the amount o~' ~~o3b.62~the ~ater Fund in the amount ot' $ 37~.~~~ ; the ~~ter ~eposit F'~,ind in the amount oP ~ 24.p4 and the Vietory Tax F'und in the amount of ~ 45.~0. : No f'~irther busi~ess appearing and upo~ motion the meeting was ad~ourned. ! AT~ES~. w ~ . C~TY` LE~ ~lYOR. ,